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Player Guide

Hyperlynx edited this page Oct 24, 2024 · 14 revisions

Quick Start

  1. Craft a Journal of Alchemy
  2. Craft a Scroll of Transmutation
  3. Click on a Cauldron with the Scroll of Transmutation, making the Crucible
  4. Fill the Crucible with Water using a bucket or similar Forge fluid compatible item
  5. Drop items into the Crucible to redeem their Power
  6. Use Powers to perform Transmutation recipes, and be wary of Reactions
  7. Create a Volt Cell to put under the Crucible
  8. Investigate Objects of Study to advance
  9. Try to make the Staves of Power


Reactive introduces a new kind of ingredient, Powers, which you can think of as elemental kinds of energy. There are sixteen total powers, which are categorized into:

  • Base Powers (6 total)
  • Esoteric Powers (3 total)
  • Other / Mundane Powers (6 total)
  • Curse (unique)

Each Power is meant to represent one kind of magic or energy that is important to the vanilla Minecraft world. Soul, for instance, is blue and is what powers soul campfires, the Warden, etc.

Obtaining Powers

Powers can be obtained by adding ingredients to the Crucible, at which point the Power is kept inside of it. Usually, which ingredient provides which Power is not obvious to the player, but there is a client-side config option that allows JEI to show all Power sources. With vanilla ingredients, the associations are usually hinted at in the Journal somewhere. Using Litmus Paper allows you to see what Powers are already in the Crucible.

Passive Gathering

Blaze Power in particular is not able to be collected by dissolution. Instead, you need to use the Area Memory system, by which certain objects can influence a Crucible simply by being placed in the world near it.

This system is controlled using Symbols, namely the Copper Symbol for power gathering and the Gold Symbol to enable certain Reactions (read on).


There are two main kinds of recipe added by Reactive, both of which are documented in JEI and the Journal.


Reactions are world-specific interactions between Powers (especially Base Powers) that take place automatically when their requirements are met. When you witness a reaction, its information will be automatically unlocked in the Journal of Alchemy.

In particular, the Synthesis reactions require that you place a Volt Cell below the Crucible and mix the right pair of Base Powers. Do so, and you will unlock the latter part of the mod's content.

Objects of Study

Alongside Reactions, certain special cases have unique handling in the mod. These special cases are the topics of the Objects of Study section of the Journal, and the main gameplay of the mod is discovering them and determining how to make use of them. A full guide is here.