IJCAI-2021-Continual-Activity-Recognition-Challenge (https://sites.google.com/view/sscl-workshop-ijcai-2021/)
The first proposed benchmark (MEVA-CL) is built on top of the MEVA (Multiview Extended Video with Activities) activity detection dataset (https://mevadata.org/), which we adapted to create the first benchmark for continual, long duration semi-supervised learning in a classification setting in which the purpose is to classify the input video frames in terms of activity classes.
Our MEVA-CL benchmark is composed by 15 sequences, broken down into three groups:
- Continual_videos: Five 15-minute-long sequences from sites G326, G331, G341, G420, and G638 formed by three original videos which are contiguous.
- Short_gap: Five 15-minute-long sequences from sites G329, G341, G420, G421, G638 formed by three videos separated by a short gap (5-20 minutes).
- Long_gap: Five 15-minute-long sequences from sites G420, G421, G424, G506, and G638 formed by three original videos separated by a long gap (hours or days).
We release the videos and train annotations which can be download by changing your current directory to the Data directory and running the bash file download_data.sh to automatically download the annotation files and video directory in the currect directory (Data).
cd Data
bash download_data.sh
OR You can download the all three groups videos and annotation from Google-Drive link
The annotation for validation and test set will be released in accordance with the IJCAI 2021 CL Challenge.
Install all required packages:
1. OpenCV => 3.4.2
2. PyTorch => 1.4.0
3. efficientnet_pytorch (pip install efficientnet_pytorch)
After downloading all the groups it is important to convert all the videos into frames by changing the working directory to (./Data) and running the following commands:
cd Data
python generate_frames.py contiguous_videos/ && python generate_frames.py short_gap/ && python generate_frames.py long_gap/
### Training the baseline on train-split
python main.py --DATA_ROOT=Data\
--SAVE_ROOT=Outputs --MODE=train --BATCH_SIZE=16\
--NUM_WORKERS=8 --MAX_EPOCHS=15 --VAL_EPOCHS=1 --learning_rate=0.001 --device=cuda
python main.py --DATA_ROOT=Data\
--SAVE_ROOT=Outputs --MODE=evaluate_val --BATCH_SIZE=16\
--NUM_WORKERS=8 --MAX_EPOCHS=10 --VAL_EPOCHS=1 --learning_rate=0.001 --device=cuda
python main.py --DATA_ROOT=Data\
--SAVE_ROOT=Outputs --MODE=evaluate_test --BATCH_SIZE=16\
--NUM_WORKERS=8 --MAX_EPOCHS=10 --VAL_EPOCHS=1 --learning_rate=0.001 --device=cuda
python main.py --DATA_ROOT=Data\
--SAVE_ROOT=Outputs --MODE=self_val --BATCH_SIZE=16\
--NUM_WORKERS=8 --MAX_EPOCHS=10 --VAL_EPOCHS=1 --learning_rate=0.001 --device=cuda
python main.py --DATA_ROOT=Data\
--SAVE_ROOT=Outputs --MODE=self_test --BATCH_SIZE=16\
--NUM_WORKERS=8 --MAX_EPOCHS=10 --VAL_EPOCHS=1 --learning_rate=0.001 --device=cuda &&
python main.py --DATA_ROOT=Data\
--SAVE_ROOT=Outputs --MODE=self_val_test_combine --BATCH_SIZE=16\
--NUM_WORKERS=8 --MAX_EPOCHS=10 --VAL_EPOCHS=1 --learning_rate=0.001 --device=cuda
--DATA_ROOT --> The directory to your pre-processed dataset
--SAVE_ROOT --> The directory where you want to save the trained models and output json files
--MODE --> Mode represent which specific section you want to run
--train --> To train the model on supervised fold of the data
--evaluate_val --> To generate the prediction results for validation fold on supervised model
--evaluate_test --> To generate the prediction results for test fold on supervised model
--self_val --> To self train the supervised model on validation fold and generate the results
--self_test --> To self train the supervised model on test fold and generate the results
--self_val_test_combine --> To self train the supervised model on validation and test folds together and generate the results
--BATCH_SIZE --> Training batch size
--VAL_BATCH_SIZE --> Validation/Self training batch size
--TEST_BATCH_SIZE --> Test batch size
--NUM_WORKERS --> Number of worker to load data in parllel
--MAX_EPOCHS --> Training epochs
--VAL_EPOCHS --> Validation epochs
--learning_rate --> Learning rate
--device --> Using GPU or CPU
F1-score (macro-avgerage | 0.16 |
F1-score (macro-avgerage | 0.14 |
F1-score (macro-avgerage | 0.14 |
F1-score (macro-avgerage | 0.14 |
F1-score (macro-avgerage | 0.14 |
F1-score (macro-avgerage | 0.13 |