Modifies BTX (and BTXMinusWeapons, if present) for CAC.
Installation: (requires working BTX installation)
- Download CustomBundle version >= 0.2.96
- Download IRTweaks
- Download IRBTModUtils
- Remove BTMLColorLOSMod and MechResizer from your BTX installation (as CAC and CU basically do the same)
- Add IRBTModUtils and IRTweaks to your mods folder
- Add CustomAmmoCategories, CustomComponents, CustomLocalization, CustomActivatableEquipment and CustomUnits to your mods folder (only add these 5 from CustomBundle, the rest is not needed)
- Remove the folder CustomAmmoCategories/StreamingAssets
- Add BTX_CAC_Compatibility, overriding files from anything previously mentioned and MissionControl and BiggerDrops
Component list (Clan & SLDF ones included):
Weapons (& Ammo)
- Energy
- PPC: added FI OFF mode
- ER PPC: -
- Snub PPC: single projectile, damage falloff over medium range
- Laser: -
- ER Laser: -
- Pulse Laser: fixed animation
- Tag: -
- Flamer: added forestfires
- Ballistic
- AC: fixed firing speed, only one visual projectile
- LBX: added cluster/slug ammo, cluster ammo uses CAC shells instead of multiple projectiles
- UAC: fixed firing speed, only one visual projectile, added AC mode (1 shot, but +4 acc)
- Gauss: -
- MG: added double speed mode (double shots, -4 acc, +5 heat)
- AMS: MG that shoots at incoming missles (20 shots at 0.5 acc) (can overload for 30 shots + jam chance / can be used as MG)
- Missle
- LRM: added hotload mode
- Artemis IV LRM: added hotload mode, changed acc to +4 in direct fire (+0 indirect), added clustering
- SRM: added inferno ammo (inferno causes fires everywhere)
- Artemis IV SRM: added inferno ammo, added clustering, +4 acc
- Streak SRM: added inferno ammo, added streak effect+clustering
- Narc: -
- ATM: added 3 modes instead of 3 ammo types, trading damage for range (Clan magic lets them be loaded with exactly the correct ammo types)
- Infernos: Broken, use SRM inferno ammo instead (TODO check if something is still using them)
- Artillery
- Thumper: light artillery (replaces HM mortar / + version for Bull Shark)
- Sniper: medium artillery (found in mining shops / TODO: add Helepolis HEP-3H mech, used by ComStar)
- Long Tom: heavy artillery (special, only for Bull Shark with special event)
- Arrow IV: medium artillery (lostech / FP reward / TODO: check how to add to itemcollections after 3044)
- Energy
- Guardian ECM: -20% detectability, 180m aura (+4 defense, indirect immune, sensorlock immune) (friendly only) (blue)
- Liao Prototype ECM: -10% detectability, 90m aura (+4 defense, indirect immune, sensorlock immune) (friendly only) (blue)
- Packrat ECM (only in Packrat vehicle): 90m aura (+4 defense, indirect immune) (friendly + enemy) (blue)
- AP
- Beagle Active Probe: +150m sensor range, free action sensor lock, 120m active probe ping (free action) (brown)
- Liao Prototype AP: +100m sensor range, 90m active probe ping (brown)
- Mech Quiks
- Improved Sensors Quirk: +50m sensor range (stacks with AP)
- Improved Comms Quirk: 200m aura (removes sensorlock immune) (hostile only) (green)
- AMS: Broken, use Ballistic Weapon AMS instead
- TSM: Auto activates at >27 heat (*2 melee damage, + 60m movement)
- Prototype TSM: Auto activates at >27 heat (*1.5 melee damage, +30m movement)
- MASC: Activatable (*2 speed) (fail chance 15%, add up per turn in use)
TODO: edit texts
TODO: Tag & Narc to hit bonus instead of damage bonus?
TODO: NullSignature & Chamaeleon
TODO: targeting patch for indirect fire
TODO: price changes for ecm/ap, ams
TODO: Flamers & Inferno ammo balance
Known bugs: CustomLoc patchig strings, inferno/flamer floaties
If you want Urban vehicles to leave blood on destruction, look at CACs settings and change "DrawBloodChance" to 0.3
manual deployment can be enabled via CU, set "DeployManual": to true to do so (warning: laggy)
TODO: Vehicles?
- CMiSSioN for CustomBundle
- everyone involved in RougeTech (also Crackfox for Vanilla CAC) for examples and inspiration on how to use CB
- Haree for BTX