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SolarLune edited this page Jan 10, 2023 · 13 revisions

The changelog is included with each version of MasterPlan as a text file that resides right next to the program itself. However, I think that it would also be nice to mirror that information here on the wiki as well, so I'll do that below. This wiki should be updated in line with updates sent to MasterPlan on v0.7 and v0.8.


  • QoL: Adding more audio playback buffer size options.
  • QoL: Dropped files onto MasterPlan create cards in the center of the window.
  • FIX: Menus no longer disappear when the MasterPlan window is minimized on Windows.
  • FIX: Swapping rows and columns in Tables now works properly (previously, swapping rows and columns had pressing a cell correspond to the transposed cell in the table).
  • FIX: Tooltip bounds are sized properly now.


  • RE-IMPLEMENTATION: Adding tables back in. Tables are useful to outline data in a matrix field, represented as an intersection of rows and columns. Rows and columns can be freely resized by clicking and dragging a row or column to rearrange. Double-clicking on the text allows you to edit that text. Tables can be visualized in a few different ways currently: as checkmarks, numbers, or grades (S - F). You can press tab and shift-tab to cycle between editing text for each element.
  • QoL: Adding tooltip buttons to help explain unclear settings or options.
  • QoL: Adding ability to edit multiple cards at the same time by holding the "Mulitple" key, (aka the "Add to Selection" key, which defaults to left shift).
    • When selecting / operating on multiple cards with the left-shift key, a + will appear next to the mouse cursor to indicate this.
    • Editing text is done by holding the multi-edit key and double-clicking on the text to edit. All selected cards will have their relevant text field updated by typing.
  • QoL: Adding ability to move to next or previous card in stack by pressing "Next Card / Prev. Card" shortcuts (defaulting to Tab or Left Shift+Tab, respectively). Doing this while editing text will move to the next editable text in the next card up or down in the stack.
  • QoL: Editing text or collapsing Cards now adjusts the rest of the stack. This isn't perfect, and I still have a lot more I want to do with stacks to improve usability and make them even more fun to work with.
  • QoL: Adding a toggle-able text editing wrapping mode. The menu that displays this will appear at the top-right when editing text on a Card. You can press the button or press the keyboard shortcut to toggle between text wrapping modes (Ctrl+W when editing text).
    • There are two wrapping modes currently: Wrap, and Expand. Wrap will have cards grow downwards vertically, gaining more lines as you type beyond their borders. Expand will have cards grow horizontally when necessary.
  • QoL: Adding name of project to loading prompt when you decide to load a project.
  • QoL: Adding setting to change how numbered cards are displayed (either as percentage or current amount out of maximum).
  • QoL: Numbered Cards now allow negative numbers.
  • QoL: Numbered Cards now allow the current value to surpass the maximum.
  • QoL: Highlighting text should be slightly more efficient than previously (though work still remains in this regard, and for optimization in general).
  • FIX: Collapsing cards is now properly undo-able.
  • FIX: Icons for applying colors to cards no longer change color depending on theme.
  • FIX: When render textures are recreated (primarily done on Windows when the window is resized or altered), ensure they are never too small (0x0 in size). This might fix a crashing issue for Windows users.
  • FIX: If a path cannot be made relative (on Windows, for example, if a piece of media points to an external drive), the path is saved and loaded unaltered. Note that this change might mean images don't save or load properly between the previous version and this one, so double-check when upgrading to ensure things work properly.
  • Contribution by Peter0x44: Improve HOME/END text selection when editing text (previously this would only expand the selection, rather than select from the original position to the caret's new position).


  • QoL: Adding ability to cache downloaded resources. Caching downloaded resources works by specifying the per-project cache folder in Settings > General Settings. Any downloaded images, sounds, etc. will be stored here, instead of being placed in the temporary directory. When loading a project, these same locations will be used to load the images, meaning that downloaded resources will only be downloaded once; after that, they'll be pulled from the cache directory. If the cache directory doesn't exist, then it will work as it normally does (downloading to the temporary directory).
  • QoL: Pasting text into MasterPlan now creates a more logically sized card, rather than a super wide one.
  • QoL: Double-clicking to edit labels no longer adjusts the caret position.
  • QoL: Page Up and Page Down now advance 5 lines when editing text.
  • QoL: Adding icons, accessible through a menu in the View menu. Icons are automatically packaged with MasterPlan and serve to allow you to easily add images that represent characters, locations, ideas, etc. to your project for visual representation. The packaged icon set will be improved and expanded upon as time passes, and it may even be possible to easily add user-created icons in the future.
  • QoL: Make left/right arrow keys move the cursor to the start/end of a selection.
  • QoL: Don't draw caret if a selection is open.
  • QoL: Arrows are outlined now.
  • QoL: Adding ability to delete the last word with Left Ctrl + Backspace.
  • QoL: Adding ability to select all text before or after the caret with Left Shift + Home or End.
  • QoL: Multi-line log messages now are indented on the following lines for better readability.
  • QoL: Adding option to disable grid disappearing on zoom out.
  • QoL: Adding ability to color card contents, just like card backgrounds can be colored.
  • QoL: Adding settings to change audio playback buffer size and audio sample-rate. These settings can be useful if the default audio playback settings don't allow you to play audio back, or if sounds sound bad when played back. Note that changing these settings take effect only after restarting MasterPlan.
  • QoL: Adding broken image icon for images that have invalid filepaths.
  • QoL: Mouse wheel scrolling is now more sensitive and tied to the Mouse Wheel Sensitivity Input setting.
  • OPTIMIZATION: Cards won't draw the card or shadow if they're not at least partially onscreen.
  • FIX: Saving screenshots to a project now properly loads them back.
  • FIX: When editing a map, holding the color pick key now will pick a color only if a tool is selected, making it easier to deselect cards if that is the same key (which it is by default - Left Alt).
  • FIX: Lines / links now draw on top of other cards.
  • FIX?: MasterPlan will no longer attempt to create a larger render texture than the graphics card can support (this might happen when updating text).
  • FIX: Deadlines are now included in exports.
  • FIX: You can now click buttons that are over a Map while editing.
  • FIX: Being unable to create sounds due to sound files not being compatible with MasterPlan no longer crashes MasterPlan, but rather displays a warning log message.
  • FIX: Toggling debug mode is disabled in non-development versions of MasterPlan.
  • FIX: Starting MasterPlan no longer crashes if the audio system cannot be initialized.


  • QoL: Adding jump button next to pages in hierarchy view.
  • QoL: Orphaned page names are now darker than normal page names.
  • FIX: Cards are now again placed in the center of the screen if the option to place new cards in a stack is disabled.
  • FIX: When cards automatically resize when typing text, other cards that move to make room now properly are moved when undoing / redoing.
  • FIX: Exporting now only exports pages that have not been deleted.
  • FIX: Menu to go up from a sub-page now appears again if opening a project from within a subpage (specifically, the last subpage in the project).
  • FIX: If a page has no accessible path to the route, it is now considered deleted (if in a normal project) or orphaned (if in a project that already contains orphaned pages). Note: When loading a project with orphaned pages, deleted / inaccessible pages will show up in the Hierarchy view as "orphans" - this allows you to get at their contents. When saving a project with orphan pages, as long as they have no contents, they will be deleted. The change here is that if a project has no orphans, deleted pages will not be accessible from the hierarchy.


  • HOT-FIX RELEASE: Images should now load on Linux. This was broken previously because the relative paths were mistaken to be URLs (which they weren't, of course).

  • RE-IMPLEMENTATION: Adding option to place newly created cards in a stack if a card is selected (defaulting to off). If the option is enabled, Cards created through keybindings or through the Create menu will be inserted into the stack underneath the currently selected Card.

  • OPTIMIZATION: Resizing images no longer unnecessarily uses additional VRAM. (Internally, resizing images doesn't need to recreate the owning Card as the image doesn't show the card in the first place.)

  • FIX: Images and sounds should no longer cause crashes when linked from a drive apart from the one MasterPlan starts on.

  • FIX: Crashes should actually write vital information to the log file again, rather than inexplicably cutting that part out.

  • FIX: MP should no longer crash when selecting non-existing cards in a direction (i.e. pressing right with no card to the right).

  • FIX: Creating a new project while in a subpage will no longer have the "exit subpage" window stuck onscreen.

  • QoL: More efforts to improve memory usage / free memory more aggressively, particularly when creating new projects / loading other projects in sequence. Please let me know if this doesn't work!

  • QoL: Adding maximum image size buffer with customizeable size. Images that are larger than this buffer size will be scaled down to fit in this size when added to a project. The size will be capped to a maximum value of whatever your graphics card will support. The smaller the image buffer size, the smaller the images will be scaled when loading (meaning less fine details when zooming in on your project), and so the less VRAM they will consume. This setting takes effect on newly loaded resources (so change the option and then reload the project or restart MasterPlan to see the effect).

  • QoL: MasterPlan now saves which page you're on when you save the project.

  • QoL: Keybindings to select top or bottom card in Stack now default to Home / End, rather than Page Up / Page Down.

  • QoL: Adding keybindings to select top or bottom card in the selected Card's indentation group (Page Up / Page Down).

  • QoL: Adding keybinding to select all cards in indentation group or below. (Left Ctrl+Space).

    • For previous users, with these added keybinding changes in mind, please look over the shortcuts to ensure there are no keybinding conflicts (or reset the keybindings to default to avoid having conflicts).
  • QoL: MasterPlan should now prefer using the dedicated GPU over the integrated GPU on Windows for computers that have the option.

  • QoL: Disabled buttons are now darker, and button choices for button groups are now slightly lighter (60% > 70% brightness).


  • RE-IMPLEMENTATION: Deadlines have now been reimplemented. Deadlines are set from the Edit menu, and following the philosophy of new MasterPlan, multiple Cards can have their deadlines set at a time. In the View > Deadlines menu, you can also see the currently active and completed deadlines in your project, sorted in order of urgency. RE-IMPLEMENTATION: Image, Sound, and Link file paths are now saved in relative path notation (i.e. "../icon.png" for a file named "icon.png" in the folder above MasterPlan's executable). This should play more nicely when loading projects from different locations as long as its resources are in the same locations relative to the project. Note that this relativity doesn't apply for the arguments section of a Link Card set File Mode.
  • RE-IMPLEMENTATION: The Home and End keys now once again jump to the beginning or end of editable text.
  • QoL: Implementing v0.7 project loading. Note that 0.8 still does not have all features of 0.7, so some features (standalone lines, whiteboards, tables, among possibly others I haven't foreseen) are going to be missing. Otherwise, MasterPlan v0.8 will let you know when you load a v0.7 project through a message at the bottom-left. After loading it, you'll need to save manually in a location - it would probably be best NOT to save over your original v0.7 project. Please do feel free to let me know if any v0.7 projects don't load in v0.8!
  • QoL: Adding ability to export projects to PDF / PNG. Exporting allows you to export your project to either a series of PNG files (one for each page) or a PDF file (one PDF file, but one page in the PDF file per page in MasterPlan). The Export option is visible in the Tools menu.
  • QoL: Lowering MasterPlan's memory usage floor by ~60% in cases where a project's pages are largely empty. (Internally, this is done by making it so the backing collision grid is only 1x1 and grows as necessary, rather than starting out at 1000x1000 and growing from there.)- CHANGE: "Stack lines" are now outlined.
  • QoL: Editing text on cards now will automatically resize the card vertically when necessary.
  • QoL: When editing text on a Card, the camera will move if the caret gets too close to the edge of the window.
  • QoL: Adding ability to grab color from the first selected card when coloring Cards in the Set Color menu.
  • QoL: Adding Tools menu, moving Flatten Project to Tools menu.
  • QoL: Adding Take Screenshot menu entry to Tools menu. (It has always been possible to take a screenshot, it's just been only accessible via a keybinding until now.)
  • QoL: Adding option to zoom to cursor when zooming in or out - note that this does not take effect when setting the zoom level directly using the number keys.
  • QoL: Adding option to enable / disable shadows.
  • QoL: The grid now will disappear if you zoom out beyond 100%, rather than only beyond the previous zoom level (50%).
  • QoL: Starting MasterPlan on a Linux distribution without qarma, matedialog, or zenity will inform you to install one of these missing dependencies.
  • QoL: Renaming arrow connection shortcuts to "Connect Cards" and "Disconnect All Links".
  • QoL: Renaming "Smooth movement" to "Smooth panning + zoom" in settings.
  • QoL: Minor graphical tweaks to UI to improve visibility.
  • CHANGE: Making shadows slightly darker and partially transparent.
  • FIX: Setting color using hex string no longer has an inaccurate value / brightness - this was noticeable when setting the color using a hex string, but with a darker than 100% value.
  • FIX: Cards now correctly set their undo state regardless of if they're onscreen or not. (Previously, this wasn't the case, and Cards being offscreen would cause them to not update their undo state when doing things that affect them, like changing their color, for example.)
  • FIX: Deleting sub-page cards no longer creates orphan pages.
  • FIX: GIFs linked from the internet should now load properly when loading the project.
  • FIX: Dropdown menus now extend downwards into space properly depending on the currently selected (multiline) option, rather than there being a massive space at the bottom when they're open (this can be seen specifically in the "Transparency Mode" menu).
  • FIX: Custom fonts with empty glyphs no longer crash MasterPlan.
  • FIX: Foreign / non-English latin characters (like Ç) no longer create a blank line in editable text. They also are now properly stepped through with the keyboard arrow keys / word jumping.


Quickie hotfix for Alpha 6:

  • QoL / FIX: Cards now only update if they are on the current page, unless they are timers (as timers still have to tick). This is an optimization, and also a fix for an issue where double-clicking causes seemingly random sub-pages to open (in truth, this is because they were still being updated and "existing" in their original location on the project, despite the user not being on their page).
  • QoL: Editing the filepath of image and sound cards now automatically highlights the filepath text to edit. Note that this is not done for Link cards linking to programs because you may wish to edit the arguments instead of the filepath, so you can choose.
  • QoL: Adding keyboard shortcuts to edit the description text of Checkbox, Note, Numbered, Timer, Sub-Page and Link Cards (defaulting to Enter).
  • QoL: Orphaned pages (pages that aren't pointed to from an existing Sub-page Card) are named as such in the Hierarchy menu.
  • QoL: MasterPlan will let you know if you attempt to paste something from your system clipboard and it's empty.
  • QoL: MasterPlan will let you know if you attempt to paste filepaths that it can't automatically detect.
  • QoL: Adding a new "Spearmint" theme.
  • QoL: Reworking empty image graphic to be visually clearer.
  • FIX: Saving a screenshot to the project no longer causes a message indicating a temporary already exists to pop up.
  • FIX: Canceling browsing for a file for cards (i.e. for Image, Sound, and Link cards) no longer causes a message indicating the user canceled it to pop up.
  • FIX: Cards that have been saved from the clipboard to the project can no longer be edited to point to other images (since this would cause those other images to also be saved).
  • FIX: Images that are downloaded from the internet are no longer attempted to save directly in the project.
  • FIX: Orphaned pages (pages that aren't pointed to from an existing Sub-page Card) are no longer saved if they have no cards in them when saving the project.
  • FIX?: Images linked from the internet should properly display after loading the project now?


  • QoL: Adding Hierarchy menu. This menu allows you to see your project at a glance with each card listed under its named page. You can filter out cards by card type, or sort them alphabetically or by position on the page.

  • QoL: If MasterPlan crashed when attempting to autoload a project, it won't automatically try to load that project again when restarted.

  • QoL: Sub-page Card screenshots now resize to fill the Card, rather than being cropped.

  • QoL: You can now double-click on Sub-page Cards to open them, rather than needing to press their Open buttons.

  • QoL: Zoom goes out to 5% now, instead of 25% minimum. Adding a shorcut for this zoom level as well.

  • QoL: Adding Flatten Project tool to Edit menu. This tool allows you to pull all cards from sub-pages and place them into the main / root page, organized horizontally going to the right.

  • QoL: Reworked map and image icons for enhanced readability.

  • QoL: Adding keyboard shortcut to open the help documentation on Github.

  • QoL: Adding keyboard shortcuts (the function keys, by default), to open the Create, Edit, Hierarchy, and Stats menus.

  • QoL: Scrolling through menus via the mouse wheel is now absolute, rather than being relative to the overall "height" of the menu.

  • QoL: MasterPlan will now warn you on load if a project contains orphaned pages (pages that cannot be reached through sub-pages).

  • RE-IMPLEMENTATION: Re-implementing automatic backups.

  • RE-IMPLEMENTATION: Re-implementing Cut Card context menu option / keyboard shortcut.

  • RE-IMPLEMENTATION: Adding mouse wheel sensitivity for scrolling menus.

  • FIX: Files that no longer exist will now be removed from the Open Recent... menu. This triggers when any project is attempted to be loaded.

  • FIX: Loading a recent project now properly closes the file menu.

  • FIX: Triggering Find to find a Card on another page no longer deselects the text (i.e. Ctrl+F no longer cancels out editing the find text).

  • FIX: MasterPlan should no longer crash if a Card is too large (i.e. if it requests a texture of a size that is too large for the video card to generate. Instead, the texture size will be capped).

  • FIX: MasterPlan should, again, no longer save sub-pages incorrectly, such that sub-pages point to incorrect locations. If you have a project that has sub-pages in the incorrect order or pages that are inaccessible from sub-page cards, unfortunately, the best result would probably be to use the Flatten Project tool to effectively start over - really sorry for the inconvenience on this bug!

  • FIX: MasterPlan should, again, be compiling partially statically on Linux, such that SDL is no longer a dynamic dependency (so you shouldn't have to install SDL to use MasterPlan).

  • FIX: Quick hot-fix to fix not being able to click buttons in the context menu. Whoops!

  • FIX: Also fixes the context menu contents being in the previous position for a single frame.

  • FIX: Link Cards can now have customized colors.

  • FIX: Window transparency will be more accurately set / the window won't be very slightly transparent sometimes.

  • CHANGE: Keyboard shortcuts have been edited, so be aware of this - you may wish to reset all shortcuts to default, to ensure there's no keyboard shortcut conflicts.

  • CHANGE: Previous sub page menu is now at the bottom-center, by default.

  • Adding basic roadmap on Github: v0.8.0-alpha.5

  • Adding the Link Card type. The Link Card can be used to link to another card, either on the current page or another sub-page. This is done by pressing the Link button - after a Card is linked, the card will change color slightly and an icon will appear, indicating a link is established. Pressing the "Jump" button on the Card (or pressing Enter) will then jump to the target location. Link Cards can also be set to link to programs or files on your computer and can open them right from MasterPlan. Pressing "Execute", in this case, will attempt to run or open the file as applicable.

  • RE-IMPLEMENTATION: You can now move and select cards via the keyboard. Moving cards in this way will attempt to have them swap with their neighbors.

  • RE-IMPLEMENTATION: You can now again skip numbering top-level cards (so they can serve as categories, effectively).

  • RE-IMPLEMENTATION: Adding option to outline the window in a colored rectangle.

  • QoL: Adding window transparency.

  • QoL: Arrows no longer point to Cards quite so oddly.

  • QoL: Keybindings can be searched by key / mouse button name as well now, rather than just by shortcut name.

  • QoL: The rows for each shortcut in the keybindings section now have alternating background colors for readability.

  • QoL: The screenshot area for subpages are now shown by means of a rectangle and a small camera icon beneath the sub-page name displayed on the grid background.

  • QoL: Loading projects now outputs more information to logs.

  • QoL: Separating keybinding for open / close sub-page out to two separate bindings.

  • QoL: Adding setting to focus on cards when undoing or redoing.

  • QoL: Add Log message when disconnecting all arrows from a Card via the keyboard shortcut.

  • QoL: MasterPlan should now be built at least partially statically moving forward, making for a smoother experience on Linux without the need to install SDL-related dependencies.

  • CHANGE: Moving borderless window to Visual options section.

  • CHANGE: Rewording some shortcut names.

  • MINOR CHANGE: The bar in scrollbars are now colored and positioned properly.

  • FIX: Map palette no longer closes when clicking away from the editing map.

  • FIX: Maps are no longer blank right after autoloading on Windows.

  • FIX: A single path in the Open Recent... menu is now no longer blank.

  • FIX: Moving from subpages where you're editing text now properly deactivates the text editing mode. This also fixes the inability to use shortcuts after leaving the subpage in this case.

  • FIX: Create menu is now sized a bit more properly.

  • FIX: MP no longer crashes if the custom font path is a directory.

  • FIX: Copying sub-pages no longer reference the original page. Instead, the copy just has the name and leads to a new, blank page. NOTE: This applies to any existing v0.8 saves with multiple sub-pages referencing a page.

  • FIX: MP no longer crashes if placing cards too far away from the center. Previously, this was about the distance away from the edge of the grid as that is from the center.

  • FIX: Minor fix - copying and pasting cards now only displays a message if cards are actually selected / in the paste buffer to do so.

  • FIX: Don't allow numbered cards to have negative tasks completed (Thanks, @Peter0x44!)

  • FIX: MP no longer crashes if a theme lacks a color for an element. Instead, the event is logged at the bottom-left and the element is colored bright pink to destroy your optic nerve for making such an obvious mistake you piping hot fool.

  • FIX: MP no longer crashes if opened when using a theme that no longer exists. Now it defaults to Sunlight if the theme is no longer available for whatever reason.

  • FIX: Cards that are linked via arrows with a joint and placed very closely to the joint won't point to the top-left corner of the screen.

  • FIX: Saving a project should now work a bit more reliably as we now manually sync the changes to disk after writing the file out.

  • FIX: Contextual buttons above Maps and Images now are colored properly regardless of theme.

  • MINOR FIX: Pressing Enter / Return when editing text no longer triggers the key press for shortcuts that use it.

  • MINOR FIX: Horizontal spacing improved for rows of elements with manually defined spacing.


  • RE-IMPLEMENTATION: Adding movement smoothing. Defaults to on; turning it off makes movement, zooming, and scrolling absolute, rather than smoothed.
  • QoL: Removing "colored area" around editable text labels.
  • QoL: Fix text rendering artifacts on menus. (Thanks, @ishidex2!)
  • QOL: If path names in the Open Recent menu have the same filename, more of the path will be displayed to make it unambiguous. (Thanks, @ishidex2!)
  • FIX: The completion color for custom colored Cards is now tweaked slightly for enhanced visibility.
  • FIX: MasterPlan no longer crashes when saving pages when subpages were created out of order.


  • QoL: Menus can now be anchored. By dragging them to a side or corner of the screen, they will stay there even after resizing MasterPlan's window.
  • QoL: The main menu can now be moved from the top-left corner and positioned wherever you want.
  • QoL: Either of the Find Next or Find Prev. keybindings now open the Find menu. Related to this, there is no longer a need for the keybinding to summon the Find Menu, specifically, and so it has been removed.
  • QoL: Using Find Next or Find Prev. to cycle through found Cards now highlights the text to search for, making it easier to quickly look for several cards in sequence.
  • QoL: Adding keybinding to remove all links from the currently selected Card.
  • FIX: Removing a joint in a link now properly generates an undo state.
  • FIX: Creating a joint just creates one undo state (after dropping it).
  • FIX: Some menus' buttons were largely invisible with some themes (internally, this was due to IconButtons defaulting to white). This is now resolved.
  • FIX: MP no longer crashes when presing the Clear button in the Find menu when first summoning it.
  • FIX: Find menu now properly loops through all found Cards when searching (previously, it would loop erratically, sometimes selecting the same Card twice).
  • FIX / QoL: You can now use the Find menu to search sub-pages (previously, it only searched the current page).
  • FIX: MasterPlan no longer crashes when loading projects featuring subpages that were created out of order (i.e. if you created two subpages, deleted them, created one more, and then saved the project).
  • FIX: MasterPlan no longer crashes if a card was in a stack when linking (via a line) to another card above in that stack.
  • FIX: Don't log "Deleted 0 Cards." when pressing delete without having a card selected.


  • IMPROVEMENT: Adding sub-pages. A sub-page is a card that allows you to access another page, thereby giving you more means of planning and organizing your project.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Adding a "Help" link to File menu. The help link takes you to a wiki, located on the Github repo for MasterPlan. The Help wiki will serve as a useful online central reference on using MasterPlan, and will be updated as MasterPlan grows.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Adding customizeable colors. Cards' colors can now be customized using the Edit > Set Color menu.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Sounds can now trigger other Cards on playback completion when placed in a vertical stack, or when connected via links.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Line arrowheads now will have a black outline if they have a white fill color (like images).
  • IMPROVEMENT: Adding buttons to shift map elements around from the palette menu.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Adding Stop All Sounds keybinding.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Shadows are no longer transparent and aren't as dark.
  • RE-IMPLEMENTATION: Reimplementing the ability to take screenshots (defaults to F11).
  • RE-IMPLEMENTATION: Reimplementing the borderless window option.
  • RE-IMPLEMENTATION: Reimplementing the option to automatically load the last opened project.
  • RE-IMPLEMENTATION: Reimplementing loading a plan from file system by double-clicking on it in Windows (I believe) or by passing in the path to the plan as the first argument when starting MasterPlan.
  • QoL: Cards and menus are now resizeable from all sides, not just the right and bottom.
  • QoL: Cards can now only be resized when selected (which makes selecting cards easier, since you no longer have to worry about accidentally resizing a card when you mean to click on it).
  • QoL: Messages that repeat are now combined (i.e. spamming Ctrl+Z becomes "Undo event triggered. x10" instead of creating 10 individual "Undo event triggered" messages).
  • QoL: Line arrowheads now use the main color, rather than the outline color (again).
  • Reeeeeeeeal quick QoL: Resizing multiple cards now requires holding the new resize cards shortcut (left-shift by default), which means moving multiple cards is easier.
  • QoL: Adding Deselect all cards shortcut (Left Ctrl + Left Shift + A).
  • CHANGE: Focus on Cards now defaults to Left Shift + F.
  • CHANGE: Removing overview devlog button (as the overview video is old).
  • CHANGE: Adding Moss, Terra Cotta, and NS-DOSS themes.
  • CHANGE: Focusing on Cards now zooms into the Card as well.
  • FIX: Sound play button now properly changes back to play when the Sound is stopped.
  • FIX: Changing fonts no longer causes maps to turn invisible.
  • FIX: MasterPlan internally refreshing textures (i.e. when resizing the window on Windows or changing fonts) no longer leaks RAM / VRAM like a son of a gun.
  • FIX: Short messages (that appear at the bottom-left) now appear long enough and are timed properly.
  • FIX: The keybinding to unlock the aspect ratio when scaling an image now properly works when holding the key.
  • FIX: The Menu close button no longer is always white, but rather changes color according to the theme.
  • FIX: Maps no longer internally each create their own palette menu (whoops). They share one menu now, of course, thereby lowering memory usage.
  • FIX: Undoing now works correctly when loading projects.
  • FIX: You can no longer open the context menu (right click) while a fullscreen prompt is open.
  • FIX: You can now undo and redo while editing text or with the context menu open.
  • FIX: Themes refresh every second when the Visual Settings menu is open.
  • FIX: Loading projects should no longer set the project's modified status.
  • FIX: Pasting cards from the context menu pastes them from where the menu opens, rather than from where you click on the "Paste Cards" menu.
  • FIX: Numbering is no longer broken, displaying a variety of 0's, for when a card is underneath a non-numberable card (like a Note).
  • FIX: Non-numberable cards (like Notes) placed between a parent and its numberable children no longer break dependency in a stack.
  • FIX: Projects should no longer save links between cards incorrectly. Again. Internally, this was because it was previously possible to create cards that shared IDs, thereby making them link incorrectly when the project is loaded. This should fix the issue. (Although you will need to re-create the previously broken links and resave your project. Sorry!)


  • Double-click settings (save previous task type, double-click to create a card) have been combined into a single dropdown.
  • Adding option to search for keybindings.
  • Rewording some shortcuts.
  • Adding confirmation on quit, new project, or load project.
  • RE-IMPLEMENTATION: Saving includes the camera location and zoom.
  • RE-IMPLEMENTATION: Adding project name and "MODIFIED" status to titlebar. The modified status is set when something in the project changes that necessitates the creation of an undo state.
  • RE-IMPLEMENTATION: Adding Load Recent... menu.
  • FIX: Links between cards that are directly next to each other no longer glitch out and point to the top-left infinitely.
  • FIX: Text on cards no longer looks like crap on edges for some characters (this was due to clearing the renderer result buffer using transparent black instead of transparent white).
  • FIX: Switching from one content type to another no longer deselects the current tool for Maps.
  • FIX: You can no longer undo the loading of a project.
  • FIX: Lines that have no color (like from images) now have black outlines.
  • FIX: You can now more easily click on line endings or nodes that are on top of Cards.
  • CHANGE: Line arrows are now colored instead of white.
  • FIX: You no longer accidentally click on something in the background by clicking on a button in a menu that then closes.


Note: The saving and loading system for lines have been reworked, and so you will need to recreate any lines between Cards on your projects after loading in alpha 2. Apologies!

  • Adding ability to create joints in links between Cards. To create joints, click on the circle at the center of a link. To delete a joint, double-click on one. You can move all joints in a link by simply moving both cards at the ends of the link.
  • Lines have been visually simplified; they no longer have "dots" traveling from start to end, but are rather simply lines that have arrows that point to the ending Card.
  • You can now indicate dependency with links between Cards. For example, you can link a Checkbox to a Numbered Card to indicate that the Checkbox will be completed when the Numbered Card is completed.
  • Adding ability to resize menus and Cards from bottom and right, in addition to just the bottom-right corner.
  • Adjusting area around Cards for resizing. Previously it wrapped around the Card's right and bottom completely; now, it leaves a small gap at the left and top edge, allowing for the resize border of a neighboring card to be easily reachable. Conclusion: It's now easier to consistently resize cards that are in a stack, despite the area being smaller overall.
  • Adding option to reverse panning in the Input menu.
  • Re-implementation: Whatever card you previously created will be what is created when double-clicking.
  • Adding setting to turn this off - if off, double-clicking will always create a Checkbox card.
  • It's now possible to resize multiple cards by simply selecting multiple cards and then resizing one of them. The others will copy the one you're resizing.
  • The line underneath text (editable text, specifically) now draws underneath the first line of text. By entering a newline, you can create a "title" that sits on the line.
  • Selecting Cards by any means will raise them now, not only by directly clicking on them.
  • Messages now take longer to display in proportion to their length, making them easier to read.
  • RE-IMPLEMENTATION: You can now use a custom font for use in MasterPlan by specifying a .ttf or .otf file. Note that doing this rebuilds the font glyphs used for displaying text, and so text may not display correctly until restarting MasterPlan. This is planned to be improved, though it's not a pressing issue.
  • RE-IMPLEMENTATION: Checkboxes are now able to serve as parent Tasks / Cards by having them at the head of a stack. An indicator of its childrens' completion will appear at the right-hand side, and the icon for the parent Card will change to a set of squares. All children and grand-children are included in the count.
  • RE-IMPLEMENTATION: You can now properly paste todo lists in as plain text and paste them into MasterPlan as Cards. For Checkbox Cards, use [ ] at the beginning of the list. For Numbered Cards, use the same format, but with numbers inside ( like [13/209] ).
  • CHANGE: Reworking the Checkbox icon for the umpteenth time.
  • CHANGE: Resizing rectangle size is now 16 pixels large; it was previously 32 pixels large.
  • CHANGE: Linking cards now uses the color white as opposed to the menu color if the linking card has no color (like images).
  • CHANGE: Lines are now a smidge thicker.
  • FIX: Panning has been fixed. Previously, it was both way too sensitive or not sensitive enough depending on how slowly or quickly you moved the mouse.
  • FIX: Lines anchor to Cards more naturally.
  • FIX: Lines are now copied properly when copying Cards.
  • FIX: Lines between Cards should be tied together properly now.
  • FIX: The Numbered Card's text is now properly centered.
  • FIX: Undoing and redoing handles card link creation or deletion properly.
  • FIX: Pasting a Card with a filled background bar (like a Numbered card or a parented Checkbox card) no longer has the bar start at an infinite length.
  • FIX: Cards no longer draw their number even if they're deleted.
  • FIX: Targa (.tga) image files are now properly loaded and displayed.
  • FIX: MasterPlan no longer crashes when loading JPEG files on Windows - this was due to a missing DLL file (libjpeg-9.dll).
  • FIX: MasterPlan should no longer crash when loading TIFF files on Windows - if it was happening, it was probably due to a missing DLL file (libtiff-9.dll).
  • FIX: Timers should trigger properly now.
  • FIX: Timer mode, trigger mode, and maximum time are now properly saved.


  • Replacing Quicksand with NotoSans font for clarity / increased character count (so now extended latin characters like "αβχδεφγηιγη" can be used).
  • Time estimation now takes into account maximum number of steps in Numbered tasks (i.e. more steps = a longer task, with each step taking the amount of time in the time estimation panel).
  • FIX: Textures becoming invisible when resizing the window on Windows. This happens specifically when changing / resetting the SDL context.
  • FIX: Panning is now consistent regardless of zoom.


This was the first v0.8.0 release; not a lot of textual information was recorded for this changelog because this marks a point where MasterPlan was rewritten, largely from the ground up, using an entirely different graphics and input library. That being the case, there are many, many changes, internally, externally, and visually, between the two versions (v0.7 and v0.8) of MasterPlan.

The broadstrokes can be seen in this video: