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Optimize Rat's polynorm and fix bugs. (#138)
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* Optimize Rat's polynorm and fix bugs.

* Fix lean-cvc5 version.

* Compile Smt.Rat.

* Fix lean-cvc5 version.

* Fix Rat bug.
  • Loading branch information
abdoo8080 authored Oct 23, 2024
1 parent f80c0bc commit f0e6b56
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Showing 13 changed files with 333 additions and 68 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .github/workflows/ci.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ jobs:
lake update
lake build
lake build +Smt:dynlib
lake build +Smt.Rat:dynlib
lake build +Smt.Real:dynlib
- name: Test lean-smt
run: lake run test
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Smt/Reconstruct.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ def addThm (type : Expr) (val : Expr) : ReconstructM Expr := do
let name := Name.num `s (← incCount)
let mv ← Meta.mkFreshExprMVar type .natural name
mv.mvarId!.assign val
trace[smt.reconstruct.proof] "have {name} : {type} := {mv}"
trace[smt.reconstruct.proof] "have {name} : {type} := {val}"
return mv

def addTac (type : Expr) (tac : MVarId → MetaM Unit) : ReconstructM Expr := do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ def solve (query : String) (timeout : Option Nat) : MetaM (Except Error cvc5.Pro
Solver.setOption "dag-thresh" "0"
Solver.setOption "simplification" "none"
Solver.setOption "enum-inst" "true"
Solver.setOption "cegqi-midpoint" "true"
Solver.setOption "produce-models" "true"
Solver.setOption "produce-proofs" "true"
Solver.setOption "proof-elim-subtypes" "true"
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Smt/Reconstruct/Int/Polynorm.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -256,8 +256,8 @@ inductive Expr where
| var (v : Nat)
| neg (a : Expr)
| add (a b : Expr)
| mul (a b : Expr)
| sub (a b : Expr)
| mul (a b : Expr)
deriving Inhabited, Repr

namespace Expr
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ def nativePolyNorm (mv : MVarId) : MetaM Unit := do
let ctx : Q(PolyNorm.Context) ← pure q((«$is».getD · 0))
let ⟨cache, el, _⟩ ← toQPolyNormExpr ctx es l {}
let ⟨_, er, _⟩ ← toQPolyNormExpr ctx es r cache
let hp ← nativeDecide q(«$el».toPolynomial = «$er».toPolynomial)
let hp ← nativeDecide q(«$el».toPolynomial = «$er».toPolynomial)
let he := q(@PolyNorm.Expr.denote_eq_from_toPolynomial_eq $ctx $el $er $hp)
mv.assign he
Expand Down
16 changes: 7 additions & 9 deletions Smt/Reconstruct/Prop.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -246,9 +246,9 @@ def reconstructResolution (c₁ c₂ : Array cvc5.Term) (pol l : cvc5.Term) (hps
let hij : Q($ps[$i] = ¬$qs[$j]) :=
if pol.getBooleanValue then .app q(Prop.eq_not_not) q($ps[$i])
else .app q(@Eq.refl Prop) q($ps[$i])
addThm (← rightAssocOp q(Or) (getResolutionResult c₁ c₂ pol l)) q(Prop.orN_resolution $hps $hqs $hi $hj $hij)
return q(Prop.orN_resolution $hps $hqs $hi $hj $hij)
addThm (← rightAssocOp q(Or) (c₁ ++ c₂)) q(@Prop.orN_append_left $ps $qs $hps)
return q(@Prop.orN_append_left $ps $qs $hps)
rightAssocOp (op : Expr) (ts : Array cvc5.Term) : ReconstructM Expr := do
if ts.isEmpty then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,12 +285,12 @@ def reconstructChainResolution (cs as : Array cvc5.Term) (ps : Array Expr) : Rec
let c₂ := clausify pf.getChildren[1]!.getResult l
let hps ← reconstructProof pf.getChildren[0]!
let hqs ← reconstructProof pf.getChildren[1]!
reconstructResolution c₁ c₂ p l hps hqs
addThm (← reconstructTerm pf.getResult) (← reconstructResolution c₁ c₂ p l hps hqs)
let cs := (·.getResult)
let as := pf.getArguments
let ps ← pf.getChildren.mapM reconstructProof
reconstructChainResolution cs as ps
addThm (← reconstructTerm pf.getResult) (← reconstructChainResolution cs as ps)
let p : Q(Prop) ← reconstructTerm pf.getChildren[0]!.getResult
let q : Q(Prop) ← reconstructTerm pf.getResult
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -345,11 +345,9 @@ def reconstructChainResolution (cs as : Array cvc5.Term) (ps : Array Expr) : Rec
let f := fun pf ⟨q, hq⟩ => do
let p : Q(Prop) ← reconstructTerm pf.getResult
let hp : Q($p) ← reconstructProof pf
let hq ← addThm q($p ∧ $q) q(And.intro $hp $hq)
let q := q($p ∧ $q)
return ⟨q, hq⟩
let ⟨_, hq⟩ ← cpfs.pop.foldrM f (⟨q, hq⟩ : Σ q : Q(Prop), Q($q))
return hq
return ⟨q($p ∧ $q), q(And.intro $hp $hq)⟩
let ⟨q, hq⟩ ← cpfs.pop.foldrM f (⟨q, hq⟩ : Σ q : Q(Prop), Q($q))
addThm q hq
let f t ps := do
let p : Q(Prop) ← reconstructTerm t
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion Smt/Reconstruct/Rat.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -422,7 +422,6 @@ where
| .GT =>
addThm q(($x₁ > $x₂) = ($y₁ > $y₂)) q(Rat.gt_of_sub_eq_neg $hcx $hcy $h)
| _ => return none
return none
if pf.getResult[1]![0]!.getSort.isInteger then return none
reconstructMulSign pf
Expand Down
218 changes: 169 additions & 49 deletions Smt/Reconstruct/Rat/Polynorm.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,14 +18,32 @@ theorem Rat.neg_mul_eq_neg_mul (a b : Rat) : -(a * b) = -a * b := by

namespace Smt.Reconstruct.Rat.PolyNorm

abbrev Var := Nat
structure Var where
type : Bool
val : Nat
deriving DecidableEq, Repr

instance : LE Var where
le v₁ v₂ := v₁.type < v₂.type ∨ (v₁.type = v₂.type ∧ v₁.val ≤ v₂.val)

instance : LT Var where
lt v₁ v₂ := v₁.type < v₂.type ∨ (v₁.type = v₂.type ∧ v₁.val < v₂.val)

instance (v₁ v₂ : Var) : Decidable (v₁ ≤ v₂) :=
if h : v₁.type < v₂.type ∨ (v₁.type = v₂.type ∧ v₁.val ≤ v₂.val) then isTrue h else isFalse h

instance (v₁ v₂ : Var) : Decidable (v₁ < v₂) :=
if h : v₁.type < v₂.type ∨ (v₁.type = v₂.type ∧ v₁.val < v₂.val) then isTrue h else isFalse h

def Context := Var → Rat

def IntContext := Nat → Int
def RatContext := Nat → Rat

structure Monomial where
coeff : Rat
vars : List Var
deriving Inhabited, Repr
deriving Inhabited, Repr, DecidableEq

namespace Monomial

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -158,37 +176,87 @@ theorem denote_divConst {p : Polynomial} : (p.divConst c).denote ctx = p.denote

end Polynomial

inductive Expr where
| val (v : Rat)
inductive IntExpr where
| val (v : Int)
| var (v : Nat)
| neg (a : Expr)
| add (a b : Expr)
| sub (a b : Expr)
| mul (a b : Expr)
| divConst (a : Expr) (c : Rat)
| neg (a : IntExpr)
| add (a b : IntExpr)
| sub (a b : IntExpr)
| mul (a b : IntExpr)
deriving Inhabited, Repr

namespace Expr
namespace IntExpr

def toPolynomial : Expr → Polynomial
def toPolynomial : IntExpr → Polynomial
| val v => if v = 0 then [] else [{ coeff := v, vars := [] }]
| var v => [{ coeff := 1, vars := [v] }]
| var v => [{ coeff := 1, vars := [false, v⟩] }]
| neg a => a.toPolynomial.neg
| add a b => Polynomial.add a.toPolynomial b.toPolynomial
| sub a b => Polynomial.sub a.toPolynomial b.toPolynomial
| mul a b => Polynomial.mul a.toPolynomial b.toPolynomial
| divConst a c => Polynomial.divConst a.toPolynomial c

def denote (ctx : Context) : ExprRat
def denote (ctx : IntContext) : IntExprInt
| val v => v
| var v => ctx v
| neg a => -a.denote ctx
| add a b => a.denote ctx + b.denote ctx
| sub a b => a.denote ctx - b.denote ctx
| mul a b => a.denote ctx * b.denote ctx
| divConst a c => a.denote ctx / c

theorem denote_toPolynomial {e : Expr} : e.denote ctx = e.toPolynomial.denote ctx := by
theorem denote_toPolynomial {rctx : RatContext} {e : IntExpr} : e.denote ictx = e.toPolynomial.denote (fun ⟨b, n⟩ => if b then rctx n else ictx n) := by
induction e with
| val v =>
simp only [denote, toPolynomial]
split <;> rename_i hv
· rewrite [hv]; rfl
· simp [Polynomial.denote, Monomial.denote]
| var v =>
simp [denote, toPolynomial, Polynomial.denote, Monomial.denote]
| neg a ih =>
simp only [denote, toPolynomial, Polynomial.denote_neg, Rat.intCast_neg, ih]
| add a b ih₁ ih₂ =>
simp only [denote, toPolynomial, Polynomial.denote_add, Rat.intCast_add, ih₁, ih₂]
| sub a b ih₁ ih₂ =>
simp only [denote, toPolynomial, Polynomial.denote_sub, Rat.intCast_sub, ih₁, ih₂]
| mul a b ih₁ ih₂ =>
simp only [denote, toPolynomial, Polynomial.denote_mul, Rat.intCast_mul, ih₁, ih₂]

end IntExpr

inductive RatExpr where
| val (v : Rat)
| var (v : Nat)
| neg (a : RatExpr)
| add (a b : RatExpr)
| sub (a b : RatExpr)
| mul (a b : RatExpr)
| divConst (a : RatExpr) (c : Rat)
| cast (a : IntExpr)
deriving Inhabited, Repr

namespace RatExpr

def toPolynomial : RatExpr → Polynomial
| val v => if v = 0 then [] else [{ coeff := v, vars := [] }]
| var v => [{ coeff := 1, vars := [⟨true, v⟩] }]
| neg a => a.toPolynomial.neg
| add a b => Polynomial.add a.toPolynomial b.toPolynomial
| sub a b => Polynomial.sub a.toPolynomial b.toPolynomial
| mul a b => Polynomial.mul a.toPolynomial b.toPolynomial
| divConst a c => Polynomial.divConst a.toPolynomial c
| cast a => a.toPolynomial

def denote (ictx : IntContext) (rctx : RatContext) : RatExpr → Rat
| val v => v
| var v => rctx v
| neg a => -a.denote ictx rctx
| add a b => a.denote ictx rctx + b.denote ictx rctx
| sub a b => a.denote ictx rctx - b.denote ictx rctx
| mul a b => a.denote ictx rctx * b.denote ictx rctx
| divConst a c => a.denote ictx rctx / c
| cast a => a.denote ictx

theorem denote_toPolynomial {e : RatExpr} : e.denote ictx rctx = e.toPolynomial.denote (fun ⟨b, n⟩ => if b then rctx n else ictx n) := by
induction e with
| val v =>
simp only [denote, toPolynomial]
Expand All @@ -207,24 +275,35 @@ theorem denote_toPolynomial {e : Expr} : e.denote ctx = e.toPolynomial.denote ct
simp only [denote, toPolynomial, Polynomial.denote_mul, ih₁, ih₂]
| divConst a c ih =>
simp only [denote, toPolynomial, Polynomial.denote_divConst, ih]
| cast a =>
simpa only [denote] using IntExpr.denote_toPolynomial

theorem denote_eq_from_toPolynomial_eq {e₁ e₂ : Expr} (h : e₁.toPolynomial = e₂.toPolynomial) : e₁.denote ctx = e₂.denote ctx := by
theorem denote_eq_from_toPolynomial_eq {e₁ e₂ : RatExpr} (h : e₁.toPolynomial = e₂.toPolynomial) : e₁.denote ictx rctx = e₂.denote ictx rctx := by
rw [denote_toPolynomial, denote_toPolynomial, h]

end PolyNorm.Expr
end PolyNorm.RatExpr

open Lean hiding Rat
open Qq

abbrev PolyM := StateT (Array Q(Rat)) MetaM
abbrev PolyM := StateT (Array Q(Int) × Array Q(Rat)) MetaM

def getRatIndex (e : Q(Rat)) : PolyM Nat := do
let ⟨is, rs⟩ ← get
if let some i := rs.findIdx? (· == e) then
return i
let size := rs.size
set (is, rs.push e)
return size

def getIndex (e : Q(Rat)) : PolyM Nat := do
let es ← get
if let some i := es.findIdx? (· == e) then
def getIntIndex (e : Q(Rat)) : PolyM Nat := do
let ⟨is, rs⟩ ← get
if let some i := is.findIdx? (· == e) then
return i
let size := es.size
set (es.push e)
let size := is.size
set (is.push e, rs)
return size

partial def toRatConst (e : Q(Rat)) : PolyM Rat := do
Expand All @@ -237,40 +316,64 @@ partial def toRatConst (e : Q(Rat)) : PolyM Rat := do
| ~q($x / $y) => pure ((← toRatConst x) / (← toRatConst y))
| e => throwError "[poly_norm] expected a rational number, got {e}"

partial def toPolyNormExpr (e : Q(Rat)) : PolyM PolyNorm.Expr := do
partial def toQPolyNormIntExpr (e : Q(Int)) : PolyM Q(PolyNorm.IntExpr) := do
match e with
| ~q(OfNat.ofNat $x) => pure (.val x.rawNatLit?.get!)
| ~q(-$x) => pure (.neg (← toPolyNormExpr x))
| ~q($x + $y) => pure (.add (← toPolyNormExpr x) (← toPolyNormExpr y))
| ~q($x - $y) => pure (.sub (← toPolyNormExpr x) (← toPolyNormExpr y))
| ~q($x * $y) => pure (.mul (← toPolyNormExpr x) (← toPolyNormExpr y))
| ~q($x / $y) => pure (.divConst (← toPolyNormExpr x) (← toRatConst y))
| e => let v : Nat ← getIndex e; pure (.var v)

partial def toQPolyNormExpr (e : Q(Rat)) : PolyM Q(PolyNorm.Expr) := do
| ~q(OfNat.ofNat $n) => pure q(.val (@OfNat.ofNat Int $n _))
| ~q(-$x) => pure q(.neg $(← toQPolyNormIntExpr x))
| ~q($x + $y) => pure q(.add $(← toQPolyNormIntExpr x) $(← toQPolyNormIntExpr y))
| ~q($x - $y) => pure q(.sub $(← toQPolyNormIntExpr x) $(← toQPolyNormIntExpr y))
| ~q($x * $y) => pure q(.mul $(← toQPolyNormIntExpr x) $(← toQPolyNormIntExpr y))
| e => let v : Nat ← getIntIndex e; pure q(.var $v)

partial def toQPolyNormRatExpr (e : Q(Rat)) : PolyM Q(PolyNorm.RatExpr) := do
match e with
| ~q(OfNat.ofNat $n) => pure q(.val (@OfNat.ofNat Rat $n _))
| ~q(-$x) => pure q(.neg $(← toQPolyNormExpr x))
| ~q($x + $y) => pure q(.add $(← toQPolyNormExpr x) $(← toQPolyNormExpr y))
| ~q($x - $y) => pure q(.sub $(← toQPolyNormExpr x) $(← toQPolyNormExpr y))
| ~q($x * $y) => pure q(.mul $(← toQPolyNormExpr x) $(← toQPolyNormExpr y))
| ~q($x / $y) => pure q(.divConst $(← toQPolyNormExpr x) $(PolyNorm.Monomial.toExpr.toExprCoeff (← toRatConst y)))
| e => let v : Nat ← getIndex e; pure q(.var $v)
| ~q(-$x) => pure q(.neg $(← toQPolyNormRatExpr x))
| ~q($x + $y) => pure q(.add $(← toQPolyNormRatExpr x) $(← toQPolyNormRatExpr y))
| ~q($x - $y) => pure q(.sub $(← toQPolyNormRatExpr x) $(← toQPolyNormRatExpr y))
| ~q($x * $y) => pure q(.mul $(← toQPolyNormRatExpr x) $(← toQPolyNormRatExpr y))
| ~q($x / $y) => pure q(.divConst $(← toQPolyNormRatExpr x) $(PolyNorm.Monomial.toExpr.toExprCoeff (← toRatConst y)))
| ~q(($x : Int)) => pure q(.cast $(← toQPolyNormIntExpr x))
| e => let v : Nat ← getRatIndex e; pure q(.var $v)

def polyNorm (mv : MVarId) : MetaM Unit := do
let some (_, l, r) := (← mv.getType).eq?
| throwError "[poly_norm] expected an equality, got {← mv.getType}"
let (l, es) ← (toQPolyNormExpr l).run #[]
let (r, es) ← (toQPolyNormExpr r).run es
let is : Q(Array Rat) := es.foldl (fun acc e => q(«$acc».push $e)) q(#[])
let ctx : Q(PolyNorm.Context) := q(fun v => if h : v < «$is».size then $is[v] else 0)
let (l, (is, rs)) ← (toQPolyNormRatExpr l).run (#[], #[])
let (r, (is, rs)) ← (toQPolyNormRatExpr r).run (is, rs)
let is : Q(Array Int) ← pure (is.foldl (fun acc e => q(«$acc».push $e)) q(#[]))
let rs : Q(Array Rat) ← pure (rs.foldl (fun acc e => q(«$acc».push $e)) q(#[]))
let ictx : Q(PolyNorm.IntContext) := q((«$is».getD · 0))
let rctx : Q(PolyNorm.RatContext) := q((«$rs».getD · 0))
let h : Q(«$l».toPolynomial = «$r».toPolynomial) := .app q(@Eq.refl.{1} PolyNorm.Polynomial) q(«$l».toPolynomial)
mv.assign q(@PolyNorm.Expr.denote_eq_from_toPolynomial_eq $ctx $l $r $h)
mv.assign q(@PolyNorm.RatExpr.denote_eq_from_toPolynomial_eq $ictx $rctx $l $r $h)

def nativePolyNorm (mv : MVarId) : MetaM Unit := do
let some (_, l, r) := (← mv.getType).eq?
| throwError "[poly_norm] expected an equality, got {← mv.getType}"
let (l, (is, rs)) ← (toQPolyNormRatExpr l).run (#[], #[])
let (r, (is, rs)) ← (toQPolyNormRatExpr r).run (is, rs)
let is : Q(Array Int) ← pure (is.foldl (fun acc e => q(«$acc».push $e)) q(#[]))
let rs : Q(Array Rat) ← pure (rs.foldl (fun acc e => q(«$acc».push $e)) q(#[]))
let ictx : Q(PolyNorm.IntContext) := q((«$is».getD · 0))
let rctx : Q(PolyNorm.RatContext) := q((«$rs».getD · 0))
let h ← nativeDecide q(«$l».toPolynomial = «$r».toPolynomial)
mv.assign q(@PolyNorm.RatExpr.denote_eq_from_toPolynomial_eq $ictx $rctx $l $r $h)
logPolynomial (e : Q(PolyNorm.Expr)) (es : Array Q(Rat)) := do
let p ← unsafe Meta.evalExpr PolyNorm.Expr q(PolyNorm.Expr) e
let ppCtx := fun v => if h : v < es.size then es[v] else q(0)
logInfo m!"poly := {PolyNorm.Polynomial.toExpr p.toPolynomial ppCtx}"
nativeDecide (p : Q(Prop)) : MetaM Q($p) := do
let hp : Q(Decidable $p) ← Meta.synthInstance q(Decidable $p)
let auxDeclName ← mkNativeAuxDecl `_nativePolynorm q(Bool) q(decide $p)
let b : Q(Bool) := .const auxDeclName []
return .app q(@of_decide_eq_true $p $hp) (.app q(Lean.ofReduceBool $b true) q(Eq.refl true))
mkNativeAuxDecl (baseName : Name) (type value : Expr) : MetaM Name := do
let auxName ← Lean.mkAuxName baseName 1
let decl := Declaration.defnDecl {
name := auxName, levelParams := [], type, value
hints := .abbrev
safety := .safe
addAndCompile decl
pure auxName

namespace Tactic

Expand All @@ -283,7 +386,24 @@ open Lean.Elab Tactic in
Rat.polyNorm mv
replaceMainGoal []

syntax (name := nativePolyNorm) "native_poly_norm" : tactic

open Lean.Elab Tactic in
@[tactic nativePolyNorm] def evalNativePolyNorm : Tactic := fun _ =>
withMainContext do
let mv ← Tactic.getMainGoal
Rat.nativePolyNorm mv
replaceMainGoal []

end Smt.Reconstruct.Rat.Tactic

open Smt.Reconstruct.Rat.PolyNorm.RatExpr

example (x y z : Rat) : 1 * (x + y) * z / 4 = 1/(2 * 2) * (z * y + x * z) := by

example (x y : Int) (z : Rat) : 1 * (x + y) * z / 4 = 1/(2 * 2) * (z * y + x * z) := by

example (x y : Int) (z : Rat) : 1 * (x + y) * z / 4 = 1/(2 * 2) * (z * y + x * z) := by

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