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Simple Install of Pre built Soundcool

Roger B. Dannenberg edited this page May 18, 2020 · 2 revisions

Go to the Soundcool Releases page.

Open the "Assets" list.

Depending on your operating system:

  • Windows
    • Download Soundcool_setup.exe
    • When the download finishes, run the download, which will guide you through the installation.
    • Soundcool has two parts:
      • A server that runs in a command window. The server starts when you run the "Soundcool" application, which the installer will put into your Start menu (and on the desktop if you ask for it). You must start the server and leave it running while you use Soundcool. (When you are finished, you can either leave it running or stop it by closing the command window.)
      • The Soundcool web page that runs in your browser. After starting the server, open a browser (Firefox, Google Chrome, or Microsoft Edge should all work) and type into the address bar: "localhost:5000". This should open the home page for Soundcool. You can create an account or log in with an existing account: "User 1" has ID [email protected] with password welcome, and "User 2" has ID [email protected] with password welcome.
  • Linux
    • download soundcool_1.0_all.deb
    • Find this file and open it. Linux should automatically run the package installer.
      • This should install /usr/bin/soundcool
      • The Terminal command command -v soundcool should print /usr/bin/soundcool after installation.
      • If there are problems, try the Terminal command dpkg -i soundcool_1.0_all.deb
    • Soundcool has two parts:
      • A server that runs in a Terminal window. You can start the server by typing soundcool in a terminal window, or you can find and run Soundcool as an ordinary application. (Probably your desktop has an icon for "Show Applications" and you can find or search for Soundcool there.) Leave the server running while using Soundcool. You can close/kill it by typing Control-C twice into the terminal window.
      • The Soundcool web page that runs in your browser. After starting the server, open a browser (Firefox and Google Chrome should both work) and type into the address bar: "localhost:5000". This should open the home page for Soundcool. You can create an account or log in with an existing account: "User 1" has ID [email protected] with password welcome, and "User 2" has ID [email protected] with password welcome.
  • Macintosh (Not Available Yet)
    • download the Mac disk image.
    • Open and follow the picture to drag Soundcool to your Applications folder.
    • Soundcool has two parts:
      • A server that runs in a Terminal window. You can start the server by running the Soundcool application. (More instructions go here.)
      • The Soundcool web page that runs in your browser. After starting the server, open a browser (Firefox, Safari and Google Chrome should all work) and type into the address bar: "localhost:5000". This should open the home page for Soundcool. You can create an account or log in with an existing account: "User 1" has ID [email protected] with password welcome, and "User 2" has ID [email protected] with password welcome.