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Chuckv edited this page Feb 21, 2012 · 95 revisions

It’s always a good sign for a tool when other people huddle around and write tools on top. These are the known 3rd party tools that work together with Cucumber:

Tool Description
Aruba Generic step definitions for command line programs
AutoTest Run Cucumber features in the background with Cucumber’s built-in Autotest Integration
Backyard Name the models in your cucumbers with ease
Bermuda Capybara step library for jQuery UI widgets
Bumps Pull feature content from and push results to a remote server. Designed for Google Wave but potentially usable with other systems
Capybara Webrat alternative which aims to support all browser simulators
Celerity Headless browser with JavaScript support (on JRuby)
cheat cucumber Cucumber cheatsheet for Chris Wanstrath’s cheat
Clearance Rails Authentication System with Cucumber feature generator
Courgette Rails engine (plugin) for Rails 2.x applications which makes your cucumber features files viewable through your browser
crb An irb console for cucumber world. (crb = cucumber + irb)
CuCapp Cucumber integration with Cappuccino.
Cucover Coverage-aware lazy / selective Cucumber feature runnner
Cucumber.el Emacs mode for editing Cucumber plain text stories.
Cucumber Factory Create Rails model records without writing step definitions.
Cucumber Feature Manager Help to manage with big amount of features in project, demo
Cucumber Growler fixed Growl notifications for Cucumber >= 0.2
Cucumber Growler Growl notifications for Cucumber.
Cucumber Nagios Web site monitoring with Cucumber and Nagios
Cucumber Scaffold Scaffolding gem for Cucumber features
CucumberTFS Converts Team Foundation Server (TFS) scenarios into cucumber scenarios in a single feature file.
Cucumber TM Bundle Feature syntax highlighting and other useful commands for TextMate.
CukeBins Support for writing Cucumber step definitions in C++, testing C++ code.
Clucumber Support for writing Cucumber step definitions in Common LISP, testing Common LISP code.
Cuke4AS3 Actionscript
Cuke4Nuke Support for writing Cucumber step definitions in .NET.
Cuke4Lua Wire protocol implementation for Lua
Cuke4PHP Support for writing Cucumber step definitions in PHP, testing PHP code.
Cuke4Vs Syntax highlighting, intellisense and other editing support for feature files in Visual Studio 2008.
Cuki Pull Cucumber features from a Confluence wiki into into feature files
Culerity Integrates Cucumber and Celerity to test Javascript in webapps.
DatabaseCleaner Different strategies for keeping your DB clean to ensure a clean state. Has Cucumber support out of the box.
Eclipse plugin Apparently not in a working state, but good starting point?
Eclipse plugin newer An Eclipse plugin is provided in the downloads section. XText SDK has to be installed first
Ecukes Emacs package that makes it possible to write Cucumber like tests for your
Emacs packages
EmailSpec Collection of RSpec matchers and Cucumber steps for testing email in a Rails app
fbrp Sample rails app of Cucumber showing how to use with restful-authentication.
Features2Cards Create PDFs from Cucumber features and scenarios for printing.
FeaturesReport Create a PDF report of Cucumber features.
FunFX and Flex Test Adobe Flex applications with Cucumber
Frank Test iPhone/iPad applications using Cucumber
Gizmo Simple page model testing framework that works great with Cucumber
Greendot Describe apps as state machines, with various outputs (including Cucumber features).
Groundwork Rails Template using Authlogic that comes with Cucumber features
Guard::Cucumber Guard::Cucumber automatically runs your features (much like autotest)
Gutkumber Integration testing for Ruby-GNOME2.
Hydra Distributed testing framework that can run your features in parallel.
IronRuby and .NET Test .NET applications with Cucumber
jEdit Cucumber Mode jEdit mode to add syntax highlighting for .feature files
Jeweler Craft the perfect RubyGem – with built-in Cucumber support
JRuby and Java Test Java applications with Cucumber
JSON_spec RSpec matchers and Cucumber ‘Then’ steps for validating JSON format data, especially useful for RESTful API scenarios.
Melomel ActionScript, Flex and Air support for Cucumber
Maven see Cuke4Duke Maven
Merb Cucumber Merb + Cucumber integration.
NetBeans IDE Syntax highlighting
NetBeans IDE Syntax highlighting
NewGem Use newgem -i cucumber to generate a bunch of helpful scenario steps for gem development
Pickle Easy model creation/reference in cucumber – optionally leveraging your factories/blueprints
Pickler Synchronize user stories in Pivotal Tracker with Cucumber features.
Rcumber RCumber is a rails plugin that gives your customers a web interface where they can view, edit and run Cucumber tests directly on your rails project. No update since 2008
Relish Relish allows you to browse, search, and share your Cucumber features on the web as living documentation. Supports public and private projects.
Remote Feature Run Cucumber Features that are defined in Writeboard.
RSpec Use RSpec’s Object.should and Object.should_not to compare values in your step definitions
rSquery Using jquery matchers and more in selenium, taking the pain out of writing selenium tests.
JetBrains RubyMine Syntax highlighting and Test Runner UI
JetBrains TeamCity Formatter Format features nicely within the TeamCity CI server
Sandwich Step library aiming to provide steps for several different test areas. There are steps for model creation/reference, debugging, and interaction with web pages. Still in its infancy.
Swinger Write acceptance tests for Java/Swing Desktop apps using Cucumber!
Testjour Distributed test running (for Cucumber first).
VCR Easily record and replay HTTP responses for fast, deterministic, accurate tests. Cucumber integration provided through the use of tags.
Vim-Cucumber Feature syntax highlighting for Vim.
Webrat Interact with a web application from Ruby. Works with Rails, Sinatra and other web frameworks.
Webrat TM Bundle Collection of TextMate snippets for the webrat API.
WebDriver Developer-focused browser automation tool for IE, Firefox, Chrome
WatirCraft Web testing framework with Cucumber integration that builds on Watir.
watircuke Cucumber and H30 (watir, safariwatir, firewatir)
Watir WebDriver the most elegant way to use webdriver with ruby
YARD-Cucumber Feature documentation integration with YARD
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