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Rob van Hoboken edited this page Apr 23, 2024 · 4 revisions

Data Table Properties

pyRACF dynamically creates a property for every recordtype it parses from the IRRDBU00 unload. The properties return a DataFrame of the recordtype with column names the same as those in the IBM Documentation. For instance, the unloaded basic-user-information (record Type 200) will have a column name USBD_NAME to contain the "User ID as taken from the profile name".

The following properties directly relate to the recordtypes, and mostly have field names starting with the value under Prefix.

Record Type Prefix Property Description
0100 GPBD .groups Group Basic Data record (0100).
0101 GPSGRP .subgroups Group Subgroups record (0101).
0102 GPMEM .connects Group Members record (0102). [note 1]
0103 GPINSTD .groupUSRDATA Group Installation Data record (0103).
0110 GPDFP .groupDFP Group DFP Data record (0110).
0120 GPOMVS .groupOMVS Group OMVS Data record (0120).
0130 GPOVM .groupOVM Group OVM Data record (0130).
0141 GPTME .groupTME Group TME Data record (0141).
0151 GPCSD .groupCSDATA Group CSDATA custom fields (0151).
0200 USBD .users User Basic Data record (0200).
0201 USCAT .userCategrories User Categories record (0201).
0202 USCLA .userClasses User Classes record (0202).
0203 USGCON .groupConnect User Group Connections record (0203). [note 1]
0204 USINSTD .userUSRDATA User Installation Data record (0204).
0205 USCON .connectData User Connect Data record (0205). [note 1]
0206 USRSF .userRRSFDATA RRSF data record (0206).
0207 USCERT .userCERTname user certificate name record (0207).
0208 USNMAP .userAssociationMapping User Associated Mappings record (0208).
0209 USDMAP .userDistributedIdMapping User Associated Distributed Mappings record (0209).
020A USMFA .userMFAfactor user Multifactor authentication data record (020A).
020B USMPOL .userMFApolicies user Multi-factor authentication policies record (020B)
0210 USDFP .userDFP User DFP data record (0210).
0220 USTSO .userTSO User TSO Data record (0220).
0230 USCICS .userCICS User CICS Data record (0230).
0231 USCOPC .userCICSoperatorClasses User CICS Operator Class record (0231).
0232 USCRSL .userCICSrslKeys User CICS RSL keys record (0232).
0233 USCTSL .userCICStslKeys User CICS TSL keys record (0233).
0240 USLAN .userLANGUAGE User Language Data record (0240).
0250 USOPR .userOPERPARM User OPERPARM Data record (0250).
0251 USOPRP .userOPERPARMscope User OPERPARM Scope record (0251).
0260 USWRK .userWORKATTR User WORKATTR Data record (0260).
0270 USOMVS .userOMVS User Data record (0270).
0280 USNETV .userNETVIEW user NETVIEW segment record (0280).
0281 USNOPC .userNETVIEWopclass user OPCLASS record (0281).
0282 USNDOM .userNETVIEWdomains user DOMAINS record (0282).
0290 USDCE .userDCE user DCE data record (0290).
02A0 USOVM .userOVM user OVM data record (02A0).
02B0 USLNOT .userLNOTES LNOTES data record (02B0).
02C0 USNDS .userNDS NDS data record (02C0).
02D0 USKERB .userKERB User KERB segment record (02D0).
02E0 USPROXY .userPROXY user PROXY record (02E0).
02F0 USEIM .userEIM user EIM segment record (02F0).
02G1 USCSD .userCSDATA user CSDATA custom fields record (02G1).
1210 USMFAC .userMFAfactorTags user Multifactor authentication factor configuration data record (1210).
0400 DSBD .datasets Data Set Basic Data record (0400).
0401 DSCAT .datasetCategories Data Set Categories record (0401).
0402 DSCACC .datasetConditionalAccess Data Set Conditional Access record (0402).
0403 DSVOL .datasetVolumes Data Set Volumes record (0403).
0404 DSACC .datasetAccess Data Set Access Record (0404).
0405 DSINSTD .datasetUSRDATA Data Set Installation Data Record (0405).
0406 DSMEM .datasetMember Data Set Member Data Record (0406).
0410 DSDFP .datasetDFP Data Set DFP Data record (0410).
0421 DSTME .datasetTME Data Set TME Data Record (0421).
0431 DSCSD .datasetCSDATA Data Set CSDATA custom fields record (0431).
0500 GRBD .generals General Resource Basic Data record (0500).
0501 GRTVOL .generalTAPEvolume General Resource Tape Volume Data record (0501).
0502 GRCAT .generalCategories General Resources Categories record (0502).
0503 GRMEM .generalMembers General Resource Members record (0503).
0504 GRVOL .generalTAPEvolumes General Resources Volumes record (0504).
0505 GRACC .generalAccess General Resource Access record (0505).
0506 GRINSTD .generalUSRDATA General Resource Installation Data record (0506).
0507 GRCACC .generalConditionalAccess General Resources Conditional Access record (0507).
0508 GRFLTR .DistributedIdFilter Filter Data record (0508).
0509 GRDMAP .DistributedIdMapping General Resource Distributed Identity Mapping Data record (0509).
0510 GRSES .SESSION General Resources Session Data record (0510).
0511 GRSESE .SESSIONentities General Resources Session Entities record (0511).
0520 GRDLF .DLFDATA General Resources DLF Data record (0520).
0521 GRDLFJ .DLFDATAjobnames General Resources DLF Job Names record (0521).
0530 GRSIGN .SSIGNON SSIGNON data record (0530).
0540 GRST .STDATA Started Task data record (0540).
0550 GRSV .SVFMR Systemview record (0550).
0560 GRCERT .CERT Certificate Data record (0560).
1560 GRCERTN .CERTname general resource certificate information record (1560).
0561 CERTR .CERTreferences Certificate References record (0561).
0562 KEYR .KEYRING Key Ring Data record (0562).
0570 GRTME .TME general resource TME data record (0570).
0571 GRTMEC .TMEchild general resource TME child record (0571).
0572 GRTMER .TMEresource general resource TME resource record (0572).
0573 GRTMEG .TMEgroup general resource TME group record (0573).
0574 GRTMEE .TMErole general resource TME role record (0574).
0580 GRKERB .KERB general resource KERB segment record (0580).
0590 GRPROXY .PROXY general resource PROXY record (0590).
05A0 GREIM .EIM general resource EIM segment record (05A0).
05B0 GRALIAS .ALIAS general resource ALIAS group record (05B0).
05C0 GRCDT .CDTINFO general resource CDTINFO data record (05C0).
05D0 GRICTX .ICTX general resource ICTX segment record (05D0).
05E0 GRCFDEF .CFDEF general resource CFDEF data record (05E0).
05F0 GRSIG .SIGVER general resource SIGVER data record (05F0).
05G0 GRCSF .ICSF general resource ICSF record (05G0).
05G1 GRCSFK .ICSFsymexportKeylabel general resource ICSF key label record (05G1).
05G2 GRCSFC .ICSFsymexportCertificateIdentifier general resource ICSF certificate identifier record (05G2).
05H0 GRMFA .MFA Multifactor factor definition data record (05H0)
05I0 GRMFP .MFPOLICY Multifactor Policy Definition data record (05I0).
05I1 GRMPF .MFPOLICYfactors user Multifactor authentication policy factors record (05I1).
05J1 GRCSD .generalCSDATA General Resources CSDA custom fields record (05J1).
05K0 GRIDTP .IDTFPARMS Identity Token data record (05K0).
05L0 GRJES .JES JES data record (05L0).

[note 1]: DataFrames .connects and .groupConnect present limited information. .connects ignores universal groups, and both lack information about group privileges. Complete information about connection between groups and users, including connect authority, is stored in .connectData.

Properties starting with .general are mostly related to access control profiles that use PERMITs. General resource profiles that represent (system) tables and switches are stored in properties with names that reflect the application segment name (in uppercase, optionally followed by a suffix for lists stored in the segment).

Some of these properties have been extended for easier reporting:


Combines fields from USER profiles (0205) and GROUP profiles (0102). The GPMEM_AUTH field shows group connect authority, whereas all other field names start with USCON. This property should be used for most connect group analysis, instead of .connects and .groupConnect.

.datasets and .generals

Column IDSTAR_ACCESS is added by selecting records from .datasetAccess and .generalAccess referencing ID(*). The higher value of prefix_UACC and IDSTAR_ACCESS is stored in ALL_USER_ACCESS indicating the access level granted to all RACF defined users, except when restricted by specific access.


Returns a combined DataFrame of the DataFrames ._generalSSIGNON en .generals, copying the GRBD_APPL_DATA field to show if replay protection is available for the passticket.

To view column names in a DataFrame, use .columns

>>> r.STDATA.columns

Data Table Indices

The data tables have index fields assigned to speed up access to entries and to determine "is this ID present in the .users table". Index fields are automatically assigned (generally) as follows. Note that the table prefix is omitted from the index names to ease table processing.

  • For tables about groups, users and data sets, the _NAME field refers to the profile key.
  • For general resources, _CLASS_NAME and _NAME refer to the resource class and the profile key, resp.
  • .connectData uses _GRP_ID and _NAME as index fields, representing the group name and the user ID, resp. The other two connect related tables use the same structure to facilitate merging of tables.
  • .datasetAccess and .datasetConditionalAccess use _NAME, _AUTH_ID and _ACCESS as index fields.
  • .generalAccess and .generalConditionalAccess use _CLASS_NAME, _NAME, _AUTH_ID and _ACCESS as index fields.

Tables and views derived from these main tables mostly inherit the index fields. To check the index names used in a DataFrame, use .index.names

>>> r.STDATA.index.names
FrozenList(['_CLASS_NAME', '_NAME'])

Data selection methods

The data table properties return all profiles and profile data loaded from the RACF input source. Since they typically return more than one entry, the property name represents a plural, such as .users. To make selections you have to use methods such as .loc[ ], .query( ), .gfilter( ) or rfilter( ), see Pandas Methods for guidance and examples.

In addition to the data table properties, data selection methods are available to retrieve one profile, or profiles from one class, with an easy syntax. The parameter(s) to these properties are used as a literal search argument, and return entries that fully match the argument(s). These properties typically have a name referring to the singular.


Returns a data frame with 1 record from .groups when the group is found, or an empty frame. For example,'SYS1')


Returns a data frame with 1 record from .users when the user ID is found, or an empty frame. For example, r.user('IBMUSER')

.connect('<groupname>', '<userid>')

Returns a data frame with record(s) from .connectData, fitting the parameters exactly, or an empty frame. For example, r.connect('SYS1','IBMUSER')

If one of the parameters is written as None, or the second parameter is omitted, all profiles matching the specified parameter are shown, with one index level instead of the 2 index levels that .connectData holds. For example, r.connect('SYS1') shows all users connected to SYS1, whereas r.connect(None, 'IBMUSER') shows all the groups IBMUSER is member of. Instead of None, you may specify '**'.

You can find all entries in .users that have a group connection to SYSPROG as follows:

r.users.query("_NAME in @r.connect('SYSPROG').index")

These forms use the index structure of .connect, rather that the data, giving better speed. The 2nd example references the index field _NAME rather than the data column USBD_NAME.


Returns a data frame with 1 record from .datasets when a profile is found, fitting the parameters exactly, or an empty frame. For example, r.dataset('SYS1.*.**')

To show all dataset profiles starting with SYS1 use r.datasets.gfilter('SYS1.**')

.datasetPermit('<key>', '<id>', '<access>')

Returns a data frame with records from .datasetAccess, fitting the parameters exactly, or an empty frame. For example, r.datasetPermit('SYS1.*.**', None, 'UPDATE') shows all IDs with update access on the SYS1.*.** profile (if this exists).

To show entries from all dataset profiles starting with SYS1 use r.datasetAccess.gfilter('SYS1.**', '**', 'UPDATE')

.datasetConditionalPermit('<key>', '<id>', '<access>')

Returns a data frame with records from .datasetConditionalAccess, fitting the parameters exactly, or an empty frame. For example, r.datasetConditionalPermit('SYS1.*.**', None, 'UPDATE')

To show entries from all conditional permits for ID(*) use r.datasetConditionalAccess.gfilter('**', '*', '**')

.general('<resclass>', '<key>')

Returns a data frame with profile(s) from .generals fitting the parameters exactly, or an empty frame. For example, r.general('FACILITY', 'BPX.**')

If one of the parameters is written as None or '**', or the second parameter is omitted, all profiles matching the specified parameter are shown. For example, r.general('UNIXPRIV')

To show general resource profiles relevant to z/OS UNIX use r.generals.gfilter('FACILITY', 'BPX.**')

.generalPermit('<resclass>', '<key>', '<id>', '<access>')

Returns a data frame with records from .generalAccess, fitting the parameters exactly, or an empty frame. For example, r.generalPermit('UNIXPRIV', None, None, 'UPDATE') shows all IDs with update access on the any UNIXPRIV profile (if this exists).

To show entries from all TCICSTRN profiles starting with CICSP use r.generalAccess.gfilter('TCICSTRN', 'CICSP*')

.generalConditionalPermit('<resclass>', '<key>', '<id>', '<access>')

Returns a data frame with records from .generalConditionalAccess fitting the parameters exactly, or an empty frame. For example, r.generalConditionalPermit('FACILITY')

To show entries from all conditional permits for ID(*) use r.generalConditionalPermit('**', '**', '*', '**') or the equivalent r.generalConditionalPermit(None, None, '*', None) This would also work r.generalConditionalAccess.rfilter(None, None, '\*', None)

Analytic Properties

These properties present a subset of DataFrames, or the result of DataFrame intersections, to identify points of interest.


The .specials property will return a "USBD" DataFrame (users) with all users that have the 'special attribute' set. Effectively this is the same as the result from

r.users.loc[r.users['USBD_SPECIAL'] == 'YES']


Like the .specials property but now all the users that have the 'operations attribute' set will be returned.


Returns a DataFrame with all users that have the 'auditor attribute'


Returns a DataFrame with all revoked users.


Returns a DataFrame with all groups that do not have user connects. (empty groups)


Returns a DataFrame with all dataset definitions that have a Universal Access of 'READ'


Returns a DataFrame with all dataset definitions that have a Universal Access of 'UPDATE'


Returns a DataFrame with all dataset definitions that have a Universal Access of 'CONTROL'


Returns a DataFrame with all dataset definitions that have a Universal Access of 'ALTER'


Returns a tuple of .datasetAccess DataFrame and .generalAccess DataFrame with entries that refer to non-existing authid's.