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smtp plugin

Michaël Le Marec edited this page May 11, 2023 · 7 revisions

SMTP Plugin for TBUtil

Last updated: 20 Apr 2023

TbUtil plugin for sending messages using the SMTP protocol.

Note: this plugin performs no DKIM/DMARK or SPF verification of the sent email. You could consider using the free "dkimproxy" if that is an issue.

Presentation Slides

Click here for a PDF of training slides about the plugin.


var p = plugin("smtp-plugin");

// or..

p.send(config, client);

Where config is an object that contains the follow fields..

Field name Description
authType The type of authentication to use. Valid values are "none", "plain" (default if password is specified), "cramMd5" (default if secret is specified), "login" or "ntlm".
bcc An array of strings containing blind-carbon-copy recipient email addresses.
cc An array of strings containing carbon-copy recipient email addresses.
enableSsl Boolean: should an SSL-encrypted connection to the server be used?
This style of encryption starts full encrypted like HTTPS does.
enableTls Boolean: should a TLS-encrypted connection to the server be used?
This starts the protocol in clear text and uses "STARTTLS" to switch to an encrypted exchange early on in the handshake.
from The email address of the sender of the email.
headers A JS object containing additional headers for the email. This must be a string-to-string map. The following headers should NOT be specified here because they are populated using other fields.. to, cc, bcc, subject, from, date, mime-version, content-type, x-sent-using.
host If authType is "plain", then this is the name of the host.
identity If authType is "plain", then this is the optional identity string.
ntlmVersion Specifies the NTLM protocol version to use. May be "1" or "2". Only relevant if authType is "ntlm".
parts An array of email content objects. See below.
password If authType is "plain", then this is the password.
secret If authType is "cramMd5", then this is the authentication secret.
server The SMTP server and port (delimited by a colon) to connect to.
skipHostChecks boolean: If "true", then local checks on the validity of the specified host name are skipped. (not recommended).
subject The subject for the email.
to An array of strings containing recipient email addresses.
user If authType is "plain" or "cramMd5", then this is the user name.

If any of the to, cc or bcc fields only need to contain a single address, then they an be specified as a simple string instead of an array.

The authType field determines which of the authentication fields are relevant as follows..

Auth type Relevant fields
none none.
plain identity, user, password, host
cramMd5 user, secret.
login user, password.
ntlm host, user, password, ntlmVersion.

The parts field is an array of sub-objects, each of which contains the following fields.

Field name Description
content A string containing the message block content.
contentBase64 A string containing the base64 encoded message block content.
contentFile The name of a local file to read the message block content from.
delete Boolean: if contentFile is specified, should the file be deleted after it has been read? Default is false.
encoding The content encoding type to use. Can be "base64" or "quoted-printable". It defaults to "quoted-printable" for "text/plain" and "text/html" mimeTypes, otherwise the default is "base64".
fileName The optional file name to be placed in the Content-Disposition field of the mime headers. If specfied, the dispoistion will be "attachment".
mimeType The mime type specification - to be placed in the Content-Type field of the mime headers.

Note 1: only one of content, contentBase64 or contentFile should be specified.

Note 2: "delete" is only relevant if "contentFile" is specified. If an error is thrown while reading any of the content files, then none of the files later in the list will be deleted.

Note 3: The sent mail will have the header "X-Sent-Using" with a value that indicates the tbutil version and GIT commit tag. For example:

X-Sent-Using: tbutil 1.2c; 8fd2f0cc194742276da731e639acddde104263f3

Note 4: If the "client" argument is specified to the "send" function then the following configuration parameters are taken from Turbonomic's SMTP configuration. If the fields exist in the config structure, they will take precendence over those taken from Turbonomic.

  • user
  • password
  • server (including port)
  • from
  • enableSsl
  • enableTls
  • authType will be set to "basic" if password is populated.


Here's an example of sending an email with a small plain-text message and a couple of attachments (neither of which should be deleted after sending).

var p = plugin("smtp-plugin");

var email = {
	// Message headers
	to: "Mickey Mouse <[email protected]>",
	cc: [ "[email protected]" ],
	subject: "Checking that this works",

	// Message content
	parts: [
			mimeType: "text/plain",
			encoding: "quoted-printable",
			content: "Here is a picture of me and that document I mentioned."
			mimeType: "image/png",
			encoding: "base64",
			contentFile: getenv("HOME")+"/images/me.png",
			fileName: "pic-of-me.png",
			delete: false
			mimeType: "application/pdf",
			encoding: "base64",
			contentFile: getenv("HOME")+"/Documents/latest-design.pdf",
			fileName: "latest-design.pdf",
			delete: false

p.send(email, client);
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