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Related Topics: Character Management, Pathbuilder Stats, Stats in Dice.

Manual Stats

When managing your Character, you can save pretty much any information you want as a "stat" by using the pc stats command. These stats are visible when you view your character details. They are also accessible in your dice rolls (and most importantly, macros).

Basic Example

Stats are set using the format key="value".

  • key can only have letters, numbers and periods
  • value can be anything, as long as it is quoted

Mobile devices often use curly quotes and it can be easy to get mismatched quote characters.

Common Examples:

sage! pc stats name="Bardok" level="2"
sage! pc stats name="Bardok" hp="10" maxHp="20"
sage! pc stats name="Bardok" mod.dex="+3" dexterity="16"
sage! pc stats name="Bardok" prof.Stealth="+2" proficiency.Stealth="Trained"

Removing / Unsetting a Stat is done by setting the stat to an empty value. Unset Example:

sage! pc stats name="Bardok" level=""
sage! pc stats name="Bardok" proficiency.Stealth=""

Simple Dice Example: Initiative

sage! pc stats name="Bob the Fighter" init="+1"

You can now roll init with:

[1d20 + {pc::init}]

... which becomes ...

[1d20 + 1]

Simple Macro Example: Intiative

You can now build an init macro with:

sage! macro set name="init" dice="[1d20 + {pc::init} init]"

You can now roll init with:


... which becomes ...

[1d20 + {pc::init}]

... which becomes ...

[1d20 + 1]

Note: Fun With Macros

By default, your Macros are global to you, meaning you can access them on any server using RPG Sage. By creating the above init macro that specifically targets pc, you have made a single macro that you can use to roll initiative for every single one of your characters on every single server you play on ... assuming you set their init value using sage! pc stats ...

Manual Stats vs Pathbuilder Stats

What happens if you link a Pathbuilder character and have or want manual stats? What happens if you set a manual stat with the same name as a Pathbuilder stat? ... They play nice together! (generally)

When accessing a stat from your character, RPG Sage first checks your manual stats for the "key" you are using. If it doesn't find it, then it will check to see if you have a linked Pathbuilder character. If so, it will try to get the value from there. If nothing is found, then the whole entry {pc::key} will wind up in your dice roll to show you that it wasn't found.

You can read more about Pathbuilder Stats here.

Nested Stats

Yup, you read that right.

We will expand on this topic later, but for now, know that you can do things like:

sage! pc stats name="Rogue" dex="+4" level="3" prof.simple="+2" mod.dagger="{Rogue::dex}+{Rogue::level}+{Rogue::prof.simple}"

... and roll ...

[1d20 + {Rogue::mod.dagger} dagger atk]

... to get ...

[1d20 + 9 dagger atk]

Hidden Stats

When setting your character's stats, you may want to keep values hidden. For instance, the AC of an NPC. Well, surprise! RPG Sage will allow you to add spoilers to stats!

Note: This feature was intended for AC values of DnD / Pathfinder and their clones. It should work for any dice test, but it might get weird if you spoiler other stats.


sage! npc stats name="Gobbo" ac="||15||"


[1d20 + 5 ac="{Gobbo::ac}"]

When displaying the Dice results, the success/failure should be displayed as normal. Instead of showing the AC, however, the results will include ?? where the AC should otherwise be.

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