FIFO Spawn Multiplexers + Advanced Event Tester
In this release two new features:
- Spawn Multiplexer FIFO Blocks (Custom C#) for handling multiple events hitting the Start pin of a spawn context
- Burst Multiplex Fifo accumulates events hitting the start and backup their VFXEventAttribute Payload, then, every update, one burst event is popped out of the queue and output. Hitting Stop clears the queue.
- Rate Multiplex FIFO accululates events hitting the start pin and for each, creates a virtual source with its own VFXEventAttribute payload that will live for a span of time. At update, the system cycles through active sources, and, every frame will process the spawn of one active source. Hitting stop clears all the sources.
- VFX Advanced Event Tester is a new Window (available in Window/Visual Effects/VFX Advanced Event Tester) that enables defining test profiles for sending events and VFXEventAttribute payloads to the VFX. Test data is stored in an editor-only component that holds the values.