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Guillaume Galibert edited this page Feb 15, 2016 · 3 revisions

WET Labs supported instruments

This page lists the WET Labs instrument Models which are supported by the toolbox, and the data formats required for each of them. If you have some data from an unsupported instrument or format, submit an issue with details and files examples, and I'll look into adding support for this new instrument/format.


Although the toolbox is able to parse both .raw (instrument file) and .dat (processed by the Wetlabs Host software up to version 1.54) data file retrieved from a Wetlabs WQM CTD/ECO instrument, IMOS recommends the .dat should always be prefered when possible using the WQM parser.


The '.dat' data file format, i.e. raw data which has been processed by the WQM Host software, is a tab-delimited format. WQM Host allows a wide range of fields to be included in the output file; the following are supported by the toolbox:

  • WQM (literal 'WQM')
  • SN (serial number - required)
  • MMDDYY (date - required)
  • HHMMSS (time - required)
  • WQM-SN (serial number - required)
  • MM/DD/YY (date - required)
  • HH:MM:SS (time - required)
  • Cond(mmho) (floating point conductivity, milliSiemens/metre)
  • Cond(S/m) (floating point conductivity, Siemens/metre)
  • Temp(C) (floating point temperature, Degrees Celsius)
  • Pres(dbar) (floating point pressure, Decibar)
  • Sal(PSU) (floating point salinity, Practical Salinity Unit)
  • DO(mg/l) (floating point dissolved oxygen, milligrams/Litre)
  • DO(ml/l) (floating point dissolved oxygen, millilitres/Litre)
  • DO(mmol/m^3) (floating point dissolved oxygen, millimole/metre^3)
  • CHL(ug/l) (floating point chlorophyll, micrograms/Litre)
  • CHLa(ug/l) (floating point chlorophyll, micrograms/Litre)
  • F-Cal-CHL(ug/l) (floating point factory coefficient chlorophyll, micrograms/Litre)
  • Fact-CHL(ug/l)) (floating point factory coefficient chlorophyll, micrograms/Litre)
  • U-Cal-CHL(ug/l) (floating point user coefficient chlorophyll, micrograms/Litre)
  • RawCHL(Counts) (integer fluorescence in raw counts)
  • CHLa(Counts) (integer fluorescence in raw counts)
  • NTU (floating point turbidity, NTU)
  • NTU(NTU) (floating point turbidity, NTU)
  • Turbidity(NTU) (floating point turbidity, NTU)
  • rho (floating point density, kg/metre^3)
  • PAR(umol_phtn/m2/s) (floating point photosynthetically active radiation, micromole of photon/m2/s)

Any other field which is present in the input file will be ignored.

From WQM Host version 1.54, a header is included by default and is supported.


The '.raw' data file format consists in an ASCII file format with a metadata header and then semi-colon seperated data fields. Although this data file format is not documented by WET Labs, Charles James (South Australia) contributed to this parser in May 2010:

"Data sequence in raw file appears to be an attempt to wake up the instrument code 100 twice - I suspect this contains voltage info and other machine status data which I can't parse at this point. A burst of data with line code 4 with usually only CTP and O2 (other fields are zero); A line of code 5 followed by code 100 then a burst of code 5 (more data now in other fields - still some zeros); A line of code 6 followed by code 100 then a burst of code 6 finish up with one code 100 (or sometimes two code 130s and then a 100 - maybe some lag between response after code 6 burst);"

ECO Triplet

The toolbox is able to parse a .raw data file retrieved from a Wetlabs ECO Triplet instrument using the ECOTriplet parser. To do so the device file associated must have the same root filename as the .raw file but with the .dev extension and in the same folder.

The following device file format is supported to parse the .raw file and convert count values in engineering units :

Created on: 3/2/12

Lambda=4	1.218E-05	68	470	470
Lambda=6    	7.754E-06	64	532	532
cdom=8		0.0964		49   

In the .raw file, date and time formats as well as the number of columns are checked to cope with possible corruption. The following columns are supported by the toolbox:

  • mm/dd/yy (date - required)
  • HH:MM:SS (time - required)
  • CHL (floating point chlorophyll, micrograms/Litre)
  • CDOM (floating point colored dissolved organic matter, ppb)
  • NTU (floating point turbidity, NTU)
  • LAMBDA (floating point volume scattering function of radiative flux,

Any other column with significant data is going to be displayed "as is" by the toolbox but won't be output in the NetCDF file.


The toolbox is able to parse a .RAW data file retrieved from a Wetlabs ECO BB9 instrument from the Lucinda jetty using the ECOBB9 parser. Like for ECO Triplet, the device file associated must have the same root filename as the .raw file but with the .dev extension and in the same folder.

The same device file format as above for ECO Triplet is supported to parse the .RAW file and convert count values in engineering units.

In the .RAW file, the number of columns are checked to cope with possible corruption. TIME information is inferred from start time in filename (already in UTC) and assuming the sampling rate is 1Hz. The following columns are supported by the toolbox:

  • CHL (floating point chlorophyll, micrograms/Litre)
  • CDOM (floating point colored dissolved organic matter, ppb)
  • NTU (floating point turbidity, NTU)
  • LAMBDA (floating point volume scattering function of radiative flux,

Any other column with significant data is going to be displayed "as is" by the toolbox but won't be output in the NetCDF file.


The toolbox is able to parse a .RAW data file retrieved from a Wetlabs WetStar instrument from the Lucinda jetty using the WetStar9 parser. Like for ECO Triplet, the device file associated must have the same root filename as the .raw file but with the .dev extension and in the same folder.

The same device file format as above for ECO Triplet is supported to parse the .RAW file and convert count values in engineering units.

In the .RAW file, the number of columns are checked to cope with possible corruption. TIME information is inferred from start time in filename (already in UTC) and assuming recording is performed over 60 minutes. The supported columns by the toolbox are the same as the ones for ECOBB9 above.

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