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@stevevillardi stevevillardi released this 05 Jul 13:59
· 31 commits to main since this release


New Cmdlets:

  • Get-LMAccessGroup: This cmdlet will retrieve data for specified LogicMonitor access groups. You can retrieve all access groups or limit the results using -Id, -Name or -Filter parameters.
  • New-LMAccessGroup: This cmdlet creates a new LogicMonitor access group.
  • Set-LMAccessGroup: This cmdlet updates an existing LogicMonitor access group.
  • Remove-LMAccessGroup: This cmdlet removes a new LogicMonitor access group.
  • Get-LMDeviceDatasourceInstanceAlertRecipients: Retrieves the alert recipients for a specific data point in a LogicMonitor device datasource instance.
  • Remove-LMDeviceDatasourceInstanceGroup: Removes a LogicMonitor device datasource instance group.
  • Set-LMDeviceDatasourceInstance: Updates a LogicMonitor device datasource instance.

Note: Access Groups are not available in all portals and needs to be enabled before any access group commands can be utilized.

Updated Cmdlets:

  • Get-LMDeviceDatasourceList: Added aliases -DeviceId and -DeviceName to the -Id and -Name parameters to make them inline with other cmdlets.
  • Get-LMDeviceDatasourceInstance: Added aliases -DeviceId and -DeviceName to the -Id and -Name parameters to make them inline with other cmdlets.
  • Get-LMDeviceDatasourceInstanceAlertSetting: Added aliases -DeviceId and -DeviceName to the -Id and -Name parameters to make them inline with other cmdlets. Also fixed bug causing an issue when trying to retrieve instances with special characters in the name.
  • Get-LMDeviceDatasourceInstanceGroup: Added aliases -DeviceId and -DeviceName to the -Id and -Name parameters to make them inline with other cmdlets.
  • Remove-LMDeviceDatasourceInstance: Fixed bug that would prevent a datasource instance from being delete due to missing instance id.