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CloudBeaver localization

dbeaver-devops edited this page Dec 4, 2024 · 32 revisions

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CloudBeaver, as an open-source project, welcomes contributions from the community. If you're interested in adding or improving localization, you have the opportunity to enhance accessibility and usability for users worldwide. Here are the steps to help you contribute your own localizations to the CloudBeaver interface.

Preparing for localization changes

  1. Fork the CloudBeaver repository on GitHub.
  2. Clone your fork to your local system.
  3. Create a new branch specifically for your localization changes, for example, italian-localization.

Registering a new language

CloudBeaver allows you to add support for new languages by registering additional localization files. Follow the steps below to add new language:

  1. Navigate to the desired package where you want to add the new language. Localization files are typically located in the locales folder under [package-name]/src/locales.

    Duplicate the existing en.ts file and rename it to [locale-code].ts (e.g., it.ts for Italian).

  2. Open the newly created file and translate the tokens to the desired language. Each token is structured as ['token-name', 'token-value']. Modify the 'token-value' to reflect your translation.

  3. To register the new language in CloudBeaver, find the LocalizationService.ts (or similarly named service) in the same package.

    Add a switch case for the [locale-code] following the format of the existing languages.

  4. Commit your changes to your branch and push them back to your repository.

Making changes

To update existing translations, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the package where the localization needs modification. Translatable resources are stored in the locales folder under [package-name]/src/locales/[locale-code].ts.

  2. Open the localization file for your target language.

  3. Each token is structured as ['token-name', 'token-value']. Locate the token you want to modify and update the 'token-value' with the correct translation.

  4. Commit your changes to your branch and push them back to your repository.

Tip: You can utilize the GitHub web interface to find the correct localization files by using the Go to file feature and searching for en. to display all relevant localization files.

Special formatting considerations

  • When you include words with apostrophes, such as can't, ensure the value is wrapped in double quotes, not single quotes, within the localization files. This avoids syntax issues in the code.

    • Correct: ["ui_error_message", "Can't connect to the server"]
    • Incorrect: ['ui_error_message', 'Can't connect to the server']

Submitting changes

After pushing your changes to your fork, navigate back to your GitHub repository. Click on Compare & pull request to initiate the process.

Note: Make sure to select the original (parent) repository's devel branch as the base branch, and your fork’s branch where you made changes as the compare branch. Follow the prompts to create a pull request to merge your changes from your fork into the parent repository.

Pull request approval process

  • Once you submit your pull request, it needs to go through a review process. At least two approvals are required before merging. During this stage, you may receive requests for revisions based on feedback from our developers.
  • After approval, the ticket moves to the QA (Quality Assurance) team. The QA team checks the localization in the product environment to ensure that the text fits within the UI elements and does not break the user interface.
  • If all checks are passed, your changes will be merged into the CloudBeaver repository.

CloudBeaver Documentation

User Guide

Server configuration

CloudBeaver editions



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