Releases: opensumi/core
Releases · opensumi/core
What's Changed
What's New Features
- feat: quickInput support hideOnDidAccept by @pipiiiiii in #2631
- feat: improve the interaction for enabling/disabling breakpoints by @Ricbet in #2615
- feat: debug breakpoint file items supports enable/disable switch by @Ricbet in #2611
- feat: update command open terminal setting by @AhkunTa in #2660
- feat: support flashing prompt for focus breakpoints in the editor by @Ricbet in #2652
- feat: support delete or edit breakpoints when hovering on the it by @Ricbet in #2655
- feat: menuActionList component support style css properties by @Ricbet in #2711
- feat: support icon menubar by @Ricbet in #2728
- fix: use currentOrPreviousFocusedEditor on search by @pipiiiiii in #2761
- feat: optimize file tree node decoration, support codicon by @Aaaaash in #2768
- feat: open resource when click comment item by @Aaaaash in #2769
- feat: add arrow for zonewidget by @Aaaaash in #2763
- feat: support xterm render type select by @life2015 in #2754
- feat: add registered scheme by @Aaaaash in #2774
- feat: support input number component by @Ricbet in #2630
- feat: support launch editor UI by @Ricbet in #2574
- feat: throw error if get file stat error by @bytemain in #2773
- feat: improve breakpoint style by @bytemain in #2779
- feat: menu action support codicon by @Aaaaash in #2778
- feat: auto expand the comment widget when click comment tree item by @Aaaaash in #2777
- refactor: use sumiContributes and compatible with kaitianContributes by @erha19 in #2664
- refactor: auto update decoration targets by @erha19 in #2690
- refactor: consolidated clientId retrieval code by @bytemain in #2703
- style: improve section label and badge style by @erha19 in #2758
- refactor: extract electron essentials by @bytemain in #2742
- refactor: migration static-resource to core-browser by @Aaaaash in #2776
- refactor: extract platform specific code by @bytemain in #2780
Style Changes
- fix: reference pannel style error by @wangxiaojuan in #2606
- style: optimize sidebar icon size by @bk1012 in #2672
- fix: monaco Action Bar style by @wangxiaojuan in #2720
- fix: treenode styles by @Aaaaash in #2770
- style: stop flexbox removing trailing whitespace on menu action by @erha19 in #2784
- style: improve terminal split view border style by @erha19 in #2783
Other Changes
- chore: ignore scripts of building cli engine by @erha19 in #2608
- chore: remove gitpod by @opensumi in #2634
- test: add extension E2E test case by @pipiiiiii in #2638
- chore: remove useless workflow and issue template by @erha19 in #2678
- Revert "fix: remove the marked.js warning about sanitize and add sanitizer" by @bytemain in #2731
- chore: update git extension to v1.68.1 by @erha19 in #2760
- fix: add default input value for TerminalSearchService by @winjo in #2762
- fix: check if element of popover exists when delayed hidden by @winjo in #2764
- fix: check if currentGroup is empty when split terminal by @winjo in #2766
- fix: input component defaultValue failed by @Ricbet in #2751
- fix: only add default color once by @pipiiiiii in #2753
- chore: optimize menuaction list renderer by @Aaaaash in #2775
- fix: conditional breakpoint centering by @Ricbet in #2666
- fix: set default language by @limerickgds in #2722
- fix: on disposeResource delete resourceDecoration by @l1shen in #2785
New Contributors
- @limerickgds made their first contribution in #2722
Full Changelog: v2.24.5...v2.25.0
What's Changed
Style Changes
- style: improve toolbar button style by @erha19 in #2699
- fix: adjust treenode icon style by @bytemain in #2707
- style: improve problem panel style by @erha19 in #2727
Other Changes
- fix: add rpcMessageTimeout option in appConfig by @pipiiiiii in #2709
- fix: modify the extra button.foreground key by @pipiiiiii in #2715
- fix: convertEmbeddedLanguages should not activate language by @Ricbet in #2717
- fix: execute command will throw wrong error by @bytemain in #2730
- Revert "fix: remove the marked.js warning about sanitize and add sanitizer" by @opensumi in #2732
Full Changelog: v2.24.2...v2.24.3
What's Changed
Style Changes
- style: remove useless z-index by @erha19 in #2670
- style: improve toolbar selection icon position by @erha19 in #2681
- style: improve file operator dialog style by @erha19 in #2680
Other Changes
- fix(search): auto select search content when expanding search panel (#2522) by @AhkunTa in #2662
- fix: debug breakpoint in empty line by @shilin8805 in #2682
- fix(file-tree): should prioritize deleting selected files by @bytemain in #2684
- fix: active editor logic by @Aaaaash in #2677
- fix(file-tree): clean old tree state when path changed by @bytemain in #2687
- chore: fix selection warning by @erha19 in #2693
- fix: add missing editor related preferences by @bytemain in #2691
- fix: get valid preference value by @erha19 in #2671
- fix: SCM tree view can not be collapsed by @erha19 in #2689
Full Changelog: v2.24.1...v2.24.2
What's Changed
What's New Features
- fix: delegate closeUnmodifiedEditors command by @bytemain in #2619
- fix: file search open failed in windows by @shilin8805 in #2618
- fix: quickPick trigger options.onChangeValue by @pipiiiiii in #2612
Style Changes
- fix: remove wrong effect scrollbar style by @erha19 in #2614
- chore(release): v2.23.5 by @erha19 in #2625
- fix: select component display type by @shilin8805 in #2641
Other Changes
- fix(extension): fix extension nls config bug by @shilin8805 in #2605
- fix: add missing scrollbar component by @bytemain in #2617
- fix(extension): disable ext console override by @bytemain in #2620
- fix(extension): fix extension nls config bug by @opensumi in #2621
- fix: ensure language pack loaded by @Aaaaash in #2632
- fix: capturer function typo by @erha19 in #2627
- fix: capturer uncatch error by @shilin8805 in #2636
- fix: activate extension without popping up theme quick open by @Ricbet in #2643
- ci: use opensumi bot by @bytemain in #2646
- chore(release): v2.23.6 by @Ricbet in #2647
- fix:extension setup nls config by @shilin8805 in #2648
- fix: cache built-in storage data by @erha19 in #2628
Full Changelog: v2.24.0...v2.24.1
What's Changed
What's New Features
Style Changes
Other Changes
- fix: add missing scrollbar component by @bytemain in #2617
- fix(extension): disable ext console override by @bytemain in #2620
- fix(extension): fix extension nls config bug by @opensumi in #2621
- fix: ensure language pack loaded by @Aaaaash in #2632
Full Changelog: v2.23.4...v2.23.5
What's Changed
What's New Features
- feat: support skipFiles on debug call stack frames view by @erha19 in #2468
- feat: support setting: editor.unicodeHighlight.ambiguousCharacters by @winjo in #2527
- feat: add language data into work host env by @winjo in #2532
- feat: support displaying debug breakpoints in a tree view by @Ricbet in #2512
- fix: github light hight theme button color wrong by @wangxiaojuan in #2499
- feat: support show unsaved files in opened editor view by @AhkunTa in #2491
- feat: support maxResize props on the panel by @erha19 in #2569
- feat(editor): editor save code action notify configuration by @shilin8805 in #2580
- fix: change prefix when open view by @winjo in #2586
- feat: quick-open support busy option by @pipiiiiii in #2579
- feat: menubar supports compact mode by @Ricbet in #2556
- fix(theme): foucs first entry theme when then input is not empty by @winjo in #2589
- feat: support debug configuration and toolbar view component by @Ricbet in #2563
- feat(editor): editor save code action notify configuration by @shilin8805 in #2599
- feat: rpcProtocol add timeout control by @pipiiiiii in #2587
- refactor: refactor file-watcher test case by @pipiiiiii in #2463
- refactor: replace quickopen label render function from parseLabel to transformLabelWithCodicon by @pipiiiiii in #2498
Style Changes
- style: add hover color token to editor tabs by @erha19 in #2577
- fix: improve style and fix breakpoints view init by @erha19 in #2583
- style: improve button disable style by @Ricbet in #2594
Other Changes
- chore: export localizationRegistryMap by @miserylee in #2482
- fix: quickopen panel display correct localize by @pipiiiiii in #2494
- fix: should set renderMarginRevertIcon=false when diffEditor is readOnly by @miserylee in #2492
- fix: call stack stop at incorrect line because call frame with sameid by @geekeren in #2487
- docs: update by @bytemain in #2501
- fix: improve exclude function on search view by @winjo in #2536
- fix: return statement will break for..of loop by @miserylee in #2544
- chore: update bug-report issue template by @erha19 in #2539
- chore: rewrite some logs message and add not-chinese-message commit rule by @erha19 in #2542
- fix: copy diff uri path at editor tab by @ensorrow in #2513
- chore: update PRs template to support Copilot for PRs by @erha19 in #2551
- fix: change the way to capture IPC messages so listeners passed to ipcRenderer.on are now disposable by @tyn1998 in #2555
- fix: update the active editor when the editor cursor changes by @Aaaaash in #2488
- chore: add key for HighlightLabel by @winjo in #2588
- fix: remove the marked.js warning about sanitize and add sanitizer by @PerfectPan in #2591
- fix: foreground color of the match highlights on actively focused items by @wangxiaojuan in #2564
- fix: open file by command by @erha19 in #2593
- fix: webview csp source by @life2015 in #2597
- fix(core-browser): move react to peerDependencies by @gemwuu in #2562
- fix: transformLabelWithCodicon white space by @Ricbet in #2600
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.23.4...v2.24.0
What's Changed
Other Changes
- fix: markdownDescription i18n in launch.json by @Ricbet in #2543
- fix: restart debug session on node-debug by @erha19 in #2570
- fix: remove extension with wrong uri string by @yantze in #2548
- fix: collapsed tree node on compact mode by @erha19 in #2558
Full Changelog: v2.23.2...v2.23.3