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Data Filters

dbeaver-devops edited this page Dec 4, 2024 · 7 revisions

You can apply custom filters to table contents or query results. There are several ways in which you can filter data in a table.

One of the ways is to use the filter field above the table next to the top toolbar. To filter data, enter an SQL expression into the field and click the Apply filter criteria button Apply Button next to the field or press Enter.

Filter Top Bar

You can apply ready-to-use SQL expressions or SQL expression templates via the context menu. To select a ready SQL expression, select or focus cell and press the Cell context button Context Button, then click Filters -> Cell value in the context menu and choose one of the expressions.

Filter Expressions

The data updates dynamically. To remove a filter, click Filters -> Delete filter for ... If you want to delete all filters, click Filters -> Reset all filters. You can also delete filters by clicking the Reset filter criteria button Reset Filter Button in the top toolbar.

Reset Filter

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