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Developer_3.x Getting started Eclipse Windows

Matthias Ronge edited this page Jan 29, 2025 · 5 revisions

How to create a developer workspace for Kitodo.Production with Eclipse on Windows


  • Make sure you have Java Development Kit in version 11.0.2 downloaded and unzipped (get it here)
  • Make sure you have Git installed
  • Make sure you have Maven installed
  • Make sure you have Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers installed

Configure the PATHs

Make sure the Maven bin directory is on your PATH. Right-click the start menu, select System, Extended system settings, Environment variables to do so. Be careful when you try to add an entry to the path: Click New, then type at least one character into the appearing text box before clicking Browse…. Otherwise, instead, the last entry in the list will be replaced. You need to restart an open cmd.exe window for the changes to take effect.

Since JDK 11 is no longer maintained, do not point your system-wide JAVA_HOME to it. Instead, create a file %userprofile%\mavenrc_pre.bat with the line pointing to the place where you unzipped it: SET JAVA_HOME=C:\path\to\your\jdk-11.0.2

Make sure the path of your Eclipse Workspace does not contain any dot. To check this, right-click on your Eclipse workspace folder in Windows Explorer, select Properties, Security, and examine the object name. If necessary, move your workspace or create a new one in a suitable location.

Get the source code

If you have not done yet, fork the project repository on GitHub. Use Git (using a tool like TortoiseGit, or the command line) to clone the repository as a subdirectory into your Eclipse workspace.

Set git config --system core.longpaths true or you will experience the “error: unable to create file Kitodo-LongTermPreservationValidation/src/main/resources/META-INF/services/org.kitodo.api.validation.longtermpreservation.LongTermPreservationValidationInterface: Filename too long”.

Create the data-file structure

Create the data-file structure required by Kitodo.Production (outside the Eclipse workspace):

mkdir config debug logs messages metadata modules plugins plugins\command plugins\import plugins\opac plugins\step plugins\validation rulesets scripts temp users xslt Copy all kitodo_*.xml from Kitodo\src\main\resources\ into the config directory.

Copy the contents of Kitodo\rulesets\ to the rulesets directory.

Create the following four batch files with the following content in the in the scripts directory:

File Content
script_createDirMeta.bat mkdir %1
script_createDirUserHome.bat mkdir %2
script_createSymLink.bat mklink /d %2 %1
script_deleteSymLink.bat rmdir %1

Copy *.xsl from Kitodo\src\main\resources\ to the folder xslt.

Create your config-local

In the source directory that you just cloned, create a folder named config-local. Copy the following files there:

From Kitodo\src\main\resources\: contentServerConfig.xml, hibernate.cfg.xml,

From Kitodo-DataManagement\src\main\resources\db\config\:

Edit the following parameters of your copy of to point to the data directories you created. Use forward slashes as separators, and end the path entries with a forward slash. You need to edit the following parameters: directory.config=D:/path to/config/, directory.rulesets=D:/path to/rulesets/, directory.xslt=D:/path to/xslt/, directory.metadata=D:/path to/metadata/, directory.users=D:/path to/users/, directory.temp=D:/path to/temp/, script_createDirUserHome=D:/path to/scripts/script_createDirUserHome.bat, script_createDirMeta=D:/path to/scripts/script_createDirMeta.bat, script_createSymLink=D:/path to/scripts/script_createSymLink.bat, script_deleteSymLink=D:/path to/scripts/script_deleteSymLink.bat, directory.messages=D:/path to/messages/, directory.debug=D:/path to/debug/, directory.modules=D:/path to/modules/, directory.plugins=D:/path to/plugins/

Edit Kitodo\src\main\resources\log4j.xml so that <Property name="filename"> points to your D:/path to/logs.

Run Maven

On the command line, change to the directory you just cloned and execute the following command:

mvn clean install

Set up the database

Create the MqSQL Database and the user:

create database kitodo;
grant all privileges on kitodo.* to kitodo@localhost identified by ´kitodo´;
flush privileges;

First load schema.sql, then default.sql from the folder Kitodo\setup into the database. There will be warnings because the scripts handle some cases for backward compatibility. You can safely ignore them.

Then, change into the subfolder Kitodo-DataManagement and execute the following command to migrate your database:

mvn clean install -Pflyway

Exclude the Eclipse .project and runtime files from Git

  • Go to the file system and find the .git folder in the project folder in your Eclipse workspace. By default, this folder is hidden, so you need to configure your Explorer to show hidden files and folders to see it.
  • Find the info subfolder in that folder, or create it if it is missing.
  • Find or create a file named exclude (no extension).
  • List any files and directories you need to exclude in that file.
  • Sometimes you need to restart Eclipse for changes to take effect.

Example content:


Configure Eclipse

Eclipse’s Maven import will create a lot of projects in your workspace which all need a bit of configuration, as listed below. You can simplify this by creating a new workspace and only configure the workspace settings once accordingly.

Add projects: In Eclipse, select File, Import, Maven, Existing Maven project. Point the root directory to your project directory and import all projects.

Git: Go to Preferences → Version Control (Team) → Git → Configuration and add keys with your full name and with your e-mail address.

Tomcat: You have to increase the Tomcat startup time-out. You can do so from the server in the Servers view. If the Tomcat is not yet listed, select Window, Preferences, Server, Runtime Environments and add it there. Double-click the server in the Servers view, extend the time-out on the appearing page under Timeouts. You have to click save for the changes to take effect. I also recommend to open the launch configuration (from the same page), Arguments, and add -Xmx3g to VM arguments.

Code formatter: Import config\Kitodo-IDE-formatting-Eclipse.xml and set the code formatter to use the imported Kitodo-Java Formatter Settings.

Imports: The project has decided not to import packages, but only to explicitly import used classes, and to sort them alphabetically. Go to the Organize Imports page, add all base packages sorted alphabetically (com, de, edu, io, java, javax, junit, net, org), and set the both Number of inputs needed values to something like 2147483647.

Checkstyle: Get the Checkstyle plug-in and configure it to use the config file config\checkstyle.xml.

Prepare the web application

For any further steps and throughout all development, make sure Elasticsearch is running. You start it by running elasticsearch.bat in the bin folder of the unzipped installation.

In Eclipse, right-click on the kitodo project, select run as, run on server, to launch Kitodo.Production in your Tomcat.

Access the web application under http://localhost:8080/kitodo and log in as user testadmin with password test.

From the navigation menu, select Indexing. First, create the elasticsearch mapping by clicking the corresponding button on the top of the page. Then, create the whole index by clicking on the start indexing button on the bottom of the page. When this has finished, you have to log out and back into the web application.

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