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Object of Study Guide

Hyperlynx edited this page Nov 13, 2024 · 23 revisions

This is a guide through the mechanics involved in every Object of Study in the mod. If you want to explore those unaided, this is your final warning.

Right, then. Each header will be the entry that starts one research chain, with subheaders for associated entries.

Magic in a Bottle

Using a Bottle on a Crucible with Power inside will void the contents and give you a random Potion base.

If, however, you use a Quartz Bottle, the result will be a Bottle of Power

Astral Synthesis

Version 8+ only

Though this is the first alphabetically, this is an end-game research.

It can only be unlocked by witnessing Synthesis and then extracting Mind Power using an Occult Symbol. If you are confused by that condition, I recommend reading a different entry first.

To progress, you must synthesize Astral Power. To do this, here's a procedure that works:

  1. Note which Base Power combinations make each Esoteric Power.
  2. Note which Esoteric Power breaks down without electric charge.
  3. Make the first Esoteric Power using Power Bottles, then use a Corrupt Cell to remove the excess reactants.
  4. Repeat to add the second Esoteric Power.
  5. Repeat to add the last Esoteric Power. As soon as all three Esoterics are present at once, Astral will appear.

If you can't quite get the reactions to work out, try using items with less then a full Power Bottle worth of the ingredients for the last Esoteric you make.

Achieving this opens a Results entry describing the Divine Symbol, Creation Reaction, and the Eternal Life Sprig.

Blaze Power

Designed to teach the Area Memory mechanic. If a Copper Symbol is near the Crucible, it will attempt to gather Power; the Mounted Blaze Rod will provide it with Blaze Power. You might have to wait for things to be detected before it works, but this method will accumulate Blaze into the Crucible.

Switching the Mounted Blaze Rod for an End Rod does the same, except for Light Power.

Chill Down the Spine

Game version 1.21+ only Requires that you have either had the Bad Omen effect or picked up an Omen Bottle (for example from a pillager raid).

Hints about the "Chomp" reaction and two ways to get Soul from Omen. Place a Gold Symbol near the Crucible while Omen is inside to unlock "Terrible Suspension".

Terrible Suspension

Game version 1.21+ only

Drops hints about Curse for those who haven't already discovered it. Then provides a short 'poem', which hints to use Blaze to purify Omen. If you do this, you will find that the Omen is near-instantly converted to Soul. This easier source of Soul was the goal of this research line.

Dead Battery

Requires that you have been hit by the effects of emptying the Curse power to unlock.

Applying Curse to a Volt Cell creates a Corrupt Cell. Placing that beneath a Crucible will cause its Integrity to fall, until it is destroyed, which unlocks "Failure Sequence".

Failure Sequence

Placing a Comparator facing a Crucible while its Integrity falls reveals that the Comparator turns off, allowing a piston to move the Corrupt Cell and prevent the failure in an automatic way.

Empty Space

Requires Synthesis to discover. Teaches the player to make Motion Salts by searching for the "Falling" Reaction. Obtaining Motion Salts unlocks:

Motion Salts

Describes the properties of Motion Salt Blocks; namely, that they can cause normally stable blocks to fall like sand. Placing a Motion Salt Block above a Volt Cell unlocks the entry on Displacement.

End Crystals

End Crystals are a Stimulus for two reactions. Performing both of the special reactions at once creates the Secret Scale, the core material for Gravity Manipulation.

Falling With Style

Hints at the existence of the second important reaction.

Home Grown Levitation

Hints at the existence of the first important reaction.

Ender Pearls

Unlocked by being teleported when you dissolve an Ender Pearl into a Warp solution. If you proceed to use a Hopper or some other method to add the Ender Pearl without dropping it by hand, you can unlock:

Teleportation's Promise

Doing the above suspends an 'ender rift' inside the Crucible, which tries to teleport nearby Living Entities to the Crucible's location. However, if you are holding a Ferrous Crystal, you cannot be teleported by these means, so you can safely collect the Rift into a Quartz Bottle, making a Linked Bottle of Warp.

Nether Portals

Unlocked by entering the Nether. The narrator in this entry is wrong about what Nether Portals do; see Area Memory for details.

Peculiar Circumstance

Only present if Pehkui is installed until version 9+

Provides a hint towards the Enlargement and Reduction reactions, which change the size of players and other Living Entities around the Crucible. Enlargement is Mind + Body + Verdant, and Reduction is Mind + Body + Acid. Having your size changed unlocks:

Peculiar Predicament

Applying electricity to either of the above formulas will reverse that formula's change in nearby creatures. So, for example, Enlargement + electricity would undo Enlargement, but would not affect normal sized or shrunken creatures.

Physical Hallucinations

Provides a method to summon Phantoms: at night, let Mind be consumed by Curse and kill something near the Crucible. Also provides a use for Phantom Membrane: creation of Phantom Residue. On its own, this residue is useless, but if can be used with Verdant Power to summon Slimes, or with an Esoteric Power to catalyze the Slow Fall reaction.

Pumpkin Magic

This entry talks about summoning spirits, so look to "Spirit Summoning".

Spirit Summoning

Placing a lit candle near the Crucible and adding Soul Power and a Carved Pumpkin summons either an Allay or a Vex (world-specific). If you get Allays by default, adding enough Curse will bring out Vexes. If you get Vexes by default, adding enough Mind will bring out Allays. Summoning an Allay unlocks:

Study of the Allay

This is mostly a creative writing entry, but it does provide one hint: if you give an Allay a Quartz Bottle, it will eventually fill the bottle with Soul Power for you, completely for free.

Redstone Riddles

Leads the player to experiment with how the Crucible reacts to redstone signals and what it outputs to a Comparator. Check Crucible for a full summary of this mechanic.


Killing creatures near the Crucible adds (world specific; 1.8% - 3.8%) Vital Power to it, unless they are undead killed by something other then fire, in which case Curse Power is input instead. There are four categories of creature that each have a chance to be the best thing to sacrifice; these add (world specific; 18% - 38%) instead. The categories are:

  • Animals (Passive Mobs)
  • Villagers
  • Piglins and Hoglins
  • Monsters (Spiders, Creepers, etc.)

After 9l The yields have been changed, and now depend on the encode id (e.g. minecraft:creeper) of the entity being sacrificed. A normal sacrifice now yields (world specific for each entity; 3.75% - 7.5%), while strong sacrifices vary depending on which category is the strong one in your world. The minimum yield from a strong sacrifice is 12.5%, and the maximum is 37.5%.

Something That Spreads

Unlocked by sneaking near a Sculk Sensor. Gives some fluff about Sculk, and reveals that a Sculk Catalyst will have special behavior when placed inside a Crucible. This behavior is as follows:

  • If they are exposed to Vital, it is converted to Soul (which is somewhat lossly)
  • If they are exposed to more then 50% Soul, they begin spreading Sculk around the Crucible.

The Eye of the World

You must create the Occult Symbol by transmuting an Iron Symbol with Curse and place it to unlock this entry. To progress, use a Scroll of Transmutation on the Occult Symbol.

Intrinsic Harvesting

This section describes how to harvest Power from "yourself" using an Occult Symbol.

The Power of the Sea

See Area Memory.

Water Droplets

Using a Sponge and Warp Power, you can make the Effusive Sponge, which when placed a distance above the Crucible will quickly refill it with water whenever it is empty.

Water Writing

Book and Quills behave uniquely when thrown into a Crucible with Mind Power inside. Specifically, if there is a low amount of Mind, the book is emptied of its text and more Mind power is generated. If there is a high amount, the Book has random text added to it, and Mind is consumed. Words written by a mind devoid of thought are prone to move in circles...

Wind Charges

Game version 1.21+ only

A diary-entry style section that gives some lore about the Trial Chambers, and then hints to try to dissolve a Wind Charge. It goes on to elaborate that this will not work, and hints to place a Mounted Breeze Rod onto the "blue particle" that appears when you dissolve a Wind Charge. This is a breeze-related particle effect that will appear in the air somewhere around the Crucible at a set location. Find it and place a Mounted Breeze Rod there. Then add another Wind Charge to unlock "Capture The Breeze"

Capture The Breeze

Game version 1.21+ only

This entry hints that you should add more Breeze Rods where the particles are leading when you continue to dissolve Wind Charges. Do that. Once you have at most three placed in the proper location, the next Wind Charge you add will not cause an explosion, and you will have "sealed" the Flow Power into the Crucible. This unlocks a Results entry about what you can do with this new Power type.