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SolarLune edited this page Jul 2, 2022 · 3 revisions

Hello! As time has passed, I've worked on MasterPlan and built it up, bit by bit. Here's a general roadmap as to what major features to expect moving forward. While the rewrite of MasterPlan has taken quite awhile, it's gone well, and hopefully we'll be seeing the "final" (1.0) release of MasterPlan toward the end of 2022. Note that I put "final" in quotes because while it is the finished, "out of early-access" state of MasterPlan, I may still do bugfixing and add features as requested by the community.

Note that these features may not all make it in, or this list may change with time to fit the needs of myself and the community.


  • Deadlines (and calendars?)
  • v0.7 project loading functionality
  • Reimplementing relative filepaths
  • Implement customizeable mm-dd-yyyy / dd-mm-yyyy / yyyy-mm-dd / etc. options for deadlines
  • Re-implementing timers that elapse on specific days or a specific date
  • Re-implementing Table Cards
  • Re-implementing Whiteboard Cards
  • Re-implement copying cards from MasterPlan as text
  • Some stand-in or replacement for re-implementing lines? This fundamentally isn't that critical, as the current card linking system available in v0.8 is robust enough without needing additional objects. However, it does make loading v0.7.2 projects into v0.8 less than ideal as the look and functionality can't really be replicated easily. More thought is needed on how to go about resolving this discrepancy.

By 1.0 (i.e. these features individually may come earlier)

  • Further optimization
  • Group / Box Cards (cards that enclose / group Cards together visually and logically) - these might also allow you to easily move groups of cards, as well as collapse groups into a single line)
  • GUI scaling
  • Shapes (either drawing or setting shapes for cards)
  • UI / text translation
  • Multi-user / Multiplayer usage (multiple users editing and viewing a project at the same time).
    • As MasterPlan is primarily an offline tool, this will likely take the form of a user connecting to another (the host), MasterPlan cloning the project to the user's computer, and then mirroring any changes across all connected users' clients. Note that this may be as few as 2 users, or more.

    • The upside of this approach is that when finished, the project will be stored on each user's hard drive as a normal project, keeping inline with MasterPlan's core original philosophy.

Someday, maybe?

  • Mini-map
  • Calculator Card
  • The ability to make custom Cards and share them (this would have to be done with some kind of scripting layer that runs on top of MasterPlan and has functions to do things, I guess?)
  • Apple M1 Mac support
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