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Related Topics: Character Management, Manual Stats, Stats in Dice.

Pathbuilder Stats

When using a linked Pathbuilder import, you can get a bunch of info. Some of it is direct from the imported character, some from the sheet, and some you can manually set/override.

Stats and Prefixes

When using most stats, such as Perception, lores, saving throws, and skills ... referencing the name will return the total modifier (which should include level, proficiency, and stat mods). If you want other info, you can use the following prefixes: dc, mod, prof, proficiency


(adds 10 to the modifier)

Example: for a character with +12 Reflex

[1d20 dc {char::dc.reflex}]

... becomes ...

[1d20 dc 22]


(basic modifier to a roll for skills, lores, and saving throws)

Example: for a character with +7 Medicine

[1d20 + {char::mod.medicine}]

... same as ...

[1d20 + {char::medicine}]

... becomes ...

[1d20 + 7]


(uses only the proficiency modifier)

Example: for a character trained in Medicine

[1d20 + {char::prof.medicine}]

... becomes ...

[1d20 + 2]


(returns the string value of the proficiency for descriptions)

Example: for a level 3 character trained in Medicine (+3 Wis)

[1d20 + {char::medicine} Medicine ({char::proficiency.medicine})]

... becomes ...

[1d20 + 8 Medicine (Trained)]

Saving Throws

Saving throws can be accessed by their name to get the total modifier or using prefixes as outlined above.


  • fortitude or fort


  • reflex or ref


  • will

Ability Scores

Ability scores work a little differently than the other stats. The value returned normally is the fully ability score, while the mod and dc values are based on the modifier. Prof and Proficiency don't return anything. You can access an ability score with its' full name or the three letter abbreviation.

Basic Example using Strength 14

[1d20 + {char::strength}]

... same as ...

[1d20 + {char::str}]

... becomes ...

[1d20 + 14]

dc Example using Strength 14

[1d20 dc {char::dc.str}]

... becomes ...

[1d20 dc 12]

mod Example using Strength 14

[1d20 + {char::mod.str}]

... becomes ...

[1d20 + 2]

Note About Ability Scores

Changes in Pathfinder 2e Remaster have made us realize we should address the consistency in accessing ability scores and ability score modifiers. Using strength and str to get the full value while requiring the mod prefix against either strength or str to get the modifier will likely lead to confusion we weren't expecting when we originally wrote this. Therefore, it is highly suggested that you access ability scores in the following way so that a future change doesn't break your dice.

Full name will get the full ability score:

[1d20 + {char::strength}]

... becomes ...

[1d20 + 14]

Three letter abbreviation will get the ability modifier:

[1d20 + {char::str}]

... becomes ...

[1d20 + 2]

dc will add 10 to whichever value is returned:

[1d20 dc {char::dc.strength}]

... becomes ...

[1d20 dc 24]

... while ...

[1d20 dc {char::dc.str}]

... becomes ...

[1d20 dc 12]

Extended Pathbuilder Stats

Beyond the basics of Perception, Saving Throws (Fortitude, Reflex, Will), Ability Scores (Str, Dex, Con, Int, Will, Cha), and all the skill and lore options, you can also access the following "stats". Please note that while you can access these values by name, currently the prefix options for these will not "math" correctly (as of v1.6.1).

Class DC

The proficiency modifier for your character's class. You will want to combine this with level and ability score to get a true DC. We suggest setting classStat="" and then dc.class="{char::level}+{char::classDC}+{char::classStat}" so that you can access dc.class (which is likely what we will make an automated stat for in the future).

Casting Proficiency Modifiers

  • castingArcane
  • castingDivine
  • castingOccult
  • castingPrimal

Armor Proficiency Modifiers

  • heavy
  • medium
  • light
  • unarmored

Weapon Proficiency Modifiers

  • advanced
  • martial
  • simple
  • unarmed

Other Character Sheet Info Available in Dice

The name of the character. (For all you macro junkies out there.)

The exploration mode, as set by the character sheet dropdown.

The name of the skill used for initiative, as set by the character sheet dropdown.

The character's level

The character's Max HP

The character's total AC
just the proficiency bonus for ac

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