This blog post is one of a five part series.
- Part 1: Range Coding
- Part 2: A Complete Toy Range Coder
- Part 3: Literal-Only LZMA
- Part 4: Lempel-Ziv, Markov-chain
- Part 5: XZ
One difference between the toy range-coder from the previous post and a real LZMA coder is using base-256 digits instead of base-10 digits. Another difference is that, so far, we've been talking about the probability that the next bym is blue.
The obvious way to range-code a byte is to range-code its 8 bits in sequence.
When compressing ASCII text, the high 0x80 bit in each source byte is always
zero, so its Prob(blue)
should be very big. Sticking with ASCII text,
especially for "A-Za-z" characters, the second-high 0x40 bit is often one, so
its Prob(blue)
should be small. Trying to compress every bit with the same
probability model will be ineffective, even if it's an adaptive probability.
Instead, we track many probabilities. When coding a byte, we can track 255 independent probabilities:
- The first 1 is whether the high 0x80 bit is 0. For ASCII text, this probability will be big.
- The next 2 is for the second-high 0x40 bit.
- The next 4 is for the third-high 0x20 bit.
- The next 8 is for the fourth-high 0x10 bit.
- The next 16 is for the fifth-high 0x08 bit.
- The next 32 is for the sixth-high 0x04 bit.
- The next 64 is for the seventh-high (second-low) 0x02 bit.
- The next 128 is for the low 0x01 bit.
Expanding on "The next 2 is for the second-high 0x40 bit", these probabilities are conditional on the just-previously-decoded higher bits. There's one "for the 0x40 bit" probability for when the high 0x80 bit is off and another one when it's on. For ASCII text, the first of these two probabilities will be small. The second of these will be unused in practice (because the high bit is always zero).
Stepping down to the "0x20 bit" probabilities, there are 4 of these, one for each possible combined value of the two higher bits.
Stepping down to the "0x10 bit" probabilities, there are 8 of these, one for each possible combined value of the three higher bits.
And so on.
We can pack these 255 independent probabilities into an array of 256 (the 0th element is unused padding that simplifies the computation). Hand-waving errors away, the type and code for decoding a byte builds on that for decoding a bit:
type prob uint16
func (p *prob) decodeBit(rDec *rangeDecoder) (bitValue uint32) {
... // As before.
// byteProbs is an array of 256 independent, conditional bit-probabilities.
// ...
// Put another way, the 256 elements' value of N, as in "it's a probability for
// the Nth bit", looks like this (when arranged in 8 rows of 32 elements):
// u7665555444444443333333333333333
// 22222222222222222222222222222222
// 11111111111111111111111111111111
// 11111111111111111111111111111111
// 00000000000000000000000000000000
// 00000000000000000000000000000000
// 00000000000000000000000000000000
// 00000000000000000000000000000000
// The 'u' means that the 0th element is unused.
type byteProbs [0x100]prob
func (p *byteProbs) decodeByte(rDec *rangeDecoder) (byteValue byte) {
index := uint32(1)
for index < 0x100 {
bitValue := p[index].decodeBit(rDec)
index = (index << 1) | bitValue
// Equivalent to "return byte(index - 0x100)".
return byte(index & 0xFF)
You can think of this as a complete binary tree of probabilities. In this case,
the tree is 8 levels deep (and the & 0xFF
is unnecessary because of the
to byte
conversion) but, later, we'll encounter 3, 6 and other level
That's all very well for ASCII text, one byte per character. What if you have UTF-8 encoded Greek text, two bytes per character? It compresses better to use a different array-of-256 bit-probabilities for even-position and odd-position bytes. What if you have 4-byte aligned binary data like little-endian float32 values or ARM32 instructions?
LZMA tracks an array of (1 << lp)
byteProbs (not just a single byteProbs) to
capture this contextuality. The lp
parameter stands for Literal Position.
There's also useful information in some or all of the immediate previous byte. For ASCII text, knowing whether we're following (broadly speaking) a letter (0x40 byte is on) or number / punctuation (0x40 byte is off) can help fit our byte-probabilities better (and hence get better compression ratios).
LZMA tracks the high lc
bits of the previous byte. lc
stands for Literal
We've talked so far about "decoding a byte". It's also possible, in LZMA to decode a richer operation that's not just literally one byte. That operation is either an EOS (End Of Stream, also known as EOF, End Of File) or something known as a Lempel-Ziv back-reference (the "LZ" in "LZMA") but we'll get to those later. For now, let's pretend that we're coding bytes literally, one at a time, and that we know the decoded byte size up-front (so that we don't need an explicit EOS).
Before we trigger "decode a literal (byte)", we need to know whether we are
decoding a LITERAL or NON-LITERAL op (NON-LITERAL means EOS or an LZ
back-reference). Again, this yes-or-no information is another bym in the coded
bym stream, with its own probability. Or, as you might have guessed, it has its
own array of probabilities. Just like how the lp
parameter represents how
much we care about the decoder position (how many bytes of decompressed data
we've reconstituted so far) for LITERAL ops, there's a pb
parameter (it
stands for Position Bits). It also measures "how many low bits of the decoder
position do we care about", but it's about the "LITERAL or NON-LITERAL op"
question, not about "which of the literal byteProb arrays to use" question.
Ignoring LZ ops (and error handling) for now, the bulk of LZMA decoding is a
simple loop (building on decodeByte
, which builds on decodeBit
const lpMask = (1 << lp) - 1
const pbMask = (1 << pb) - 1
posProbs := [1 << pb]prob{}
litProbs := [1 << (lc + lp)]byteProbs{}
pos := uint32(0)
prev := byte(0)
for ; numDecodedBytesRemaining > 0; numDecodedBytesRemaining-- {
bitValue := posProbs[pos&pbMask].decodeBit(&rDec)
if bitValue != 0 {
panic("ignoring LZ ops for now and EOS is optional")
i := (pos & lpMask) << lc
j := uint32(prev) >> (8 - lc)
curr := litProbs[i|j].decodeByte(&rDec)
dst = append(dst, curr)
prev = curr
The default parameterization is (3, 0, 2)
for (lc, lp, pb)
, which means
that the posProbs
and litProbs
arrays have 4 and 8 elements. A
general-purpose XZ/LZMA implementation supports a variety of parameters but
more specialized tools can be more limited. For example, the LZIP file format
hard-codes (3, 0, 2)
, as well as a mandatory EOS marker, and call their LZMA
In LZMA1, these (lc, lp, pb)
parameters can range from 0 ..= 8
0 ..= 4
and 0 ..= 4
respectively, independently. With LZMA2, amongst other
changes, there's a further
that (lc + lp) <= 4
, as the amount of memory needed for the litProbs
is exponential in that sum.
Hard-coding (3, 0, 2)
and also eschewing NON-LITERAL ops still leaves us
with something that can losslessly compress a byte stream. Wrapping a basic
(but largely uninteresting) LZMA-specific or XZ-specific header and trailer
around that "treasure map" very precise number gives us something that is
compatible with XZ/LZMA tools, speaking an LZ-op-free subset of the XZ/LZMA
file format, but the implementation is much simpler.
$ git clone --quiet --depth=1
$ cd wuffs/
$ wc --lines lib/litonlylzma/litonlylzma.go
791 lib/litonlylzma/litonlylzma.go
$ # Compress romeo.txt to 659 bytes (70% of the original size). In comparison,
$ # gzip or full lzma gets to 558 bytes (59%) or 598 bytes (63%).
$ go run script/litonlylzma.go -encode < test/data/romeo.txt > foo.dat
$ wc --bytes test/data/romeo.txt foo.dat
942 test/data/romeo.txt
659 foo.dat
1601 total
$ # Decoding foo.dat (by /usr/bin/xz or litonlylzma.go) recovers romeo.txt.
$ cat test/data/romeo.txt | sha256sum
4854f5102035d288e8b8d6727cf25e0a44369e0a2dbaed7c02093bf3020979da -
$ /usr/bin/xz --format=lzma --decompress --stdout foo.dat | sha256sum
4854f5102035d288e8b8d6727cf25e0a44369e0a2dbaed7c02093bf3020979da -
$ go run script/litonlylzma.go -decode < foo.dat | sha256sum
4854f5102035d288e8b8d6727cf25e0a44369e0a2dbaed7c02093bf3020979da -
Literal-Only LZMA doesn't have the compression ratio firepower of a fully armed and operational LZMA, but, hey, the codec implementation is only 800 lines of code, encoder and decoder, about a third of which are comments.
If you want to play around further with the XZ/LZMA file format, you can patch
to print out the bym stream. We'll print byms
in groups of nine. One for "LITERAL or NON-LITERAL op?" plus eight for the
LITERAL ops' byte values.
$ vim lib/litonlylzma/litonlylzma.go
$ git diff lib/litonlylzma/litonlylzma.go
diff --git a/lib/litonlylzma/litonlylzma.go b/lib/litonlylzma/litonlylzma.go
index d41badf..8f2c7a2 100644
--- a/lib/litonlylzma/litonlylzma.go
+++ b/lib/litonlylzma/litonlylzma.go
@@ -265,9 +265,16 @@ func (p *prob) decodeBit(rDec *rangeDecoder) (bitValue uint32, retErr error) {
rDec.width <<= 8
rDec.src = rDec.src[1:]
+ print(bitValue)
+ nnn = (nnn + 1) % 9
+ if nnn == 0 {
+ println()
+ }
return bitValue, retErr
+var nnn int
func (p *prob) encodeBit(rEnc *rangeEncoder, bitValue uint32) {
threshold := (rEnc.width >> probBits) * uint32(*p)
if bitValue == 0 {
$ go run script/litonlylzma.go -decode < foo.dat > /dev/null
The first column is all zeroes (it's all LITERAL ops). The second column is also all zeros (it's ASCII). The right 8 columns match the hex dump of the original (and decompressed) text:
= 'R',0b01101111
= 'o',0b01101101
= 'm',0b01100101
= 'e',0b01101111
= 'o',0b00100000
= ' ',- etc.
$ hd test/data/romeo.txt | head -n 1
00000000 52 6f 6d 65 6f 20 61 6e 64 20 4a 75 6c 69 65 74 |Romeo and Juliet|
Next: Part 4: Lempel-Ziv, Markov-chain.
Published: 2024-04-16