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Randal T Meyer edited this page May 5, 2024 · 6 revisions

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Dice Basics

Simple Rolls


Rolls w/ Modifiers

[1d20 + 4]
[1d8 + 2]
[3d4 + 3]

Rolls w/ Descriptions

[1d20 + 4 attack]
[1d8 + 2 damage]
[3d4 + 3 magic missile]
[1d20 + 7 secret stealth]

Note: Any Dice with the word "secret" (with or without quotes) in the description will be flagged by RPG Sage. If the Channel or Game has rules on how to treat "secret" rolls, then this flagged "secret" roll will be processed accordingly.

Rolls w/ Multiple Dice Types

[1d4 dagger + 1d6 sneak]
[1d8 sword + 1d6 holy]
[2d8 fire + 2d8 ice + 2d8 holy]

Multiple Rolls

[6#3d6 stat]
[2#1d20 attack]
[3#1d4 + 1 missile]

Dice Tests

RPG Sage can test your dice results for 5 conditions:

  • = equal to
  • > greater than
  • >= greater than or equal to
  • < less than
  • <= less than or equal to


[1d2 = 1]
[1d20 > 10]
[1d20 >= 11]
[1d20 + 5 < 15]
[1d100 <= 25]

Because it can be annoying trying to find the =, >, < characters on mobile keyboards, RPG Sage will allow the following text equivalents:

Test Text Equivalent
= eq
> gt
>= gteq or gte
< lt
<= lteq or lte


[1d2 eq 1]
[1d20 gt 10]
[1d20 gteq 11]
[1d20 + 5 lt 15]
[1d100 lteq 25]

Success and Failure

When rolling a test, the output will include an emoji to indicate success or failure. By default, these are 👍 and 👎.

Dice Groups

Simple Groups

[1d20 attack; 1d8 damage]
[1d20 + 5 attack; 1d8 + 2 slashing]
[1d20 + 2 attack; 1d4 dagger + 2d6 sneak]

(Both sets of dice will be rolled and their results will be listed together.)

Tested Groups

[1d20 >= 15 attack; 1d8 damage]
[1d20 + 5 >= 10 medicine check; 2d8 healing]
[1d20 > 5 conceal; 1d20 >= 10 attack; 1d4 damage]

(Each test must succeed before the next group is rolled.)

Success and Failure

When rolling a test, the output will include an emoji to indicate success or failure. By default, these are 👍 and 👎.

Dice Overrides

Because you can set different Dice options at different levels (Server, Game, Channel), RPG Sage has the ability to override these settings as you roll.

Game System Examples:

[dnd5e 1d20 ac 10 attack]
[pf2e 1d20 dc 10 check]

You can read more about Dice options by Game System here.

Dice Output Examples:

[xxs 1d20 ac 10 attack]
[xxl 1d20 dc 10 check]

You can read more about Dice options by Dice Output here.

Combination Examples:

[xxs pf2e 1d20 dc 10 check]
[xxl dnd5e 1d20 ac 10 attack]

Dice Manipulation

RPG Sage has many ways you can modify or manipulate the dice you roll.

Drop / Keep

This feature allows you to drop or keep the rolls that are the highest or lowest of your results, using the dh, dl, kh, kl syntax in your roll. You can also specify how many to keep.


Disadvantage / Misfortune by Dropping Highest

Advantage / Fortune by Dropping Lowest

Advantage / Fortune by Keeping Highest

Disadvantage or Misfortune by Keeping Lowest

Roll 4 times and Keep the Highest 3

Fixed Results

Sometimes, you already know the result of one or more of the dice you are going to roll. We call those rolls "fixed". To tell RPG Sage the value(s) of these "fixed" rolls, you add them at the start of your dice, in parentheses and separate multiple values by commas, ex (1,2). You still tell it how many and what size to roll.


Unnatural 20

The first two rolls are 1 and 6, the other 4 are rolled normally

No Sort

Normally, die rolls are sorted from lowest to highest when displayed. If you instead need to see the dice in the order they were rolled, then the ns feature is for you!



Dice Tester

If you ever get a bad string of dice results and want to see how RPG Sage's Dice perform across thousands of rolls ... try this!

Valid die values: 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20


sage! dice test die="6"
sage! dice test die="20"

Table Roller

RPG Sage can roll on tables in one of two ways:

  • Embedded: Your table is embedded in your macro
  • External: You provide a url to a TSV formatted table
    (This is most often a Google Sheet using "publish to web" set to TSV.)

The Table roller expects each possible result to be on its own line, with the following values:

  • Die roll or range
  • Text of the result

Table Example:

1 Only on a roll of 1
2-3 On a roll of 2 or 3
4-5 On a roll of 4 or 5
6 Only on a roll of 6

Embedded tables need each item on its own line and uses spaces between the number(s) and the text.

Embedded Table Syntax:

[1 Only on a roll of 1
2-3 On a roll of 2 or 3
4-5 On a roll of 4 or 5
6 Only on a roll of 6]

Random Selection

Another feature of RPG Sage's dice engine is its ability to select items from a list. This was built mostly to alleviate the GM's constant need to select which PC a baddie targets, but we are sure it has many other uses as well.

Note: Currently this feature relies on commas to separate the items in the list, so be careful of putting fancy names in your lists!

Simple Selection

[Fighter, Wizard, Rogue]

Multiple Selections

[2#Fighter, Wizard, Rogue]

The results will be listed in the order they were selected.

Multiple Selections, Sorted

[2s#Fighter, Wizard, Rogue]

The results will be sorted alphabetically.

Multiple Selections, Unique

[2u#Fighter, Wizard, Rogue]

The results will be listed in the order they were selected.

Secret Selection

[gm#Fighter, Wizard, Rogue]

This treats the roll as a "secret" roll and is handled by the Channel's or Game's settings accordingly.

Note: The Multiple, Sorted, Unique, and Secret flags can be mixed and matched in any combination.

Simple Math

In addition to rolling dice and selecting things from a list, RPG Sage's dice engine can also do simple math that doesn't involve dice. This is intended to be a simple, but helpful, addition for folks that want or need to do math in their games.

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