Releases: BattletechModders/IRTweaks
UPDATE to FactionReputationFixes now fixes bug on save where factions allied at career end are set as currently allied when those saves are loaded.
- update to allow MaxArmorMaxesArmor to work with new builds of MechEngineer
This release applies only to CAC build of IRTweaks
- fix some bad math/logic with ToHit mods that prevented certain effects from improving hit chance beyond neutral
new tweak
- DisableFiringStat: Initializes a Weapon bool statistic
. While stat value is true, the weapon is forcibly disabled.
- disable story/restoration combat autosave if using
This release applies only to the CAC build of this mod
Prone ToHit Mod Range Brackets
This Combat tweak allows you to define range-based modifiers for prone targets. For example, prone targets within a certain distance can be easier to hit, while significantly harder to hit further away.
For example:
"ProneToHitBrackets": [0, 30, 60],
"ProneToHitMods": [-5, 0, 5]
Using the above settings, targets 60+ meters away get +5 ToHit, targets 30-60 get no modifier, and 0-30 get -5 ToHit.
- FactionReputationFixes: Remove/prevent duplicate allied factions. Can now gain rep with former enemy factions without restart.
- further fix for Called Shot not working on shutdown/prone units
- switch to bepinex publicized assembly for more faster
New tweak under Fixes:
ExplodingBuildingFix: Use Vector3 distance calculation instead of Unity physics collider for transformer/cooling building explosions. Hopefully no more random damage to units halfway across the map.
- bugfix for shutdown chance rolling multiple times