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Peter Buchegger edited this page Oct 22, 2023 · 5 revisions

These boards are known to work with the LoRa_APRS_iGate firmware.

These boards can be used for Stationary iGates:

  • Heltec WiFi LoRa 32 V1 (433MHz SX1278)
  • Heltec WiFi LoRa 32 V2 (433MHz SX1278)
  • TTGO LORA32 433MHz ESP32 LoRa V1.0
  • TTGO LORA32 433MHz ESP32 LoRa V2.0
  • TTGO LORA32 433MHz ESP32 LoRa V2.1

The following boards have a GPS and can be used for both Stationary and Mobile iGates:

  • TTGO T-Beam 433MHz ESP32 LoRa V0.7
  • TTGO T-Beam 433MHz ESP32 LoRa V1.0
  • TTGO T-Beam 433MHz ESP32 LoRa V1.1

TTGO LORA32 433MHz ESP32 LoRa V2.0

image Photo credit: TTGO LoRa V2.0 product literature

TTGO T-Beam 433MHz ESP32 LoRa V1.0

V1.0 boards have three push-button switches

T-Beam_1 0 Photo from TTGO T-Beam product literature

TTGO T-Beam 433MHz ESP32 LoRa V1.1

V1.1 boards have three push-button switches Note that the position of some of the integrated circuits on the board have moved.

T-Beam_1 1 Photo from TTGO T-Beam product literature