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tomtt edited this page Aug 13, 2010 · 22 revisions

A draft list of useful Cucumber patterns:

  • XPath Sections
    • Description: ability to scope an inspection or webrat step to a part of the html.
    • Motivation: when an element appears at multiple locations in an html page you want the ability to specify which one a step refers to
    • Examples:
      Then I should see "logout" in the account section

      When I follow "next" in the pagination section
    • Implementation:
      • Steps like
        When /^I follow "([^\"]*)" in the (.*)$/
      • A mapping of section names to xpaths that can be used for scoping
      • Webrat needs a patch to allow xpaths to be used
  • Easy objects
    • Description: generic step to create objects in a rails app
    • Motivation: when writing cucumber for rails, you often want to create some objects and set their properties
    • Examples:
      • Given the following People exist:
        | name | date of birth |
        | john | 20 Jan 1980   |
        | mary | 10 days ago   |
    • Implementation:
      • Generic step that has a model name and a table as arguments
      • Factory used to create an object for each row with the properties defined in the table
      • Transforms that map the properties to the correct type
  • Relative times
  • Manual steps
    • Description: have a step that indicates an action that requires a human
    • Motivation: some things can not be automatically tested (JS UI, captcha) and we still want cucumber to describe how the app should behave
    • Examples:
      Then /^.* \(manual step\)$/ do

      And I fill in the captcha correctly (manual step)
    • Implementation: define a step that matches anything and a unique string that denotes a manual step
  • Debugger
    • Description: a step to go into the debugger
    • Motivation: because puts statements just don’t cut it
    • Implementation:
      When I go to the homepage
      And debugger

      Then /^debugger$/ do

      >: cucumber features/test.feature 
      Feature: Test for debugger
        Scenario: Opening a debugger # features/test.feature:2
          When I go to the homepage  # features/step_definitions/webrat_steps.rb:10
      [23, 32] in /myproject/vendor/plugins/cucumber/bin/../lib/cucumber/core_ext/instance_exec.rb
         23          Thread.critical = old_critical
         24        end
         25        begin
         26          ret = send(mname, *args)
         27        ensure
      => 28          InstanceExecHelper.module_eval{ remove_method(mname) } rescue nil
         29        end
         30        ret
         31      end
         32    end
      InstanceExecHelper.module_eval{ remove_method(mname) } rescue nil
      (rdb:1) puts response.body.split("\n").select{ |l| l =~ /meta/}
          <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
  • Using tags for managing development progress / continuous integration breakage
  • Using tags for linking to feature tracking (lighthouse, pivotal tracker, trac, etc)
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