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Data editor

dbeaver-devops edited this page Mar 7, 2025 · 7 revisions

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The Data editor appears:

  • as the Data tab of the Database Object Editor, which is only available for tables and views;
  • as the Results tab when you run a custom SQL query in SQL Editor.

The Data editor allows to view and edit data of a database table or view. The central part of the Data editor is the data grid. The editor also provides filter field, bottom toolbar, left sidebar, right sidebar and cell context menu:

See all Data Editor shortcuts

Filter field

The top toolbar contains the following buttons:

Button Name Description
Apply Applies filters/sorting from filter field.
Reset all filters/sorting Removes all filters and orderings applied to the data in the filter field.

Left sidebar

The left sidebar contains the following tabs:

Button Name Description
Table Switches to the grid view of data.
Chart Switches to the Chart view.
JSON Switches to the JSON view.

Right sidebar

The right sidebar contains the following tabs:

Button Name Description
Value Opens Value panel.
Grouping Opens Grouping panel window tools.
Result Details Opens the Result Details panel. The Result Details panel is compatible with specific databases such as BigQuery.
Sub Collections Enables a hierarchical structure for data organization with specific databases such as Firestore.

Tip: For more details on working with GIS data in right sidebar, see Spatial data

Bottom toolbar

The bottom toolbar provides the following buttons:

Button Name Description
Refresh Refreshes the whole results set, including all items that are not visible on the screen, while its dropdown option allows to customize the refresh frequency over a specific period.
Result-set fetch size Displays the initial fetch number of rows in the result set on loading or refreshing.
Calculate total row count Calculates the total number of rows in the table.
Add new row Adds a new empty row below the current row.
Duplicate current row Copies the current rows and pastes the copy below the current row.
Delete current row Colors the rows in focus in red to mark them for deletion.
Cancel selected Discards selected changes to the data.
Save Saves all unsaved changes to the data such as adding, duplicating, deleting rows, inline editing of values.
Cancel Discards all unsaved changes to the data.
Script Opens a window with the Preview Changes script.
Export Opens the Export wizard.
Import Opens the Import wizard.

Note: Some of these buttons may be disabled if you are using a read-only connection, connecting to a read-only database, viewing the result of a complex query (such as a join on multiple tables), or working with a table that doesn't have a primary or unique key.

Cell context menu

Every cell in the table has a context menu. Click the cell's context menu icon to open it. The menu includes the following options:

Menu item Description
Sorting Sorts table data by the selected column. See the Data Ordering article.
Filters Filters data based on specified conditions. See the Data Filters article.
Edit Opens additional editing options.
Show in value panel Displays the selected cell's content in the value panel.
Download Available for XML and JSON cell data types. Downloads the cell content as a file.
Download and Upload Available for BLOB cell data types. Allows downloading and uploading cell content.

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