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Hyperlynx edited this page Oct 29, 2024 · 21 revisions

Powers are an ingredient that can exist inside the Crucible. There are sixteen distinct Power types, each of which might interact differently with other Powers or be used in a Transmutation recipe. Many powers can be captured inside a Quartz Bottle for storage and crafting purposes.

Base Powers

The Base Powers are Light, Mind, Soul, Blaze, Warp, and Vital. These six powers form a circle, and that circle determines their properties, but their order is world-specific, so the relationships depend on the seed set in your server config (usually your world seed). Take the following as an example:


In this diagram, we see that the order of Powers (starting at the top) is Blaze, Light, Warp, Mind, Soul, Vital. To restate, this is not the only order these powers could take! Most worlds will have a different order to this. Discovering the order in your world is one of the challenges intended in the mod's design.

Dotted lines mean that the pair of Powers will annihilate. Think of them as opposites (like Fire and Water in a more traditional elemental model). In this model, the opposites are Blaze vs Mind, Light vs Soul, and Warp vs Vital.

Solid lines mean that, if you put a Volt Cell below the Crucible, that pair of Powers can be "synthesized" together into an Esoteric Power. In this situation, Light + Warp, Mind + Soul, and Blaze + Vital are these pairs. Again, which pair makes which Esoteric Power is meant to be discovered. The synthesis reactions are catalogued in your Journal once you observe them, so you don't have to worry about forgetting them.

Each Base Power has a matching Staff of Power.

Esoteric Powers

There are three distinct Esoteric Powers, numbered I, II, and III. In the diagram above, they are the white circles with runes in them.

Each Esoteric Power is randomly assigned to perform one of three special reactions when a Gold Symbol is near the Crucible. (see Area Memory). Also, all three Esoteric Powers are needed to create the Staves of Power.

Other Powers and Curse

There are four kinds of Power not yet accounted for by the above.


Acid is made mainly using spider eyes, gunpowder, and Crimson flora, and it is an important ingredient in the Volt Cell. It is also used in making Pure Quartz from Nether Quartz and can be put into a bucket and placed in the world as a deadly gel-like block.


'Body' is meant to be something like chicken stock. It's used to make stew, and also prevent Reactions. Specifically, having more then a world-specific amount of Body (somewhere between 1.25% and 12.5%) will fully inhibit all reactions that do not include Body as a reagent.


Verdant is the Power of plant life. It's used in making various kinds of vine-like plants, and takes part in a Reaction that grows surrounding plants.


Curse is the Power that causes undeath and monster spawning in the darkness. When in a Crucible, it consumes all other kinds of Power. Being exposed to Curse will unlock new entries in the Journal that lead to making the Occult Symbol and the Corrupt Cell.


Version 8+ only

Astral is the opposite of Curse, and represents the accumulated potential capability of the Player and World. It always quickly replenishes itself in the Crucible, overwriting other Powers. It has a notable reaction with Curse, and allows you to make the Divine Symbol and Rending Plinth.


Game version 1.21+ only

Flow is the power that Breezes are made of, and represents wind. It's considered a form of Light, and breaks down into light unless specially warded. It allows you to make the Vortex Stone.


Game version 1.21+ only

Omen is a corrupted form of Soul which is yielded from Soul Sand and Ominous Bottles. It is mainly useful for its ability to be split into Soul.

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