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Releases: peeweek/net.peeweek.vfxgraph-extras

New 2022.2.0 Release! (Compatiblility Changes)

11 Nov 06:30
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Today, we published the first 2022.2 version of VFX Graph extras.
This version is now compatible only with Unity 2022.2 (VFXGraph package 14.0).

From now on, features will be developed targetting this version.

Critical patches for 2021.3 will still apply.

New 2021.3.0 Package

31 Oct 10:04
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This release is not compatible with Unity 2021.3 (Packages 12.1)
From now on, compatibility will be assured with this version.

Assets / Samples were rebuilt for use with this version

Final Update for 2020.3 - Added Subgraph Utilities + Fixes

31 Oct 09:28
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  • Added a bunch of utility Subgraphs
  • Added a new bool option to Multiplex FIFO blocks to handle spawnCount attribute or not.
  • Changed VirtualImpact default bound size attrtibute name from size to scale to match attribute type vector3. (size is a float, not vector3)

Virtual Impacts

29 Oct 05:55
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In this release, we present Virtual Impacts, an API to ease the processing of events in VFX, that handle management of events and lifecycle of the effects.

This release also fixes the VFX Event Tester that was broken.

An example is available through the package manager, in the samples.

FIFO Spawn Multiplexers + Advanced Event Tester

22 Oct 08:51
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In this release two new features:

  • Spawn Multiplexer FIFO Blocks (Custom C#) for handling multiple events hitting the Start pin of a spawn context
    • Burst Multiplex Fifo accumulates events hitting the start and backup their VFXEventAttribute Payload, then, every update, one burst event is popped out of the queue and output. Hitting Stop clears the queue.
    • Rate Multiplex FIFO accululates events hitting the start pin and for each, creates a virtual source with its own VFXEventAttribute payload that will live for a span of time. At update, the system cycles through active sources, and, every frame will process the spawn of one active source. Hitting stop clears all the sources.


  • VFX Advanced Event Tester is a new Window (available in Window/Visual Effects/VFX Advanced Event Tester) that enables defining test profiles for sending events and VFXEventAttribute payloads to the VFX. Test data is stored in an editor-only component that holds the values.

VFXGraph Navigator + Output Camera Operators/Blocks

09 Oct 16:18
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This new release introduces 2 new features :

  • Navigator : a floating panel that enables browsing and searching the graph.
  • Output Camera Operator & Blocks. Features that enable getting the "Currently Rendered" Output Camera instead of a specific camera. Can help for instance render rain on every camera in a split screen game. Note that this data is only available in output contexts.

2020.3.3 - Debug Views, and Game Globals

24 Jun 07:03
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This new releases adds the following features

  • Debug Views in the Graph (Toggled from VFX Extension)
  • Per-system particle counts in the VFX Debug Window (Editor Only)
  • Sorting of particles in the VFX Debug Window
  • Custom attributes in Custom Block (courtesy of @gislerro
  • Game Globals


30 Jan 10:48
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4.9.0-preview Pre-release
Removed files that are in 4.9.0


30 Jan 10:10
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4.8.0-preview Pre-release
Added Camera Depth Binding