Releases: logicmonitor/lm-powershell-module
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Get-LMAlerts cmdlet from respecting custom -Sort parameters.
- Fixed a bug that prevented setting a prefered log collecor when using Set-LMDevice. Use -EnableLogCollection $true to enable log collection on the device while specifying a preferred log collector using -LogCollectorId.
- Bug fix with Get-LMLogMessage. Fixed issue with Async queries defaulting to 15minute time range.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Get-LMDeviceData cmdlet from working when no end date was provided. If no StartDate is provided it will default to 7 days ago. If no EndDate is provided it will default to the current date. (reported by Kenneth L.)
New Cmdlets
- Get-LMLogMessage: Added cmdlet to get log messages.
Note: The Log Message cmdlets are currently only supported for the v4 API and are not supported in the v3 API currently, they are being added to the module as a preview feature for select users until the v3 API is updated to support them in which case the cmdlets will be updated to support the v3 API and available to all users.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug the prevented certain size json objects from being sent to the LM API due to the default depth of 2 being too small.
New Cmdlets
- New-LMNormalizedProperties: Added cmdlet to create normalized properties.
- Remove-LMNormalizedProperties: Added cmdlet to remove normalized properties.
- Get-LMNormalizedProperties: Added cmdlet to get normalized properties.
Note: The normalized properties cmdlets are currently only supported for the v4 API and are not supported in the v3 API currently,. They are being added to the module as a preview feature for select users until the v3 API is updated to support them in which case the cmdlets will be updated to support the v3 API and available to all users.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that caused Informational console logs from being displayed. Cmdlets that previously on output status messages to the console should once again produce output as informational stream data.
6.5 Release notes
Module Updates/Changes
- Set-LMDeviceDatasourceInstance: Added
parameter to control property update behavior. Defaults to "Replace" to match other property-related cmdlets. - Copy-LMDashboard: Added
parameter (hashtable) to override tokens when cloning dashboards. - Copy-Report: Now accepts a report object as a template for cloning. This enables customization of properties, resource scope, and other parameters before creating the copy.
- New-LMNetScan and Set-LMNetScan: Added
parameter that accepts a PSCustomObject to define scan scheduling. Maintains default manual scheduling when parameter is omitted.
New Cmdlets
- Remove-LMDeviceGroupProperty: Enables removal of device properties at the resource group level.
Bug Fixes
- Set-LMCollectorConfig: Resolved an issue where similar configuration paths could cause unintended multiple updates.
- Bug fix for Connect-LMAccount. -DisableConsoleLogging was incorrectly getting set when not specified.
Module Updates/Changes
- Write-LMHost has been removed entirely starting in this version and replaced with native Write-Information,Warning and Error cmdlets. If you would like to suppress the output of these cmdlets you can use the $InformationPreference, $DebugPreference and $WarningPreference variables. Additionally you can use the -DisableConsoleLogging switch on Connect-LMAccount to suppress Write-Information output.
- New/Updated Pester tests have been added to validate the module builds and ensure functionality for the following cmdlets:
- AccessGroup
- AppliesToFunction
- AppliesToSearch
- Device
- DeviceGroup
- NetScanGroup
- OpsNotes
- ReportGroup
- Users/Roles
- Website
- WebsiteGroup
New Cmdlets:
- New-LMAccessGroupMapping: This cmdlet will create a new access group mapping/unmapping based on specified module and accessgroups.
New Cmdlets:
- Get-LMLogSource: This cmdlet will retrieve data for specified LogSources.
- Remove-LMLogSource: This cmdlet will remove a specified LogSource.
- Test-LMAppliesToQuery: This cmdlet will retrieve the results for a specified AppliesToQuery string, similar to the Test AppliesTo button in the portal UI.
Updated Cmdlets:
- Export-LMLogicModule: Added support for LogSources.
- Get-LMAlert: Fixed incorrect type filter for EventSources. Issue #11
- New-LMOpsNote: Fixed bug causing device and website ID scopes to not be properly set. Issue #10
- Set-LMDeviceDatasourceInstanceAlertSetting: Fixed bug causing instance id lookup to fail when specifying instance name.
New Cmdlets:
- Get-LMAccessGroup: This cmdlet will retrieve data for specified LogicMonitor access groups. You can retrieve all access groups or limit the results using -Id, -Name or -Filter parameters.
- New-LMAccessGroup: This cmdlet creates a new LogicMonitor access group.
- Set-LMAccessGroup: This cmdlet updates an existing LogicMonitor access group.
- Remove-LMAccessGroup: This cmdlet removes a new LogicMonitor access group.
- Get-LMDeviceDatasourceInstanceAlertRecipients: Retrieves the alert recipients for a specific data point in a LogicMonitor device datasource instance.
- Remove-LMDeviceDatasourceInstanceGroup: Removes a LogicMonitor device datasource instance group.
- Set-LMDeviceDatasourceInstance: Updates a LogicMonitor device datasource instance.
Note: Access Groups are not available in all portals and needs to be enabled before any access group commands can be utilized.
Updated Cmdlets:
- Get-LMDeviceDatasourceList: Added aliases -DeviceId and -DeviceName to the -Id and -Name parameters to make them inline with other cmdlets.
- Get-LMDeviceDatasourceInstance: Added aliases -DeviceId and -DeviceName to the -Id and -Name parameters to make them inline with other cmdlets.
- Get-LMDeviceDatasourceInstanceAlertSetting: Added aliases -DeviceId and -DeviceName to the -Id and -Name parameters to make them inline with other cmdlets. Also fixed bug causing an issue when trying to retrieve instances with special characters in the name.
- Get-LMDeviceDatasourceInstanceGroup: Added aliases -DeviceId and -DeviceName to the -Id and -Name parameters to make them inline with other cmdlets.
- Remove-LMDeviceDatasourceInstance: Fixed bug that would prevent a datasource instance from being delete due to missing instance id.