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Istanbul Technical University M.S. and Ph.D. Thesis in LyX (UNOFFICIAL)


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Istanbul Technical University Thesis in LyX (UNOFFICIAL)

This is a LyX template/structure for Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Engineering M.S. and Ph.D. Theses. It is derived from the original LaTeX thesis template prepared by the Institute of Informatics of ITU.

What's New

15 May 2019

  • Removed all redefinitions of symbols in def.tex file. The redefinition of "\[ ... \]" causes error with Greek symbols.

8 January 2018

  • Set all language to Turkish.
  • Added Hunspell Turkish Dictionary files.

4 January 2018

  • Added appendices.
  • Included array class.

27 December 2018

  • Renamed the files with LyX extension, so that it will not be confused with the original ITU LaTeX class.
  • Updated the symbol table to use longtable so that it can extend mulpile pages automatically.
  • Fixed the spacing for figure and table lists headers.
  • Reorganized the preamble.

28 November 2018

  • Udpated to include ITU Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Management Institute

Steps to Follow

There are several things that need to be done before starting to use the template files.

  1. Need to install a TeX system, LyX and supporting programs such as Jabref, SumatraPDF and etc...
  2. Need to install itutezLyX.cls and itutezLyX.bst files to your LaTeX system.
  3. Install itutezLyX.layout file to LyX.
  4. Some adjustment to LyX PDF-PNG graphics converter for viewing PDF figures from LyX.
  5. Setup Turkish Hunspell Dictionary
  6. Understand how chapter files (ch??LyX.lyx) work.
  7. Understand how input *.tex files work.
  8. All files have to be UTF8 encoded. If it is LyX file, this has to be done from Settings > Language > Encoding.

Suggested Software to Install (for Windows)

  • Windows 10, 64 bit, English.
  • MikTeX: a LaTeX system for Windows. Other OSs are also supported.
  • LyX: A visual tool for LaTeX files
  • JabRef: BibTeX and BibLaTeX bibliography editor
  • TeXMaker: A LaTeX editor
  • Notepad++: Extended editor for programming
  • ImageMagick: Image processing libraries, need to install convert tool
  • PDF XChange Pro: Licensed PDF tool for editing PDFs
  • Sumatra PDF: PDF viewer suitable for LaTeX documents
  • Cisco VPN: VPN to connect ITU network

For members of ITUAST, theses will be developed over GitHub, therefore the following should be installed/performed as well:

Notes on the Programs

  • User names on Windows are suggested to have no Turkish characters and no spaces.
  • It is recommended that MikTeX is setup as single user mode with all packages installed. This requires about 6 GB of space.
  • Before installing JabRef, a Java Runtime Enviroment should be installed.
  • During installation of Git, do not select to install Git Credential Manager for Windows. Instead, install GCMW v1.17.2 aftewards. Git come with GCMW v1.18 which has compatibility issues with SourceTree; see this issue and this issue.
  • Setup an account on BitBucket before installing Sourcetree as is requires to have a bitbucket account.
  • Install Git and Mercurial before installing Sourcetree.
  • Setup an account with GitHub and clone this repository using Sourcetree. Sourcetree will start GCMW and where you will enter credentials for your Git account.

Installing itutezLyX.cls and itutezLyX.bst files

We will assume, you are using MikTeX on Windows

  • Create a folder localtexmf on your hard drive on a convenient location. It is suggested that this folder is placed at root of any hard drive, e.g. C:\localtexfm.
  • Create subfolders tex and bibtex under the folder localtexmf.
  • Create subfolder latex under the folder tex.
  • Create subfolder bst under the folder bibtex.
  • Copy itutezLyX.cls into the latex subfolder and itutezLyX.bst file into the bst subfolder.
  • Start MikTeX Console as admin.
  • Under the "Settings" division, go to "Directories" tab.
  • Add the localtexmf folder to the list of directories.
  • Go to "Tasks" menu and click "Refresh filename database"
  • The itutezLyX.cls and itutezLyX.bst should be recognized by MikTeX.

Installing itutezLyX.layout file

We will assume you are running LyX version 2.3.2 and later

  • Copy itutezLyX.layout file to \LyX-Main-Folder\Resources\layouts folder
  • Start LyX and Click "Reconfigure" under the "Tools" menu.
  • Restart LyX.
  • ITU Thesis Layout should appear at "Document" menu, "Document Settings," "Document Class" section, "Document Class" list, "Reports" section as "ITU Tez".

Some adjustments to LyX PDF previewer

It is recommended that only PDF files are used for plots. Default LyX will show the PDFs with lower quality on the screen, when scaled. To solve this problem you need to tell to increase the resolution of the preview image as follows:

  • Make sure the convert utility of ImageMagick is installed and made available to path.
  • Start LyX and do not open a file.
  • Go to "Preferences" under the "Tools" menu.
  • Go to "Converters" under the "File Handling" section.
  • Select "PDF(graphics)" from "From Format:" and "PNG" from "To Format:"
  • To "Converter:" write : convert -density *** -trim -quality 100 -sharpen 0x1.0 $$i $$o, where *** can be 200 to start with. You may try other values based on the results.
  • Click "Add" button.
  • Click "Apply" button.
  • Click "Save" button.
  • Select "Reconfigure" under "Tools" menu.
  • Restart LyX.

Setup Hunspell Turkish Dictionary Files in LyX for Spellcheck

  • The Hunspell Turkish Dictionary files that comes with the LyX installation may be corrupted; see this LyX Bug Ticket. Corrected files should be downloaded from LyX SVN Repository; however, download cannot be done with right click and save as method. The files have to be clicked and downloaded from the new web page using the directions given therein.
  • Turkish dictionary files are tr_TR.aff and tr_TR.dic. Correct files should be saved to \LyX-Main-Folder\Resources\dicts folder under the LyX installation folder.
  • LyX dictionary file locations should be specified at "Tools" menu, "Preferences" and "Paths."
  • If thesis will be written in English, language should be set to English for all LyX files if spellcheck is to performed.
  • For Turkish thesis, the English summary file, summary.lyx should be set to English.


The main LyX file for the thesis is tezLyX.lyx. You should export it to "PDF (pdflatex)" to see if everyhing works fine.

A fully working package is provided, so you should see a sample PDF generated. Then you can edit your files as explained below to write your thesis.

How to Write Thesis

First of all, you can start by writing your chapters in LyX. From the main LyX file click to one of the chapters, and select "Edit". This will open up the corresponding chapter. You can now write your thesis chapter.

You will see that there are examples for figures, bibliography and tables. You can use you these formats or a format you prefer. However, it is strongly recommended that you export to PDF frequently to make sure your custom figure or table works fine.

You should change the bibliography as needed. Software such as JabRef is recommended for editing the bibliography.

Other files that need to be completed are:

  • kisaltmalarLyX.lyx
  • onsozLyX.lyx
  • ozetLyX.lyx
  • ozgecmisLyX.lyx
  • sembollerLyX.lyx
  • summaryLyX.lyx

These are LyX files but the main LyX file will look for their *.tex versions. Therefore, they need to be converted to LaTeX as follows:

  • Export the *.lyx file to "LaTeX (pdflatex)."
  • Edit the exported *.tex file and erase the parts above and including \begin{document} and erase the last line \end{document}.

Before making cahnges to the *.tex files, it is highly recommended that you save the existing files first, look at them and see how they are formatted. Some of the .tex files are simple text files without any LaTeX code in it (e.g onsozLyX.tex file); so for those, you do not need to work in LyX; just modify the *.tex file with a text editor.

Also note that *.tex files are called in the main LyX file at "Document" menu, "Document Settings," "LaTeX Preamble" section. If you like, you can change the names of these files as needed.


For questions, please contact to Baris Erkus


Istanbul Technical University M.S. and Ph.D. Thesis in LyX (UNOFFICIAL)







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