Built using SDL and C++
Ready to play builds in Releases and on aaron7eleven's itch.io
- Clone Repo
- Download SDL libraries
- Make directories for each SDL library
- SDL - C:\SDL
- SDL_image - C:\SDL_image
- SDL_ttf - C:\SDL_ttf
- SDL_mixer - C:\SDL_mixer
- Extract .zip of each SDL libraries and copy contents into respective SDL library directory
- Open Visual Studio (I used 2022)
- Local Multiplayer
- Input Rebinding for UI and Gameplay
- Video Settings:
- V-Sync (Default: Enabled)
- Window Mode
- Windowed (1280x720) (Default)
- Fullscreen
- Audio Settings: Sound FX
- FPS Counter
- Potential memory leak
- Not freeing resources
- Ball/Paddle Collision is questionable
- Practice C++
- Learn and practice game engine development
- Make a retro game
- Have fun! 😃
Feel free to reach out to me at aaron7eleven.game.dev at gmail.com for any questions or issues. 😃