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@stevevillardi stevevillardi released this 06 May 15:44
· 41 commits to main since this release


New Cmdlets:

  • Get-LMAWSAccountId: This cmdlet is used to retrieve the AWS Account ID associated with the LogicMonitor account.
  • Get-LMConfigsourceUpdateHistory: This cmdlet retrieves the update history for a LogicMonitor configuration source. It can be used to get information about the updates made to a configuration source, such as the update reasons and the modules that were updated..
  • Invoke-LMAWSAccountTest: This cmdlet will test for required permissions needed to add an AWS account to LogicMonitor.
    Invoke-LMAWSAccountTest -ExternalId "123456" -AccountId "987654" -AccessId "AKI123" -AccessKey "abc123" -AssumedRoleARN "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyRole" -CheckedServices "EC2,S3,RDS" -GroupId 123
  • Invoke-LMAzureAccountTest: This cmdlet will test for required permissions needed to add an Azure account to LogicMonitor.
    Invoke-LMAzureAccountTest -ClientId "xxxxxxxx" -SecretKey "xxxxxxxx" -SubscriptionIds "xxxxxxxx"
  • Invoke-LMAzureSubscriptionDiscovery: This cmdlet invokes the Azure subscription discovery process to return subscriptions for a specified client Id.
      Invoke-LMAzureSubscriptionDiscovery -ClientId "xxxxxxxx" -SecretKey "xxxxxxxx" -TenantId "xxxxxxxx"
  • Invoke-LMGCPAccountTest: This cmdlet will test for required permissions needed to add an GCP project to LogicMonitor.
     Invoke-LMGCPAccountTest -ServiceAccountKey "service-account-key" -ProjectId "project-id"

Updated Cmdlets:

  • Get-LMDatasourceUpdateHistory: Added custom object return type LogicMonitor.ModuleUpdateHistory.
  • Set-LMDevice: Added additional parameter -AutoBalancedCollectorGroupId to specify an auto balanced collector group.