NetFlow Spectral Analyzer in Python
- python v2.7.3 - Python programming language
- impacket v0.9.6.0 - library to craft and decode network packets
- python-libpcap v0.6.2 - packet capture library bindings for python
- numpy v1.6.2 - software for mathematics, science, and engineering
- scipy v0.10.1 - software for mathematics, science, and engineering
- matplotlib v1.1.1 - python 2D plotting library
- ipaddr-py v2.1.10 - IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library in Python
- pytables v2.3.1 - package for managing hierarchical datasets and designed to cope with extremely large amounts of data
- h5py v2.0.1 - Python interface to the Hierarchical Data Format library, version 5
- fabulous v0.1.5 - library designed to make the output of terminal applications look fabulous
- scapy v2.2.0 - a powerful interactive packet manipulation program
- iPython - and powerful interactive shell