Releases: BattletechModders/IRTweaks
Releases · BattletechModders/IRTweaks
- Fixes to prevent duplicate scaling on buildings
- Enable objective building health scaling on Blackout missions
- Add cache for already protected units, to prevent spawn protection from over-protection
- Better logging for spawn protection, protection of player units when added in later rounds.
- Emit stack trace when injure pilot is called with an unrecognized injury reason.
- Fix bulk scrap issue where the dialog could pop up randomly; should be much more tightly bound now
- CombatSaves: Add exclusion for 'Save and Quit' dialog, should no longer show
- Allow customization of MechBay 'Configure' button; defaults to 'Valdiate' now for ME compatibility
- Allow disabling the Store button in MechBay; prevents some corruption issues
- Fixes for incorrect harmony prepare() call, which was activating methods even when unintended.
- Add check for building scaling; will no longer scale if building has already been scaled
- Fixes to restrict bulk scrapping to only MechBay
- Fix ordering issue preventing MechAffinity adding MultiTarget in all cases. Validate harmony_summary.log has IRTweaks after MechAffinity for BattleTech.UnitSpawnPointGameLogic.initializeActor:
NOTE: DLL change only.
- Added new tweak; BulkScrapping. When enabled, holding Alt and clicking on one of the weight categories on the storage tab will allow you to scrap all units in that category in one action.
- mod_localized_text.json change; added Dialog element.
- Added new tweak; ScaleObjectiveBuildingStructure. This tweak will scale the structure of any building associated with an objective during the mission. Scaling is configurable as flag modifier, or multiplier. Documentation at
Warning: Mod.json changes (added new Combat.ScaledStructure element)
- Rework of combat save disable, added mission restart disable flag
- Moved SimGameDifficultyStrings from mod.json to mod_localized_text.json
- Change to allow CalledShot modifiers from pilot tags to be negative
- Called Shots can not prevent selecting any location (set Combat.CalledShot.DisableAllLocations: true) or just disable selecting the head (set Combat.CalledShot.DisableHeadshots)
- Called shot modifier correctly displays now (previously was bugged)
- Change MultiTarget statistic to read after initializeActor. This should allow it to work with Affinities.
- Add new statistic IRIgnoreHeadInjuries; when set on an actor any head hit injuries will be silently ignored.
WARNING: mod.json AND mod_localized_text.json changes! Several options have been renamed or moved in the mod.json structure. Please review carefully!
- Refactor pain tolerance to fire under 1.9; looks like it broke after 1.8 and wasn't firing.
- When a pilot resists an injury, a floatie will pop up to indicate the event
- Major refactor; needs thorough testing
- Changed PainTolerance configuration setting labels to be more descriptive; works as before.
EDIT: Note, minor error in mod.json, missing a comma after HeadHitArmorOnlyResistPenaltyMulti
WARNINGS: mod.json changes, added mod_localized_text.json.
- Split melee and heat logging into their own files for readability
- Correct issue with non-interleaved heat sinking; should apply now if you sprint, walk, or jump
- Support weapons use the location-appropriate hit table instead of the melee hit table
- Cluster damage will be delivered using a virtual Melee or DFA weapon; should allow attacks to honor DamageReductionMultiplierMelee and related modifiers on target.