Releases: BattletechModders/IRTweaks
This setting (e.g. "TorsoMountStatName": "isTorsoMount"
) under the "Combat" section of mod.json settings is simply the name of a boolean stat that torso-mounted cockpits set to true. If present on a mech, will prevent that mech from being destroyed when the head is destroyed. Temporary fix until MechEngineer implements it properly.
-bugfix for DFA self damage and skill based damage mods
Enables Company stat "IRTweaks_DiffMod" to be added or subtracted (if negative) to career difficulty score modifier. Used in events or any Results block. E.g. an event with the following block would increase the Career Difficulty score by 0.1
"Stats": [
"typeString": "System.Single",
"name": "IRTweaks_DiffMod",
"value": "0.1",
"set": false,
"valueConstant": null
IRTweaks is also now packaged with a SimGameStatDesc and corresponding addition to mod.json manifest to prevent errors from displaying when setting the above company stat in events, as follows. Any field with "result" can also be set to ""
to hide the stat change from player view in the event screen.
"Description": {
"Id": "SimGameStatDesc_IRTweaks_DiffMod",
"Name": "IRTweaks_DiffMod",
"Details": "Career Difficulty Modified",
"Icon": null
"setResult": "Career Difficulty set to {RES_VALUE.ToString}",
"positiveResult": "Career Difficulty Modifier increased by {RES_VALUE.ToString}",
"negativeResult": "Career Difficulty Modifier decreased by {RES_VALUE.ToString}",
"temporalSetResult": "Career Difficulty set to {RES_VALUE.ToString} for {RES_DURATION.ToString} days",
"temporalPositiveResult": "Career Difficulty Modifier increased by {RES_VALUE.ToString} for {RES_DURATION.ToString} days",
"temporalNegativeResult": "Career Difficulty Modifier decreased by {RES_VALUE.ToString} for {RES_DURATION.ToString} days",
"infinitiveSetResult": "Career Difficulty set to {RES_VALUE.ToString}",
"infinitivePositiveResult": "Career Difficulty Modifier increased by {RES_VALUE.ToString}",
"infinitiveNegativeResult": "Career Difficulty Modifier decreased by {RES_VALUE.ToString}"
Targeting Computer Tonnage: TgtComputerTonnageDisplay
This displays the tonnage of your target in the targeting computer display (next to where it displays weight class in vanilla).
-option to generate floaties when DamageModsBySkill triggered:
"DamageModsBySkill": {
"DisplayFloatiesOnTrigger": true,
-fix for CT destruction causing Max Injuries to battle armor
new setting: DisableCTMaxInjureTags
- List, MechDef tags which disable CT Max Injure if present.
-better customshops handling
-previously added setting CustomShopsRepHandling
has been deprecated
new setting: "CustomShopsRepHandling"
- if true, disables internal handling of shop button when using rearranged menu (so CustomShops can handle reputation-based enable/disable). false by default.
-bugfix for SpawnProtection when not using manual drops
- new setting
- disables "Debug career" buttons even when test tools enabled - fix spawn protection when reinforcements triggered in first round
- remove a duplicate floaty
- clean up some logging
- PainTolerance fix for TBAS/ME InjureOnOverheat