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XZ/LZMA Worked Example Part 4: Lempel-Ziv, Markov-chain

This blog post is one of a five part series.

The "LZ" in "LZMA"

The Lempel-Ziv back-reference is a key concept in many of the compression tools and formats we use in practice: deflate, gzip, zlib, brotli, zstd, lzma, xz, lz4, snappy, zip, 7z, etc. The one exception to "every popular, practical, general-purpose entropy encoder uses LZ in some form" is bzip2, which is an interesting format, but that's a separate discussion.

Lempel-Ziv means that, when compressing "O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?", the second and third "Romeo"s can be encoded as a (length, distance) pair, meaning to copy length bytes from distance bytes ago, instead of being encoded as 5 separate literal bytes.

Like my zstd worked example from a few years ago, we can partition the original romeo.txt into literal bytes and Lempel-Ziv matches. The ‘\n’ new line bytes in the original text have been replaced by '@' at signs to help distinguish them from ' ' spaces and '.' periods.

Offset      Input                 Literals              LZ Back-References
00000000    |Romeo and Juliet|    |Romeo and Juliet|    |----------------|
00000010    |@Excerpt from Ac|    |@Excerpt from Ac|    |----------------|
00000020    |t 2, Scene 2@@JU|    |--2, S--ne--@@JU|    |00----11--22----|
00000030    |LIET@O Romeo, Ro|    |LIET@O -----,---|    |-------33333-444|
00000040    |meo! wherefore a|    |---!-wherefo-- a|    |444-5-------66--|
00000050    |rt thou Romeo?@D|    |-t-thou------?@D|    |7-8----999999---|
00000060    |eny thy father a|    |eny-----fat-----|    |---00011---22233|
00000070    |nd refuse thy na|    |------us------n-|    |333444--566666-7|
00000080    |me;@Or, if thou |    |me;@Or, if------|    |----------888888|
00000090    |wilt not, be but|    |wilt--ot--be--u-|    |----99--00--11-2|
000000a0    | sworn my love,@|    |-sworn my love,@|    |2---------------|
000000b0    |And I'll no long|    |A---I'll------ng|    |-333----444555--|
000000c0    |er be a Capulet.|    |er----a Capulet.|    |--6666----------|
000000d0    |@@ROMEO@[Aside] |    |@@ROMEO@[-side] |    |---------7------|
000000e0    |Shall I hear mor|    |Sha---I hear mor|    |---888----------|
000000f0    |e, or shall I sp|    |e,--- s-------sp|    |--900--1111111--|
00000100    |eak at this?@@JU|    |eak a----is?----|    |-----2222---3333|
00000110    |LIET@'Tis but th|    |-----'T---------|    |33333--445555666|
00000120    |y name that is m|    |---------at--s--|    |666666777--88-99|
00000130    |y enemy;@Thou ar|    |--enemy;@T------|    |99--------000111|
00000140    |t thyself, thoug|    |----yself,-----g|    |1111------22222-|
00000150    |h not a Montague|    |h-------Montague|    |-3333444--------|
00000160    |.@What's Montagu|    |.-W---'s--------|    |-5-666--77777777|
00000170    |e? it is nor han|    |-? i-----no--han|    |7---88888--99---|
00000180    |d, nor foot,@Nor|    |d------foot-@N--|    |-011111----2--33|
00000190    | arm, nor face, |    |-arm-------ace--|    |3---4444444---55|
000001a0    |nor any other pa|    |----a---o-----pa|    |5555-666-77777--|
000001b0    |rt@Belonging to |    |rt@Be----ing to-|    |-----8888------9|
000001c0    |a man. O, be som|    |--ma-. O-----som|    |99--0---11111---|
000001d0    |e other name!@Wh|    |e-----------!---|    |-22222233333-444|
000001e0    |at's in a name? |    |-----in a-----?-|    |44444----55555-6|
000001f0    |that which we ca|    |-----which-we c-|    |66666-----7----8|
00000200    |ll a rose@By any|    |---a-rose@By----|    |888-9-------0000|
00000210    | other name woul|    |------------woul|    |000000011111----|
00000220    |d smell as sweet|    |d -me----s---eet|    |--2--3333-444---|
00000230    |;@So Romeo would|    |;@So------------|    |----555555666666|
00000240    |, were he not Ro|    |,---re he-------|    |-777-----8888999|
00000250    |meo call'd,@Reta|    |--------'--@R-ta|    |99900000-11--2--|
00000260    |in that dear per|    |in------d----pe-|    |--333333-4444--5|
00000270    |fection which he|    |fection-------h-|    |-------6666666-7|
00000280    | owes@Without th|    |-owes@Wi----t---|    |7-------8888-999|
00000290    |at title. Romeo,|    |---title.-------|    |999------0000000|
000002a0    | doff thy name,@|    |-d-ff-----------|    |0-1--22222222333|
000002b0    |And for that nam|    |----for---------|    |3333---444444555|
000002c0    |e which is no pa|    |----------------|    |5666666777777888|
000002d0    |rt of thee@Take |    |-- o----ee@Take |    |88--9999--------|
000002e0    |all myself.@@ROM|    |----m-----------|    |0000-11111222222|
000002f0    |EO@I take thee a|    |---I------------|    |222-334445555666|
00000300    |t thy word:@Call|    |------word:@C---|    |777777-------888|
00000310    | me but love, an|    |------------- a-|    |8899999000000--1|
00000320    |d I'll be new ba|    |-------be-new--a|    |1111111--2---33-|
00000330    |ptized;@Hencefor|    |ptized;@Hencefor|    |----------------|
00000340    |th I never will |    |th I---ver wi---|    |----444------555|
00000350    |be Romeo.@@JULIE|    |--------.-------|    |55566666-7777777|
00000360    |T@What man art t|    |----------------|    |7888889999000000|
00000370    |hou that thus be|    |---------t-us---|    |000111111-2--333|
00000380    |screen'd in nigh|    |screen'd----nigh|    |--------4444----|
00000390    |t@So stumblest o|    |t----stumblest o|    |-5555-----------|
000003a0    |n my counsel?@|      |-----c-unsel?@|      |66666-7-------|

The first ten (length, distance) pairs (and their offsets and copied text) are:

off = 0x020   (len =  2, dist =  9)   "t "
off = 0x026   (len =  2, dist = 19)   "ce"
off = 0x02A   (len =  2, dist =  9)   " 2"
off = 0x037   (len =  5, dist = 55)   "Romeo"
off = 0x03D   (len =  6, dist =  7)   " Romeo"
off = 0x044   (len =  1, dist =  7)   " "
off = 0x04C   (len =  2, dist =  4)   "re"
off = 0x050   (len =  1, dist =  4)   "r"
off = 0x052   (len =  1, dist =  4)   " "
off = 0x057   (len =  6, dist = 26)   " Romeo"

All up, LZMA uses 128 LZ back-references here, some whose length is as short as 1 byte (these also use the same distance as the preceding LZ back-reference). In LZMA, in can be more efficient (in terms of compression ratio) to emit a 1-length copy for an 'r' byte than to emit a literal 'r' byte.

For comparison, on the same romeo.txt input, zstd uses only 70 LZ back-references. Its minimum match length is 3 bytes.

MATCHes and REPs

One reason why short LZ lengths (especially a length of 1) are still relatively efficient is that LZMA keeps an MRU (Most Recently Used) cache of the four most recent LZ distances. In LZMA, a cache hit is sometimes called a REP, presumably short for "repeat". The MATCH term also specifically means "an LZ back-reference that is not a REP; it does not use this MRU cache".

There's a code path for a LITERAL (when combined with a leading '0' bym, this was covered in the previous post). There's a code path for a MATCH, a general (length, distance) pair, but also code paths for a LONGREP, a (length, MRUD[N]), and for a SHORTREP, (1, MRUD[0]). Here, MRUD[N] stands for the Nth most recently used distance. Specifically, on each decoder loop iteration, it branches depending on what it reads from the bym stream. As a table:

Symbols                  Meaning
0         ,literal       LITERAL byte (8_byms)
1,0       ,len ,dist     MATCH
1,1,0,0                  SHORTREP   len = 1, dist =     Most Recently Used
1,1,0,1   ,len           LONGREP[0]          dist =     Most Recently Used
1,1,1,0   ,len           LONGREP[1]          dist = 2nd Most Recently Used
1,1,1,1,0 ,len           LONGREP[2]          dist = 3rd Most Recently Used
1,1,1,1,1 ,len           LONGREP[3]          dist = 4th Most Recently Used

The MATCH code path can also produce the optional EOS (End Of Stream) marker, repurposing what would otherwise be an invalid distance.

Here's the pseudo-code equivalent for that table:

if decodeTheNextBym() == 0 {
    // Decode a LITERAL.
    literal = decodeLiteral()

} else if decodeTheNextBym() == 0 {
    // Decode a MATCH.
    len = decodeLen()
    slot = decodeSlot(min(len-2, 3))
    distBiasedBy1 = decodeDistBiasedBy1(slot)
    if distBiasedBy1 == 0xFFFF_FFFF {
        break  // End of Stream.
    mrud = (1 + distBiasedBy1, mrud[0], mrud[1], mrud[2])
    goto doTheLZCopy

} else if decodeTheNextBym() == 0 {
    if decodeTheNextBym() == 0 {
        // Decode a SHORTREP.
        len = 1
        goto doTheLZCopy
    // Decode a LONGREP[0].

} else if decodeTheNextBym() == 0 {
    // Decode a LONGREP[1].
    mrud = (mrud[1], mrud[0], mrud[2], mrud[3])
} else if decodeTheNextBym() == 0 {
    // Decode a LONGREP[2].
    mrud = (mrud[2], mrud[0], mrud[1], mrud[3])
} else {
    // Decode a LONGREP[3].
    mrud = (mrud[3], mrud[0], mrud[1], mrud[2])

len = decodeLen()

// mrud[0] has been set to what will be (after the emitCopy
// call) the most recently used distance. mrud[1] is the 2nd
// most recently used, mrud[2] is the 3rd, mrud[3] is the 4th.
emitCopy(len, mrud[0])

The decodeTheNextBym() expression looks like a no-argument function call but that glosses over some details, including which of the many probabilities to use for range coding at that point.

Similarly, which probabilities to use for decoding the "Slot" (see below) and then the distance depends on whether the freshly decoded length is 2, 3, 4 or 5+. Hence the argument to decodeSlot(min(len-2, 3)).

Length Encoding

For a non-LITERAL, non-SHORTREP operation, the length is encoded in 4, 5 or 10 byms:

Symbols         Length
0   ,3_byms     Ranges from  2 ..=   9
1,0 ,3_byms     Ranges from 10 ..=  17
1,1 ,8_byms     Ranges from 18 ..= 273

Decoding 3_byms, 3_byms or 8_byms uses the same "binary tree" technique (each using its own dedicated array of probabilities) used for decoding a literal byte, discussed in the previous post.

The 3/3/8 level binary trees used for decoding a MATCH length are separate from the 3/3/8 trees used for a LONGREP length. The algorithm is the same, but the state differs.

Distance Encoding

The distance encoding starts with a 6-bym "Slot" value, which determines how many further byms are needed. Once again, decoding the Slot uses a binary tree of probabilities. Well, four binary trees, each of depth 6. Which tree to use depends on that min(len-2, 3) mentioned above.

For small Slot values, there are up to 5 extra byms. For large Slot values, there are N extra byms. The first (N - 4) of them are encoded with a fixed 50% probability and the remaining 4 byms have varying probability. The largest encodable distance-biased-by-1 is 0xFFFF_FFFF, a (2 + 26 + 4) bit number.

Slot (decimal)   Distance (binary), biased by 1        Extra byms
0                0                                      0
1                1                                      0
2                10                                     0
3                11                                     0
4                10 x                                   1
5                11 x                                   1
6                10 xx                                  2
7                11 xx                                  2
8                10 xxx                                 3
9                11 xxx                                 4
10               10 xxxx                                5
11               11 xxxx                                4
12               10 xxxxx                               5
13               11 xxxxx                               5
14               10 yy zzzz                             2+4
15               11 yy zzzz                             2+4
16               10 yyy zzzz                            3+4
17               11 yyy zzzz                            3+4
18               10 yyyy zzzz                           4+4
...              ...                                   ...
61               11 yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy zzzz     25+4
62               10 yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy zzzz    26+4
63               11 yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy zzzz    26+4

"xxxx" means up-to-5 byms are encoded with a "reverse" binary tree. Each Slot has its own "xxxx" binary tree probabilities. The trees have different depths, ranging from 1 to 5 inclusive.

"yyyy" means up-to-26 byms. Each has a fixed 50% probability.

"zzzz" means four byms encoded with a "reverse" binary tree. All Slots use the same for-"zzzz" binary tree probabilities, sometimes called the "aligned" probabilities.

"Reverse" binary tree just means that the value's bits are read in LSB to MSB (Least/Most Significant Bit) order, instead of the MSB to LSB "forward" order used for literals. I don't know the reason for reversing the order.

"Biased by 1" means that slot=2 implies biasedDistance=2 so distance=3. A biasedDistance of 0xFFFF_FFFF means EOS (End of Stream). Otherwise, the corrected (unbiased) distance ranges in [1 ..= 0xFFFF_FFFF].

It's invalid for the corrected distance to exceed the dictionary size, stated in the LZMA header.

The "M" in "LZMA"

Each decoder iteration starts with a simple question: is the next operation a LITERAL or a NON-LITERAL (MATCH, LONGREP or SHORTREP; we'll ignore EOS as that terminates decoding). As briefly discussed earlier, the relevant probability to use for decoding this bym depends on the pb parameter and the decoder position (how many bytes of decompressed data, both literal and LZ back-references).

It also depends on another state variable, which most implementations simply also call state or State (depending on your programming language's variable naming convention). This takes one of 12 possible values. It's like the "state" in "a state machine" where the state transitions happen on each operation (LITERAL, MATCH, etc.). Specifically, here's the state transition table, where the left-most column is the current State and the other columns hold the next State, depending on the op:

0         0         7         8         9
1         0         7         8         9
2         0         7         8         9
3         0         7         8         9
4         1         7         8         9
5         2         7         8         9
6         3         7         8         9
7         4         10        11        11
8         5         10        11        11
9         6         10        11        11
10        4         10        11        11
11        5         10        11        11

This table is somewhat arbitrary, but presumably somebody did some experiments long ago and concluded that 12 states (with these transitions) were effective at compressing a wide variety of inputs.

Equivalently, but looking backwards instead of forwards, each State embodies the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th POp (Previous Op). The ? question mark means every possible op. Some States (2, 5 and 11) have two rows - multiple possible histories could lead to that State:

State     1stPOp        2ndPOp        3rdPOp        4thPOp
0         LITERAL       LITERAL       LITERAL       ?
1         LITERAL       LITERAL       MATCH         ?
2a        LITERAL       LITERAL       LONGREP       ?
3         LITERAL       LITERAL       SHORTREP      LITERAL
4         LITERAL       MATCH         ?             ?
5a        LITERAL       LONGREP       ?             ?
5b        LITERAL       SHORTREP      NON-LITERAL   ?
6         LITERAL       SHORTREP      LITERAL       ?
7         MATCH         LITERAL       ?             ?
8         LONGREP       LITERAL       ?             ?
9         SHORTREP      LITERAL       ?             ?
10        MATCH         NON-LITERAL   ?             ?
11a       LONGREP       NON-LITERAL   ?             ?
11b       SHORTREP      NON-LITERAL   ?             ?

For the previous post's Literal-Only LZMA, we're always in State 0. More generally, a State's 12 possible values can also be aggregated into whether the State is less than or at least 7: whether the last op was a LITERAL or a NON-LITERAL (a LZ back-reference). When decoding a LITERAL after a NON-LITERAL, there is information in the next historical byte after the previous NON-LITERAL op's copy-source. That byte is unlikely to equal the about-to-be-decoded literal byte. If it did equal, the copy could have been longer instead.

For example, suppose that you've decoded "O Romeo,", then a (len=6, dist=7) MATCH producing " Romeo" again and the next operation is a LITERAL. It's unlikely (and informative, in the Shannon sense) that the LITERAL will produce a ',' comma, because the encoder could have easily handled that comma with a len=7 match instead. Call that comma the "match byte" - the first byte after the copy-source of the most recent LZ back-reference. Contrast that with the "prev byte" - the most recently decoded byte of uncompressed data. In that "O Romeo, Romeo" situation, just before decoding a LITERAL, the match byte is ',' and the prev byte is 'o'.

The 8-levels-deep binary tree of probabilities used during literal = decodeLiteral() depend on the decoder position (combined with the lp parameter) and the prev byte (combined with the lc parameter). It turns out that there's not just one tree for that, but three (let's label them J, K and L). J is for when State < 7 and K and L otherwise. Which of K and L you use depends, as you're walking those 8 levels, on whether the corresponding 7th (high), 6th (second-high), etc. bit of the match byte is 0 or 1. Furthermore, if the 7th, 6th, etc. bit of the literal byte you're decoding does not equal the corresponding bit of the match byte, then drop back to the J tree for the remainder of the "decode a literal" step.

This is all very fiddly and non-obvious. But, again, presumably somebody did some experiments and found it effective.

Anyway, the point of this section is that choosing what Prob(blue) to use and to update depends on what operations (LITERAL, MATCH, etc.) you've done in the past. Markov Chain is just a fancy math term meaning that that arbitrarily long operation history can be summarized in a finite number of states: the State variable.

For LZMA, this upper-case-S State has only 12 possible values, but keep in mind that "the lower-case-s state of the decoder" also includes thousands and thousands of uint16_t probabilities, plus a few other things like the MRUD.

Next: Part 5: XZ.

Published: 2024-04-17