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VDFS interface

Gratt-5r2 edited this page May 16, 2022 · 5 revisions


VDF_VIRTUAL - allow to use the virtual file.
VDF_PHYSICAL - allow to use the physical file.
VDF_PHYSICALFIRST - allow the physical file first.
VDF_DEFAULT - allow to use virtual and physical files.


long vdf_fopen( char* fullfname, long flags )

Open virtual or physical file to read.
fullfname - full file name in the Gothic directories.
flags - where is find the file.
return - file handle.

long vdf_fclose( long handle )

Close file by handle.
handle - handle of the file.

long vdf_fread( long handle, char* buffer, long size )

Read the file data.
handle - handle of the file.
buffer - where to copy data.
size - length to read.
return - count of readed bytes.

long vdf_fseek( long handle, long pos )

Change the read file position in the file.
handle - handle of the file.
pos - new file position.
return - new file position.

long vdf_ftell( long handle )

Get the read file position in the file.
handle - handle of the file.
return - file position.

long vdf_fexists( char* fullfname, long flags )

Check file exists in the file system.
fullfname - full file name in the Gothic directories.
flags - where is find the file.
return - true is exists, false if not.

long vdf_searchfile( char* filename, char* fullfilename )

Get full file names of all found files by name with | separator.
filename - searched file name.
fullfilename - buffer.
return - count of found files.

char buffer[8192];
long count = vdf_searchfile( "SystemPack.ini", buffer );
if( count > 0 ) {
  string firstFullFileName = string( buffer ).Split( "|" ).GetFirst();
  Message::Info( firstFullFileName, count );


long vdf_ffilesize( long handle )

Get size of file in bytes.
handle - handle of the file.
return - size of the file.

long vdf_filelist_physical( char**& list )

Get full physical file names list.
list - null list of the file.
return - count of the files in the list.

char** fileList = Null;
long count = vdf_filelist_physical( fileList );
for( long i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
  cmd << fileList[i] << endl;
  delete fileList[i];
delete[] fileList;

long vdf_filelist_virtual( char**& list )

Get full virtual file names list.
list - null list of the file.
return - count of the files in the list.

char** fileList = Null;
long count = vdf_filelist_virtual( fileList );
for( long i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
  cmd << fileList[i] << endl;
  delete fileList[i];
delete[] fileList;

long vdf_getfilehandle( long handle, long& offset )

Get system file handle which used in this file.
handle - file handle.
offset - reserved.
return - system file handle.

long vdf_unpackogg( char* fullname, long flags )

Convert (prepare) OGG to WAV in the background. Can be used to momental playing the big ogg file.
fullname - name of the OGG file.
flags - where is find the file.
return - true if ok, false if inexists ogg.

long vdf_packogg( char* fullname, long flags )

Delete converted OGG file data from memory.
fullname - name of the OGG file.
flags - where is find the file.
return - true if ok, false if inexists ogg.

long vdf_import(char* volname)

Import additional .vdf or .mod file to the system.
volname - full path to the archive.

long vdf_set_unzip_multithreading(long allow)

Allow to use more than 1 threads in the unziping file process.
allow - true - yes, false - no.

long vdf_updatephysicaltable()

Check all physical files and add new.

long vdf_getvolumename( char* fileName, char*& volumeName )

Get the .vdf or .mod name which contains the file.
fileName - full file name.
volumeName - empty buffer.
return - name length of Invalid if file inexists or physical.

char* volumeName = Null;
long nameLength = vdf_getvolumename( fileName, volumeName );
if( nameLength > 0 )
  Message::Info( volumeName );
delete[] volumeName;



bool Test() {
  char fullFileNamesList[8192];
  long filesCount = vdf_searchfile( (char*)"SystemPack.ini", fullFileNamesList );
  if( filesCount == 0 )
    return false;

  string firstFileName = string( fullFileNamesList ).Split( "|" ).GetFirst();
  long fileHandle = vdf_fopen( firstFileName.ToChar(), VDF_DEFAULT );
  if( fileHandle == Invalid )
    return false;

  long fileSize = vdf_ffilesize( fileHandle );
  char* fileData = new char[fileSize];
  long readed = vdf_fread( fileHandle, fileData, fileSize );
  vdf_fclose( fileHandle );
  string partOfFileData( fileData, 200 );
  delete[] fileData;
  Message::Box( partOfFileData );
  return true;


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