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Rob van Hoboken edited this page Apr 24, 2024 · 6 revisions

Methods to use on DataFrames

The data tables described in Data Table Properties present many entries. To find entries you can use standard pandas methods, or one of the methods specific for the RACF tables, relying on the index structure of these DataFrames. The result of these selections is another DataFrame.

In the examples below, r is a RACF object created from parsing.

Selection Methods

The data tables are designed with an index to allow fast access and merging, but also provide easy to use selection capabilities. Depending on the entity type or RACF attribute stored in the table, one or more fields are assigned as index fields. These same index fields, in the same order, can be used with the following selection methods.

.gfilter( '<mask>' , '<mask>', ... )

The .gfilter method emulates RACF generic filtering as implemented by the SEARCH FILTER( ) TSO command. The generic characters * and % in these masks apply to the values in the RACF fields, ignoring the meaning of those characters in the profile field.

However, '*' looks for a single * in the field, such as with ID(*). A value of '**' or None in a parameter means that any value is acceptable.

To select all data set profiles that start with SYS, you write

>>> r.datasets.gfilter('SYS*.**')

For general resource profiles, you specify the class name and the profile key, as literals or patterns, for example

r.generals.gfilter('FACILITY', 'BPX.**')    # all FACILITY profiles starting with BPX
r.generals.gfilter('**', 'BPX.**')          # all general resource profiles starting with BPX
r.generals.gfilter('UNIXPRIV')              # all UNIXPRIV profiles

For PERMITs, the ID and ACCESS values are available for selection too:

r.datasetAccess.gfilter('**', 'IBMUSER')         # dataset profiles where IBMUSER is permitted
r.datasetAccess.gfilter('SYS1.**', None, 'UPDATE')   # IDs with UPDATE PERMIT on a SYS1 dataset profile
r.datasetConditionalAccess.gfilter(None, '*')    # dataset where ID(*) has conditional access

r.generalAccesss.gfilter('UNIXPRIV', '**', '**', 'UPDATE')   # UPDATE on a UNIXPRIV profile

For group and user profiles, only one parameter is needed. Two parameters can be given for connect information:


r.connectData.gfilter('SYS%')   # users connected to SYS1, SYS2, etc.
r.connectData.gfilter('**', '%%%%PROD')   # groups connected to PROD user IDs

Note: to check the index names defined in a DataFrame, use .index.names

>>> r.STDATA.index.names
FrozenList(['_CLASS_NAME', '_NAME'])

If there is no matching value, an empty DataFrame will be produced.

.rfilter( '<regex>', '<regex>', ... )

The .rfilter method provides regular expression matching to the index fields of the DataFrame. Remember that * and . in these patterns have a special significance, so prefix them with \ if you want to search for * and . in the RACF fields.

r.datasets.rfilter('SYS[12]\..*')   # SYS1 and SYS2 profiles 
r.datasetConditionalAccess.rfilter(None, '\*')    # dataset where ID(*) has conditional access
r.users.rfilter('.*ADM')            # user IDs with ADM anywhere
r.groups.rfilter('\S+USER$')        # groups ending in USER

Pandas Methods

Data tables can also be processed with standard methods documented for pandas.

.loc[ '<value>', '<value>', ... ]

The exact value is looked up in the index field(s). This method is very fast, but an ugly KeyError is issued when there is no exact match. .gfilter also uses the index fields, but suppresses the KeyError.

If there is one match, the result is given in a Series. To ensure the result is passed back as a DataFrame, you can double up the square brackets.

>>> r.users.loc['IBMUSER']
... Series object

>>> r.users.loc[['IBMUSER']]
... DataFrame

If the data table has more than one index field, and only one value is given in .loc[ ], a DataFrame is produced with all entries for the value given.

>>> r.STDATA.loc['STARTED']
... DataFrame

>>> r.STDATA.loc['STARTED','ASCH.*']
GRST_NAME            ASCH.*
GRST_TRUSTED             NO
GRST_TRACE               NO
Name: (STARTED, ASCH.*), dtype: object

>>> r.STDATA.loc[[('STARTED','ASCH.*')]]
... DataFrame

By design, you specify index values as literals from the first level up, as in the previous examples. However, if you have to search the table for a value on, say, the third level and show any values found on the first two levels, you cannot just type None in those levels. Instead, you can use a "select anything" generator, enclose all selections in parentheses, and ensure that this tuple only acts on axis=0 by adding a comma at the end. This is how you would find all permits to ID(*) in general resource profiles:


This is exactly what .gfilter('**','**','*') would do, but more like a RACF person thinks.


  • .loc uses square brackets to specify the index value(s).
  • if a table has more than one index field, you may specify one or several, as long as they are in the right order.
  • if a table has more than one index field and you use the double brackets method, specify the index values as a tuple.

.loc[ <bit array> ]

The bit array variant of .loc[ ] can be used to search any of the fields in the table. The field names must be qualified with the table name, like so:

r.users.loc[ (r.users.USBD_PROGRAMMER.str.contains('IBM')) ]    # IBM anywhere in the programmer name field

r.STDATA.loc[ (r.STDATA.GRST_TRUSTED=='YES') | (r.STDATA.GRST_PRIVILEGED=='YES') ]   # trusted and privileged started tasks

r.datasetAccess.loc[ r.datasetAccess.DSACC_AUTH_ID.isin(r.users.index) ]   # permits given to user IDs

r.datasetAccess.loc[ ~ ( (r.datasetAccess.DSACC_AUTH_ID.isin(r.users.index) ) 
                       | (r.datasetAccess.DSACC_AUTH_ID.isin(r.groups.index) )
                       | (r.datasetAccess.DSACC_AUTH_ID=='*' ) ) ]         # orphan permits


  • .loc uses square brackets to specify the selection.
  • yes, you have to enter the full names of the data table inside the brackets.
  • use .r.users.columns to find the name of the columns in a table.
  • .loc[ ] with one array is somewhat intuitive, with two or more arrays, each selection must be captured in parentheses, and the groups combined with the logical operators &, | and ~.

.query( '<query string>' )

The .query method makes it easier to search for records with values in specific fields, but documentation about the detailed syntax is hard to find. Here are some examples and some more. Also, you must write your query with two levels of quotes, one to enclose the query and another to specify literal strings. At least you do not have to refer to the table name in the query.

Like most methods, the result of one .query() can be passed (or chained) into another. The \ serves as a continuation mark, like , in JCL and Rexx.


r.datasets.query("DSBD_UACC==['UPDATE','CONTROL','ALTER']")  # datasets with UACC>READ

You can also correlate fields in one table with entries in another table.

r.datasets.query("DSBD_OWNER_ID in @r.specials.index")   # system special user forgot to remove themselves from dataset OWNER( )

You can find all entries in .users that have a group connection to SYSPROG as follows. This references the user ID in index field r.users._NAME with the IDs connected to SYSPROG via the index:

r.users.query("_NAME in @r.connect('SYSPROG').index")

Query gives us access to the index field in the table, so we don't have to remember it's called _NAME:

r.users.query("index in @r.connect('SYSPROG').index")

You can also chain operators, for example to select the class of profiles first, considering that index based .loc[] is very fast and chaining it before query() drastically reduces the number entries query() has to test.

# conditional permission for operator commands from (SDSF etc) console

Data presentation methods

.acl( permits=True, explode=False, resolve=False, admin=False, access=None, allows=None, sort="profile" )

The .acl method can be used on DataFrames with dataset and general resource profile, and on the corresponding access frames, to present various views of the access controls defined in these profiles.

.acl returns a DataFrame without the prefixes of the originating frames.

>>> r.datasets.gfilter('SYS1.**).acl()
           SYS1.**      -group-    SYS1  ALTER
           SYS1.**        SPROG   SPROG  ALTER
           SYS1.**        TCPIP   TCPIP   READ
      SYS1.**.PAGE      -group-    SYS1  ALTER
     SYS1.BRODCAST            *       *   READ

The default layout shows the permits much like the output of LISTDSD, except a column USER_ID is added. This contains the word -group- if the AUTH_ID was found in r.groups.

permits=[ True | False ]

Show permits found in the profiles, with annotation if an AUTH_ID is a group name.

explode=[ False | True ]

Replace each group in AUTH_ID with the user IDs connected to the group, put the result in USER_ID. A user ID may occur several times in USER_ID with various ACCESS levels.

resolve=[ False | True ]

Show the ACCESS level that RACF would allow for each user ID in USER_ID with one of the originating group names in AUTH_ID. A user ID will only occur once in USER_ID for each profile.

admin=[ False | True ]

Shows the user IDs with the authority to issue RACF commands that change the profile, or any of the permitted groups. The privilege that allows the change is listed in AUTHORITY and the object or entity involved can be found in VIA.

access=[ None | 'NONE' | 'READ' | 'UPDATE' | 'CONTROL' | 'ALTER' ]

Show only permits of the given access level. The value must be a quoted string. Specify None (without quotes) to show all permits.

allows=[ None | 'NONE' | 'READ' | 'UPDATE' | 'CONTROL' | 'ALTER' ]

Show permits that include/permit the given access level. The value must be a quoted string. Specify None (without quotes) to show all permits.

sort=[ 'profile' | 'user' | 'id' | 'access' | 'admin' ]

Sort the output by the given column value. The sort field must be a quoted string.

r.dataset('SYS1.PARMLIB').acl(resolve=True)  # user IDs with access on SYS1.PARMLIB (if this profile exists)

r.datasets.gfilter('SYS1.**').acl(access='UPDATE')  # permits with UPDATE on any SYS1 dataset profile

r.datasets.gfilter('SYS1.**').acl(allows='UPDATE')  # permits with UPDATE, CONTROL or ALTER on any SYS1 dataset profile

r.datasets.gfilter('SYS1.**').acl(allows='UPDATE',resolve=True)  # users that can make changes on SYS1 datasets

To filter the output of .acl() you can chain .query(), referencing the column names like so:

          .query("USER_ID=='IBMUSER'")   # access scope of IBMUSER in SYS1 data sets