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Releases: BattletechModders/IRTweaks


26 Jul 00:23
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  • make OnWeaponFire effects work with ammo and weapon modes (through CAC)


22 Jul 23:18
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new tweak:

  • OnWeaponFireFix: Fixes OnWeaponFire effects so that extendDurationOnTrigger and triggerLimit work properly for StatisticEffects. - enabled by default.


11 Jul 19:56
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-bugfix for cheat detection
-bugfix for below causing no heat-sinking

  • new tweak added:
    AbilityResourceFix If an Ability has "Resource" : "ConsumesActivation", the actors activation will be consumed upon use. In addition, the ability will be unable to be used if the actor has done any other actions (shooting, moving, etc).

-cheat detection stat change to string for better logging/tracking


03 Jul 17:02
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HideScoreBar - this setting deprecated, remove from mod.json

  • Adds Angry Atlas to career start difficulty menu
  • Improves menu placement to avoid overlaps
  • Relocates DifficultyScoreBar for better space usage at career start and during simgame
  • DifficultyScoreBar now scales to calculated minimum and maximum values of difficulty settings
  • Actual career difficulty modifier displayed instead of clamped 0-1 value
  • Difficulty setting options are automatically reordered from "easiest" (lowest modifier) to "hardest" (highest modifier) (was causing issues, removed reordering in


30 Jun 23:31
Choose a tag to compare - very minor tweak to make normal difficulty section less obnoxiously tiny

new setting under Misc -> DifficultyUIScaling:
HideScoreBar - if true, will hide the difficulty score bar and expand the scrollable difficulty area to use the blank space

Mechbay Refit Restrictions

This tweak allows you to restrict refitting certain components (using Component Tags) if the player does not have a matching Argo Upgrade. For example, if you set the component tags for emod_engineslots_xl_center to contain the following:

"ComponentTags" : {
	"items" : [
	"tagSetSourceFile" : ""

and in IRTweaks mod.json settings you have the following (under the "Misc" section):

"MechLabRefitReqs": {
		"requires_refitHarness": "argoUpgrade_mechBay_refitHarness"

Then the player will be unable to fit an XL engine if they have not obtained the Argo upgrade with ID argoUpgrade_mechBay_refitHarness


27 Jun 17:13
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enables > 6 settings to be locked to start only, dynamically resizes field and difficulty scrolling area to fit.

New Settings for adjusting size/position:

		"Misc": {
			"StartOnlyScalar": 40,
			"StartOnlyPositionY": 40,
			"RegularPositionY": 40


06 Jun 13:25
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  • adds fix for career FactionValues in saves when FactionValues are changed mid-career. Notably, if a FactionValue was set to "IsCareerIgnoredContractTarget": false,, that false value would persist in saves even when the actual FactionValue in Faction.json was changed, preventing that faction from appearing as a procedural contract target for that career.


18 May 12:38
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  • improvements to CD
  • customizable statname for CD
  • restructured options in mod.json for CD


11 May 11:09
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  • better cheat detection and prevention of false positives


09 May 00:17
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  • pilot duplication protection (checks if pilot with same ID exist in roster before adding to hiring hall or roster... mostly for events like Archangel or Squire)

  • Cheat detection: detects cheating via trainer/memory editor (cheatengine) for XP and money. disabled by setting "CheatDetection": false, in mod.json