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Tungston Miner edited this page Aug 27, 2021 · 1 revision

Option 1: CurseForge

You have two options for playing this modpack. The first—and by far the easiest—is to use the CurseForge.

  1. Download the launcher from CurseForge
  2. Select "Minecraft" on the "Choose a Game" screen.
  3. Click into the "Search for modpacks" box at the top of the screen.
  4. Enter "istari" and press enter.
  5. Click the orange "Install" button next to the "Istari" modpack by "TungstonMiner".
  6. Click the orange "Play" button once installation is finished.

When future updates to the modpack are available, you'll see a downward-pointing arrow appear next to the orange "Play" button. Just click that arrow to grab the latest version of the modpack.

Option 2: Mojang / Minecraft

The second option is to use the default Minecraft launcher from Mojang / Microsoft. This is a bit harder because you'll need to download everything yourself, and manually install updates.

  1. Download the launcher from and run the app.
  2. Click on the "Installations" tab.
  3. Click the "New Installation" button.
  4. Configure the new installation:
  • Name: "Istari"
  • Version: "1.7.10"
  • Leave the other settings alone
  • Click the gray "Browse" button and take note of
  • Click the green "Create" button when finished.
  1. Hover over the "Istari" installation, and click the green "Play" button
  2. Quit the game. This was just to download the necessary files.
  3. Click the "folder" button next to the "Play" button.
  4. Download the modpack from GitHub
  5. Unpack the contents of the ZIP file you downloaded into your new installation directory. Make sure the mods, config, scripts, etc. directories are in the top level.
  6. Run the forge...installer...jar and install the client files. Quit the installer when finished.
  7. Restart the Minecraft app.
  8. Return to the "Installations" tab, and click the "Istari" installation.
  9. Change the version to "release 1.7.10-Forge...1614..."
  10. Click the green "Save" button.
  11. Click the green "Play" button.

From this point forward, you should only have to click the "Play" button. To update to a new version of the modpack, repeat steps 8-9. Repeat steps 10-14 if there's a new version of Forge in the new modpack.

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