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Peter Buchegger edited this page Sep 5, 2021 · 5 revisions


Set the field callsign to your official callsign.


"callsign": "OE0ABC-10",


Set one, more or no Wifi access point with the wifi array. If you want to use no Wifi access point just delete the wifi array.

one AP


"wifi": {
	"AP": [
			"password": "YOURPASSWORD"

multiple APs


"wifi": {
	"AP": [
			"password": "YOURPASSWORD"
			"password": "YOUR_OTHER_PASSWORD"

general network stuff

You can use the network section to define a static IP with subnet, gateway and DNS settings. The default is to use the IP from a DHCP server via the DHCP field set to true.


"network": {
	"DHCP": true,
	"staticIP": "",
	"subnet": "",
	"gateway": "",
	"dns1": "",
	"dns2": ""

beacon settings

The message field in the beacon section is to set the message which should be beaconed via APRS-IS and/or HF. Keep in mind: on HF it is better to use very short messages!

The position field should be set to your position which should be displayed for other users or etc.

The timeout field is used to set when the next message should be beaconed on APRS-IS and/or HF. The timeout is in minutes.


"beacon": {
	"message": "LoRa iGATE & Digi, Info:",
	"position": {
		"latitude": 0.000000,
		"longitude": 0.000000
	"timeout": 15


The aprs_is section is used to set the APRS-IS settings. If the APRS-IS connection is build up, the beacon message is always published from the beacon section.

You can activate or deactivate (in case of Digipeater only) the APRS-IS connection with the active field.

You need to set your passcode if you want to have a APRS-IS connection. You can generate the passcode with this webpage:

With the server field you can change between different servers. Some example servers:

  • (will chose everytime a different server in europe.)
  • ...

With the port field you can set the port on the APRS-IS server. The default is 14580 and is used in 99% of all servers.


"aprs_is": {
	"active": true,
	"passcode": "",
	"server": "",
	"port": 14580


In the digisection is used to setup a digipeater.

You need to follow the restrictions of your country! Do NOT activate the digipeater when you are not allowed to run a self-working station!

To activate the digipeater set the active field to true.

If you want to send out your beacon position with message, set the beacon field to true.


"digi": {
	"active": false,
	"beacon": false


In the lora section you can change various parameter for the LoRa modem. Just change this settings of you know what you are doing.


"lora": {
	"frequency_rx": 433775000,
	"frequency_tx": 433775000,
	"power": 20,
	"spreading_factor": 12,
	"signal_bandwidth": 125000,
	"coding_rate4": 5


The display section is used to control the behavior of the OLED display.

If you want your OLED to be always on you need to set the always_on field to true. This should be used to debug some issues or check if everything is working. In normal operation this setting should be switched to false as the OLED will burn in very fast in.

If you have always_on set to false the field timeout will be used to turn of the display after a certain time (seconds).

You can use the field overwrite_pin if you attached an external switch to one ESP GPIO. With this button you can activate the OLED again if it is turned off (currently not working as some parts in the code are missing).

If your display is upside down, try to change the field turn180 to false.


"display": {
	"always_on": true,
	"timeout": 10,
	"overwrite_pin": 0,
	"turn180": true

FTP server

The iGate has an build in FTP server which you can use to update the configuration.

Use the field active to activate the FTP server.

The user array can be used to define one or more users which can access the FTP Server.

example with one user:

"ftp": {
	"active": false,
	"user": [
			"name": "ftp",
			"password": "ftp"

example with two users:

"ftp": {
	"active": false,
	"user": [
			"name": "ftp",
			"password": "ftp"
			"name": "other_user",
			"password": "other_pass"

NTP server

With the field ntp_server it is possible to set an ntp server to fetch the current time.


"ntp_server": ""