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SolarLune edited this page Feb 5, 2022 · 10 revisions


Cards are the lifeblood of MasterPlan. They carry information, and represent general individual "things" that you can move freely around the space that is your project. There are a variety of different Card types, and they all serve different purposes.

Cards can be moved freely around the project by left clicking on them and dragging.

Creating and Editing Cards

To create a Card in MasterPlan, you can do so by clicking on the card type from the Create menu (which is able to be closed and opened at will from the View menu at the top-left corner of the screen). You can also press the key shortcut to create a Card of the desired type.

To edit the properties on cards in MasterPlan, you simply click or double-click directly on the elements of the Card that you'd like to edit. Double-clicking on editable text will allow you to edit it, while clicking on buttons will allow you to press them or activate options. Some buttons appear around Cards and are only visible when selecting them - the Map Card's editing options fall into this category.

A Card's type can be edited after creation by using the (View > Edit > Set Type) menu. From here, you can select the type for any selected Cards to be changed into. You can also recolor Cards by using the (View > Edit > Set Color) menu.


Stacks are a central feature of MasterPlan. By placing Cards in a vertical stack, that creates a vertical list. This list creation will be displayed by means of a number, indicating the place of the Card in the stack, as well as a line at the left-hand side indicating the "spread" of the list.


If you indent a Card (place a Card over a space from the Card above it), it will create a hierarchical list, such that the Cards below depend on the next one above that is unindented (assuming it is a Checkbox Card). This hierarchy will be shown by means of a number at the top-right corner of the parent Card, indicating how many of its children are complete out of the total.



Cards can be linked by using the Link tool (Z, by default). Hold the Link key, then drag from one Card to another to link them together. An arrow will point from the Card you initially clicked on and point to the Card you released the link tool over. You can create "kinks" in the link between Cards by clicking and dragging on the circular nodes in the link between the Cards. You can delete a previously-placed node by double-clicking on it. To move all of the Nodes in a link, simply move both Cards.


Card Types


Checkboxes are simple checkboxes (of course). They represent a simple change in boolean state - either a task is done, or it is not. When a Checkbox card is complete, the card will change color. As you write, the card will expand automatically.


Numbered Cards represent repetitive tasks. For example, you might need to complete a certain number of commissions for a client, or wash a certain number of dishes. For these kinds of tasks, Numbered cards do well. You simply set the maximum number by pressing the + or - buttons, and then increment or decrement the current value on the left by clicking on its set of + and - buttons. Similarly to Checkbox cards, when a Numbered card's current number matches its maximum, it will change color.


Notes represent a block of information, and simply hold text for you to comfortably enter. Like the Checkbox, as you write on the Note, it will expand vertically automatically.


A Sound Card represents a sound file from your computer. If you drag and drop a sound file onto the MasterPlan window, it will become a Sound card in your project. You can edit the path to the Sound file by clicking on the Edit Path button; after this, you can paste in the path to a file on your computer, or even a URL - if you give it a URL, MasterPlan will automatically download the sound file for playback. The file will be stored in the temporary directory of your computer, in this case. If you've copied the URL or path to a sound file, you can easily make a Card out of it by using the External Paste shortcut (which is, by default, Ctrl+Shift+V).


Image Cards allow you to place images within your project. The options to edit an Image appear at the top of the Image Card when it's selected - they are Load File, Edit Path, and Reset Size to 1:1, in that order.

Similarly to Sounds, you can drag and drop images onto MasterPlan to create an image from their contents. Similarly to Sound Cards, you can give an Image Card a URL to an image online and MasterPlan will download it for display. You can also use External Paste (Ctrl+Shift+V, by default) to paste the path or URL into an Image Card easily and quickly.

Pasting Screenshots

Screenshots (or other image data) can be pasted directly from your clipboard into your project, as well - simply use the External Paste shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+V) to paste the image in directly.


Timers can be used to measure the passage of time within your project. There are currently two kinds of Timer modes - Stopwatch, and Countdown. When in Stopwatch mode, the timer acts as a stopwatch - pressing Play starts it, pressing Pause pauses it (of course), and pressing the reset button resets it.

When in Countdown mode, you can set the maximum amount of time for the timer, and then pressing Play will count up to the time you set. When the timer counts down, you'll get a message indicating the timer has elapsed (and a notification and sound, if you have those settings enabled). If a Timer is linked to other Cards, it will trigger them automatically.

Trigger Modes

Timers have trigger modes, indicating what the Timer should do when the Timer elapses. The first option is to toggle any connected Cards, the second is to set or enable the Card, while the last is to clear the Card.


A Map's main feature is to allow the user to generally block out outdoor or indoor spaces for games or other creative endeavors. When the Map is selected, a suite of tools will appear at the top of the Map - going in order, these are the Select tool (to select and move the Map), the Pencil tool (to draw individual cells), the Bucket (to fill in a space with color), the Line (to draw a line), the Palette (to select a color and pattern to draw with), and the Rotate Right and Rotate Left buttons (which rotate the map 90 degrees horizontally).

Maps are always "below" other Cards, allowing you to place things on top of them. When editing the Map, its background will turn transparent and it will appear on top - this will allow you to draw on the map while being able to see any relevant images or text you've previously placed on the Map. Coincidentally, a square on the map is 32x32 pixels in size.


A Sub-Page is a Card that represents a sub-page, where you can place more Cards (including other Sub-Pages). Sub-Pages can be moved around at will, and allow you to easily spread a project out across multiple pages, keeping you from cluttering a single "area" with content. A Sub-Page bears a screenshot of its contents - specifically, the area around the origin point, and will populate once you've visited the sub-page once. If you copy and paste a Sub-Page, the resulting Card will be another "entry point" into the same Sub-page.

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