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bcaddy edited this page Sep 15, 2023 · 34 revisions


Note: Testing is still in beta and is missing some features, namely testing automation. If you spot any errors or bugs please create an issue and we'll work on resolving it.

If you are new to the testing world, check the bottom of this page for a glossary and links to various sites with more information.

Building & Running Existing Tests


The tests have three dependencies:

  • GoogleTest, which can be can be installed as part of the testing scripts or loaded as a module if your system has it
  • The Cholla-tests-data submodule which in turn requires Git LFS.
    • To download the cholla-tests-data submodule simply clone cholla then run git submodule update --init in the cholla repository. See the submodule README for more details.
    • If you don't have Git LFS available on your cluster then you can clone the repo on a computer with Git LFS, it's easy to install on personal computers, and copy the contents to the cholla-tests-data directory inside the Cholla repository

Building & Launching with the Included Script

If you are on a supported machine, the simplest way to build and run tests is with the script cholla/builds/scripts/ That script contains functions to clean, source setup scripts, optionally build GoogleTest, build Cholla, build the tests, and launch the tests. For example, using the script to build with GCC and run all hydro tests:

> cd cholla
> source builds/
> buildAndRunTests -c gcc -t hydro

The machine name and launch command are automatically set based on the hostname. The make type defaults to hydro but can be set to another type with the -t flag. The compiler is set with the -c flag; to use a different compiler replace gcc with the name of that compiler. Note that it must exactly match the name used in the setup file, i.e. on Summit you can use xl. The function buildAndRunTests runs all the other functions in the proper order. Details can be found in the block comments above each function in the shell script.

To use buildAndRunTests you need to have GoogleTest available. You can either load a GoogleTest module or install and compile it from source yourself. If you load it with a module make sure the GOOGLETEST_ROOT environment variable is pointing at the install path. If you compile it yourself then you can use the buildGoogleTest function in or pass buildAndRunTests the -g flag.

Building & Launching Manually

  1. Check that GoogleTest is installed in your machine and load the module if applicable.
  2. Check that the GOOGLETEST_ROOT variable is set in the Makefile for you machine. E.g. go to cholla/builds/ and assign GOOGLETEST_ROOT to be the path to your installation of GoogleTest.
  3. Build Cholla as normal using whichever make type you want. See Building on the CAAR branch for details. This executable will be used to run system tests
    • Example: make -j TYPE=hydro builds the hydro make type.
  4. Build the tests executable by running make again but now with the TEST make variable set to true. You must use the same make type as was used for building Cholla in the previous step.
    • Example: make -j TYPE=hydro TEST=true
  5. Launch the tests: Tests should be launched within an interactive or batch job if you're running on a cluster as they can be very computationally intensive. Be sure to use the appropriate launch command for your system. Note that the tests themselves do not use MPI and the appropriate launch command for launching the system tests is given with the --mpi-launcher flag. Tests also require some command line arguments to run, these are listed here:
    • --cholla-root path/to/cholla/root - The full path to the Cholla directory. A relative path might work but that is untested and unverified.
    • --build-type - The make type used, e.g. hydro, gravity, etc.
    • --machine - The machine used. Must match the name returned by cholla/builds/
    • A full launch command that runs all the hydro tests looks like:
      • {chollaRoot}/bin/cholla.type.machine.tests --cholla-root {chollaRoot} --build-type hydro --machine spock --gtest_filter=*tHYDRO*
    • A full launch command that runs only hydro system tests looks like:
      • {chollaRoot}/bin/cholla.type.machine.tests --cholla-root {chollaRoot} --build-type hydro --machine spock --gtest_filter=*tHYDROSYSTEM*
    • Optional Flags
      • --mpi-launcher - The mpi launcher to use. It must end in the parameter that indicates the number of ranks to launch and that parameter must be left blank, i.e. jsrun --smpiargs="-gpu" --cpu_per_rs 1 --tasks_per_rs 1 --gpu_per_rs 1 --nrs is ok but jsrun --nrs 2 --smpiargs="-gpu" --cpu_per_rs 1 --tasks_per_rs 1 --gpu_per_rs 1 or jsrun --smpiargs="-gpu" --cpu_per_rs 1 --tasks_per_rs 1 --gpu_per_rs 1 --nrs 2 will fail.
      • --runCholla=false - Makes the system test not launch Cholla. Generally this and --compareSystemTestResults=false should only be used for large MPI tests where the user wishes to separate the execution of cholla and the comparison of results onto different machines/jobs.
      • --compareSystemTestResults=false - Launches Cholla, but does not compare the results to fiducial data.
      • Any GoogleTest flags you might desire. Noteworthy flags: --gtest_filter can be used to only run certain tests and --gtest_output can be use to generate XML or JSON reports

GoogleTest Command Line Arguments

A full list of GoogleTest's command line arguments and their usage can be found in their Running Tests: Advanced Options documentation or by running a GoogleTest executable with the --help argument. Here are a few options of particular note, please refer to the GoogleTest documentation for full details

  • --gtest_list_tests - Lists names of all tests, does not run them
  • --gtest_filter=POSITIVE_PATTERNS[-NEGATIVE_PATTERNS] - Filters tests so that only those that match the positive patterns and don't match the negative patterns are run. Note that the patterns are case sensitive and multiple positive patterns use an inclusive or, all tests that match any positive pattern will be run.
  • --gtest_output=(json|xml)[:DIRECTORY_PATH/|:FILE_PATH] - generate a report on the results of the tests
  • --gtest_death_test_style=(fast|threadsafe) - Choose death test style. Set to threadsafe within our testing main function. Don't change this unless you know what you're doing.
  • There are a series of flags that effect how GTest handles failures. Includes setting debugger break points, C++ exceptions, etc.

Writing New Tests

In general any test consists of a couple of components

  • A call to one of GoogleTest's TEST macros. Usually this will just be the TEST macro but there are other options for fixtures and parameterized tests.

  • All the different TEST macros have two arguments, the test suite/fixture name and the individual test name. The full name of the test is the suite/fixture name followed by the test name seperated by a period. Details of our naming conventions can be found in the Naming Scheme section.

    • Example testSuiteName.IndividualTestName
  • Test suites are groups of tests that are logically connected, for example all the tests for the HLLC Riemann solver might be in a single test suite. Test fixtures are also used for logically grouping tests but in addition they allow custom set up and tear down features that can be shared between test. Each test will use its own instance of the fixture.

    • Example: If you're testing the methods of the Grid3D class and you want to initialize the Grid3D object the same way for many different tests you can use a fixture and then the setup would automatically be done for each test in that fixture. Note that each test would use a new instance of the Grid3D class in this example. Resources can be shared between tests but the details are beyond the scope of this guide, please refer to GoogleTest's documentation
  • After you've setup the TEST macro then you can run any C++ code you need for your test and use GoogleTest assertions to check the results. A full list of assertions can be found in GoogleTest's docs under Assertions Reference.

  • All assertions have two different versions, ASSERT_* and EXPECT_*. The ASSERT versions test the result and stop the current test if it fails whereas the EXPECT version tests the results and allows the test to continue running if it fails. Generally you should use the EXPECT version, so that a test failure gives you as much information as possible unless there's a reason that you must stop the test if something fails.

    • Example: If you're looping through test results from an HLLC test, you want to know all the fluxes that are wrong so you would use EXPECT. If you're checking that two datasets in HDF5 files have the same names before you compare their contents you would use an 'ASSERT, since there's no point in comparing energy to density.
  • Example:

    // External Libraries and Headers
    #include <gtest/gtest.h>
    // Local includes
    #include "../path_to_header_of_function_thats_being_tested"
        // run function to be tested
        EXPECT_EQ(fiducialResult, testResult);

Comparing Floating Point Numbers

Floating point comparisons are notoriously tricky and GoogleTest's default floating point comparison tools are to restrictive for our needs. As such we've written a more sophisticated tool for comparing double precision (FP64) numbers in the testingUtilities namespace declared in cholla/src/utils/testing_utilities.h. There's two relevant functions there, ulpsDistanceDbl which computes the ULP distance between two FP64 numbers and the nearlyEqualDbl function which checks if two FP64 numbers are within an absolute margin or a ULP margin. Details can be found in the doxygen documentation in testing_utilities.h and a usage example can be found at cholla/src/riemann_solvers/ If required in the future FP32, or any other precision, versions of nearlyEqualDbl and ulpsDistanceDbl can be added easily.

Writing New Unit or Integration Tests

New unit or integration tests, or any non-system test, is done using standard GoogleTest API calls and should be named and located according to the guidelines in Naming Scheme. Details on the functionality of GoogleTest can be found in the GoogleTest Docs. There are many excellent guides on what should be tested, how to test it, and how to write quality tests. Some of those resources can be found in the Useful Links & Guides section. Below are some basics to get you started, and an example test can be found in cholla/src/riemann_solvers/

Testing Strategies

  • What should you test exactly?
    • Test each path within the code. I.e. each branch in every if-elif-else statement or any control branching
    • Test with good inputs and bad inputs, the code should fail when given bad inputs and it should fail the way you expect it to.
    • Test edge cases. Things that are uncommon but could throw a wrench in things
  • Death Tests - test that the code crashes, segfaults, etc when it should.
    • Special naming convention should be used. Specifically the name of all test suites/fixtures with a death test in them should end in DeathTest (Reason)
  • Performance Tests
    1. Benchmark the code. There's a library for this or you can do it yourself
    2. Compare the execution time to the fiducial time with EXPECT_NEAR using an appropriate margin of error

Writing New System Tests

System tests run the entirety of the code from start to finish with a specific problem. Examples include Sod Shock Tubes, convergence tests, etc. Problems with analytical solutions are useful as they as they provide a known correct result.

Writing a system test from scratch can be done using the class (systemTest::SystemTestRunner) that does almost all the work for you. There are two basic ways to run a system test: with the fiducial data stored in an HDF5 file or with the fiducial data generated by the program on the fly. The first is useful for general regression testing, whereas generating data on the fly might be suitable for test cases with simple, analytical results or parameterized tests. The systemTest::SystemTestRunner.runTest() method runs Cholla, checks the results, and stores the output in cholla/bin/TestSuiteName_TestName/ for later examination if needed.

System Test with Fiducial HDF5 Files

An example of a system test with a fiducial HDF5 file can be found in cholla/src/system_tests/hydro_system_tests.cpp. Here are detailed instructions:

  1. If it doesn't already exist, create a file called makeType_system_tests.cpp in cholla/src/system_tests where makeType is the make type of that system test (e.g. hydro, particle, gravity, etc).
  2. Include both GoogleTest and the cholla/src/system_tests/system_tester.h header.
  3. Name your new system test according to the conventions in the Naming Scheme section. Instantiate a systemTest::SystemTestRunner object, then call the runTest method. Naming the test according to convention is very important since the systemTest::SystemTestRunner class uses the test name to find the settings and fiducial data files and to determine where to put the output files.
    • Example:
      // External Libraries and Headers
      #include <gtest/gtest.h>
      // Local includes
      #include "../system_tests/system_tester.h"
        systemTest::SystemTestRunner sodTest;
  4. Store the input file used in cholla/src/system_tests/input_files and name it TestSuiteName_TestName.txt.
    • Example: for the test above the input file should be named tHYDROSYSTEMSodShockTube_CorrectInputExpectCorrectOutput.txt
  5. Store the fiducial data file that is being compared against in the system_tests directory of the cholla-tests-data repository and name it TestSuiteName_TestName.h5. Note that this will require Git LFS to be installed on your system
    • Note: You must use HDF5 files that are formatted the same way that Cholla formats HDF5 files. Text files will not work.
    • Note: MPI system tests still expect a single fiducial file that encompasses the entire domain.
    • Example: for the test above the fiducial data file should be named tHYDROSYSTEMSodShockTube_CorrectInputExpectCorrectOutput.h5

System Tests for Periodic Problems (waves)

If the problem you want to test is a wave, or similar periodic problem, then instead of using a fiducial data file you can check for correctness by computing the L1 error of the final state vs. the initial state. This can be done easily with the runL1ErrorTest method instead of the runTest method and doesn't require a fiducial data file. Other than that all steps are similar to a system tests with fiducial data file, see the doxygen documentation in the header file for more info.

// External Libraries and Headers
#include <gtest/gtest.h>

// Local includes
#include "../system_tests/system_tester.h"

  systemTest::SystemTestRunner soundwaveTest;

System Tests with Particles

Since the particle data is stored in a different file and different format than the hydro fields data slightly more work is required to get it working. The SystemTestRunner class requires that all the fiducial data be stored in a single HDF5 file. To combine the fields file (e.g. 1.h5.0) and the particle file (e.g. 1_particles.h5.0) use the script in python_sripts. Simple edit the path variables to point at your file and then run the script then put the combined file in the system_tests directory of the cholla-tests-data repository with the usual naming convention. If your test case is particles only and does not output a hydro field file then all you need to do is change the name of the density dataset in the _particles.h5 to particle_density then name and locate the file according to convention.

As well as setting up the fiducial files correctly you must set the constructor to tell the object to look for particle data files (or not to look for hydro data files). If you just want to turn on particle data then you can initialize the object like

// Turn on particle data
systemTest::SystemTestRunner particleAndHydro(true);

// Turn on particle data and turn off hydro data
systemTest::SystemTestRunner particleOnly(true, false);

Advanced System Tests

If you want to generate the fiducial data on the fly or have finer control over the system test then the systemTest::SystemTestRunner class has a selection of methods to help you do that. Full details for each method are found within doxygen comments in the cholla/src/system_tests/system_tester.h header.

  • Constructor: When initializing the object make sure to pass the appropriate booleans to indicate if you're using particle data, hydro data, a fiducial data file and/or settings file. The default is to use hydro data, not use particle data, and use both a fiducial data file and a input file

  • runTest: Runs the system test as set up

  • chollaLaunchParams: A std::string of Cholla settings overrides to use when launching Cholla. Details in this PR

  • numMpiRanks: A member variable that indicates how many MPI ranks of Cholla to run, defaults to 1.

  • Various getters for path variables, all return std::string objects:

    • getChollaPath - The path to the Cholla executable
    • getChollaSettingsFilePath - The full filename/path of the settings file used to launch Cholla
    • getOutputDirectory - The path to the directory where output is stored
    • getConsoleOutputPath - The full filename/path to the file where all the console output is stored.
  • getDataSetsToTest: Return a std::vector<std::string> of all the dataset names that will be compared. If an fiducial HDF5 file is used it defaults to a vector of all the datasets. If no fiducial HDF5 is used then it defaults to empty and must be set manually with setDataSetsToTest.

  • setDataSetsToTest: Choose which data sets to compare. Overwrites if there are already names in the vector. Must be called if no HDF5 file is provided

  • getFiducialFile: Returns the H5::H5File object for the fiducial HDF5 file

  • getTestFile: Returns the H5::H5File object for the test HDF5 file

  • setCompareNumTimeSteps: Choose whether or not to compare the number of time steps

  • generateConstantData: Takes a double value and shape of an field then returns a vector populated by that value. Note that it's always a 1D vector whose size is the product of the shape requested. So if you ask for a 10x10x10 vector it returns a 1D vector with 1,000 elements. Can be indexed with this equation index = (xIndex * lengthInY + yIndex) * lengthInZ + zIndex;

  • generateSineData: Takes a series of values and a shape then returns an vector containing a sine wave with those settings. Also returns a 1D vector.

  • setFiducialData: Used to add a new fiducial dataset to be compared against. Takes the field name and vector

  • setFiducialNumTimeSteps: Set the number of fiducial time steps. Only works if no fiducial file is used.

  • The globalRunCholla and globalCompareSystemTestResults global variables can be used within your system test to control which parts are run in the case of a run where either Cholla is not run or the comparison is not performed. These global variables are set by the -runCholla=false and --compareSystemTestResults=false command line arguments and should only be used for large MPI tests where the user wishes to separate the execution of cholla and the comparison of results onto different machines/jobs. Note that the comparison is always done single threaded and so even if the number of ranks is large the overall domain should be small, on the order of 10^3 cells per GPU.

  • Examples:

    // Example for generating fiducial data on the fly rather than getting it
    // from a fiducial data file
    // External Libraries and Headers
    #include <gtest/gtest.h>
    #include <vector>
    #include <string>
    // Local includes
    #include "../system_tests/system_tester.h"
      // Instantiate the object
      systemTest::SystemTestRunner testObject;
      // Choose two fields to compare
      std::vector<std::string> fieldNames{"newField1", "newField2"};
      // Don't compare the time steps
      // Generate a constant vector and add them as fiducial data to compare against
      testObject.setFiducialData(fieldName[0], // The name of this dataset
                                 testObject.generateConstantData(1.2, 10, 10, 10))
      testObject.setFiducialData(fieldName[0], // The name of this dataset
                                 testObject.generateConstantData(3.1, 10, 10, 10))
      // Run the test
    // Example for using the class to just launch Cholla then checking for
    // correctness yourself
    // External Libraries and Headers
    #include <gtest/gtest.h>
    #include <vector>
    #include <string>
    // Local includes
    #include "../system_tests/system_tester.h"
      // Instantiate the object
      systemTest::SystemTestRunner testObject(false, false, false);
      // Launch Cholla
      // Get the various paths you might need
      std::string chollaPath        = testObject.getChollaPath();
      std::string settingFilePath   = testObject.getChollaSettingsFilePath();
      std::string outputDirectory   = testObject.getOutputDirectory();
      std::string consoleOutputFile = testObject.getConsoleOutputPath();
      // Check for correctness and capture results
      /* your code here */
      // Run GoogleTest assertion

Naming Scheme

GoogleTest allows you to choose which tests to run at runtime via standard pattern matching. To facilitate this we need to have rigorous system for naming test suites/fixtures and tests. The build system and the systemTest::systemTestRunner function both require consistent naming of files as well to function properly.

All tests have a suite/fixture name and the individual test name. The full name of the test is the suite/fixture name followed by the test name seperated by a period. All test suite/fixture and individual test names must be must be valid C++ identifies and shouldn’t include underscores. i.e. you can use A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and cannot start with a number. The 'no underscores' rule is a loose requirement in GoogleTest as underscores in various configurations are reserved by both the C++ standard and GoogleTest itself. While the rule is overly strict it avoides myriad special cases. Details can be found here.

Here are some examples of full test names to refer to:

  • Example unit test name for the HLLC Riemann solver tHYDROtGRAVITYCalculateHLLCFluxesCUDA.LeftSideExpectCorrectOutput
  • System test tHYDROSYSTEMSodShockTube.CorrectInputExpectCorrectOutput

File Naming Conventions

  • All the tests for the code units in a specific file should be in a test file that sits right next to the file being tested. Test file names should be the name of the file being tested with a _tests at the end. This convention is used in the build system and failing to follow it will likely result in compile time linking errors.
    • Example: the tests file for is
  • System tests for a given make type should all be in the TypeName_system_tests.cpp file within cholla/src/system_tests.
  • System test settings and fiducial data files should be named according to the requirements in the Writing New System Tests section.

Test Suite/Fixture Naming Conventions

  • All test suite/fixture names need to start with an list of the make types for that suite/fixture in all capital letters; if the test suite/fixture is for all make types then use the ALL keyword. To facilitate easy pattern matching at runtime each make type should start with a lowercase t so that we can match patterns like tHYDRO rather than just HYDRO which could show up in another part of the full test name
    • Example: tHYDROtPARTICLEStGRAVITY would be the first part of a suite/fixture name that only runs for the hydro, particles, and gravity make types. tALL would run the test during all make types.
  • Test suite/fixture names should be in PascalCase and clearly indicate what code unit (class, method, function, etc) is being tested and if there are multiple suites/fixtures for a code unit then the test name should clearly indicate what makes a specific suite unique. If the code unit name contains underscores then omit them and write the name in PascalCase unless that clearly doesn't make sense, i.e. acronyms and similar.
    • Example: tHYDROCalculateHLLCFluxesCUDA
  • The name of any test suite/fixture which contains a death test must end in DeathTest. This is a special flag that GoogleTest uses to help aid in thread safety.
    • Example: tHYDROCalculateHLLCFluxesCUDADeathTest
  • System test suite/fixture names must have the list of make types followed by the SYSTEM keyword then the problem under test.
    • Example: tHYDROSYSTEMSodShockTube

Test Naming Conventions

  • Test names should be in PascalCase and clearly indicate what specific state is being tested, the word Expect, then what the desired result is. The general format should be StateUnderTestExpectBehavior.
    • Examples
      • SodShockLeftSideExpectCorrectOutput
      • SodShockLeftSideExpectSegFault
  • System test names should follow the rules for test names. If it's an MPI test then the number of ranks should be noted after the state being tested followed by MpiRanks; if the number of ranks is 1,000 or over then a k can be used. The phrase Mpi should not be used in tests that do not run MPI
    • Examples:
      • CorrectInputExpectCorrectOutput
      • CorrectInput8MpiRanksExpectCorrectOutput
      • CorrectInput50kMpiRanksExpectCorrectOutput
      • NegativePressureExpectSegfault

Automated Testing

All the NIVIDIA builds are build and testing on Pitt CRC hardware using Jenkins on each pull request. Additionally, as part of the Jenkins pipeline, clang-tidy is run on each build type.

To test the AMD builds a GitHub Actions matrix job has been setup in cholla/.github/workflows/build_tests.yml that builds every make type of Cholla against HIP+Clang. Note that this GitHub Actions workflow does not actually run the tests, it just builds Cholla and the tests to make sure that everything compiles.

Known issues


  • Since the system tests launch MPI jobs the tests must be run from within a job, running on the header nodes is blocked by Summit
  • Currently running the tests when compiled with GCC doesn't work on Summit, you have to use XL. The cause is unclear since GCC works fine on other systems


The glossary below provides the meaning of various terms used on this page:

  • "Unit test" - Test a single "unit" of code such as a function, class method, constructor, etc.
    • Example: Testing that a function that just computes pressure
  • "Integration Test" - Test how multiple units of code work together.
    • Example: testing an entire Riemann solver instead of just the individual functions within it
  • "System Test" or "End-to-End (E2E) Test" - Testing the entire code to make sure it produces the correct result or action. In our case this can be done with the systemTest::systemTestRunner function
  • "Regression test" - Test that new changes have not broken the code or introduced new bugs. Unit, integration, and system tests can all be regression tests
  • "Performance Test" - Make sure the thing you're testing doesn't take more time, memory, or other resources than expected
  • "Mocking" - Some tests might have a dependency that doesn't behave in a predictable way for testing or is otherwise undesirable to run for testing and so we need to make fake or "mocked" version that does.
    • Example: A random number generator. In production we want it to be random but in testing we might always want it to return the same value so that a code unit that depends on it produces deterministic results
  • "Automated Testing" - Running tests automatically based on some event. Typically this event is something like pushing to GitHub or opening a pull request.
  • "Continuous Integration (CI)" - Quickly integrating changes from different developers using some sort of automated build, test, deployment system. See the links in the Useful Links & Guides section for more info.
  • "Test Driven Development (TDD)" - Writing the tests before you write the code that will be tested. This can be done as part of the design phase to make sure the end product matches all the requirements.

Useful Links & Guides

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